The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1638: Dragon and tiger embarrassed, innate white tiger

"I don't know the origin of this jade Yong, she actually made the empress pay so much attention" Wukong scratched his ears, and was shocked when he heard what Miaoyu said.

"If you want to surrender this monster, you go to Lichendongtian, please forget Chen to do it." Miaoyu did not answer the words of the ape.

Wukong was taken aback upon hearing the words: "Who is Wangchen?".

"Wangchen was Miaoyu's junior and sister, who studied with the same teacher*, or Miaoyu was the teacher of Wangchen. This Wangchen was grown up by Miaoxiu alone." .

"Hiss~" Wukong took a breath when he heard the words. Now that he has experienced the road to the sky, the monkey has learned a lot of secrets in the world. After hearing that this person is involved in Yu Duxiu, the monkey suddenly knew that this time The trip to Yaochi was right.

"Thank you Niang Niang, Niang Niang." After Wukong finished speaking, he drove the light and left directly, not wanting to face the great creditor of the Queen Mother.

That Wukong came directly to Lichen Cave, explaining his intention. Lichen is naturally no stranger to Wukong, and turned to the distant mountain and shouted: "Junior Sister, Sun Dasheng invites you to come out of the mountain and descend the demon."

When the words fell, I saw a lady in white dress slowly strolling out in the void, with divine light in his eyes: "Brother gave me a letter, I already know the origin of this Yu Yong, and I am going down the mountain to help Senior Brother."

After speaking, he looked at Wukong and said, "Dasheng Sun, let's go."

"There is work, there is work." Wukong repeated his thoughts.

Wangchen and that Wukong descended into the bottomless pit, but they saw a white-robed Wangchen said: "The Great Sage, go and call the formation, call this Yuyong up, I will naturally call him back."

In the bottomless pit, Yu Duxiu has been forced to wear a big red wedding gown. Looking at Yu Duxiu, Yu Yong touched Yu Duxiu's face with affection, but he called Yu Duxiu a bitter cold, as if She is like a good woman who is favored by villains.

"Master, don't struggle anymore. I am married today, and we will be a loving couple in the future."


The earth shook the mountains, and shouted like thunder: "Goblin, goblin, come out, come out".

Yu Yong's complexion was pale, and then he smiled gently at Yu Duxiu: "When I send the monkey away, I am getting married with the holy monk."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu couldn't help but resisted, and pushed him down on the bed, driving the cloud head into the sky in an instant, disappearing into the cloud and disappearing in an instant.

Seeing that Yu Yong disappeared, Yu Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, I saw Wukong descending into the bottomless pit and saw Yu Duxiu's red robe, and suddenly smiled: "My old sun is running outside for the master, but I didn't expect the master to be happy."

"You splash monkey, don't take me out yet" Yu Duxiu said angrily.

"Yes, yes, don't blame the master, I'll take you out." Wukong did not dare to joke, and flew out with Yu Duxiu.

Out of the bottomless pit, the master and disciple recounted the past, and Yu Duxiu silently thought, pinched and counted: "In an instant, most of the calamity has passed. Only if there are still a few difficulties, my road can be completed, and then I can go directly. Great Leiyin Temple, Lingshan Pure Land, lest there be twists and turns."

The three masters and apprentices continued on the road, how Yu Yong surrendered, Yu Duxiu did not ask too much, this kind of thing cannot be hidden from Yu Duxiu.

In the distant mountains, two graceful girls watched the five masters and apprentices studying the scriptures go away, Yu Yong said: "If Sister Wangchen really likes her kindness, then the road to heaven is the best. Opportunity, after passing the road to heaven, the Lord will awaken the memory, and I am afraid that he will not bear the love of men and women.

Wangchen smiled bitterly when she heard the words. Others didn't know the details of Yu Duxiu, but she knew it clearly. Her brother had concealed everyone from the heavens and the world, and he did not lose his memory at all. How can he get it off? .

"Let's go" Wangchen sighed softly, then turned and left: "Follow me to leave Chendongtian to practice, and wait for the return of brother."

Seeing this, Yuyong reluctantly looked at the distant learning team and followed Wangchen.

Far away, Wukong seemed to have a sense of feeling, but he sighed slightly: "Ask what love in the world is, and teach you life and death. I don't know how many love debts my master owes in his previous life, he is a fox in the wild. Gods are all involved".

As he was walking, he suddenly heard the roars of dragons and tigers spread out in the distance, the void shook, and thousands of mountains and rivers were trembling.

Wukong opened his eyes and saw no monster, but he said to Yu Duxiu: "I don't know that the Qi trainer is practicing here, let's not disturb this guy and go quietly."

Before the words fell, I saw the violent wind rolling up between the heaven and the earth, the roaring dragons and tigers overwhelming the sky, thousands of mountains and rocks collapsed, scattered towards the team of learning.

"Bold, who would dare to do it in front of my old grandson" Wukong originally wanted to calm down the situation, but never thought that the other party was so domineering and directly shot. Suddenly, the anger rose in his heart, and he was instantly swept into the wind.

"Dragon Tiger" Yu Duxiu said silently: "This catastrophe is a bit redundant."


In the squally wind, Yu Duxiu lost her track and was swept over by the monk.

Seeing this, Wukong was driving the golden light and chased after him. The dragon and tiger seemed to know that his speed was not as fast as Wukong. His lair was not far away, and he instantly dived into the cave and closed the door.

"Old friend, let's meet again" Longhu put Yu Duxiu on the ground, with a smile on his face.

"Yes, we met again" Yu Duxiu said.

"Drink" Longhu was shocked when he heard the words, and almost jumped up: "You haven't lost your memory? Do you recognize me?".

"Who said that I have lost my memory? If my memory is obliterated by reincarnation, I can't have nine reincarnations at all." Yu Duxiu rolled his eyes.

The Taoist Dragon and Tiger looked up and down Yu Duxiu with his eyes, and said, "How did you do it?"

"I don't mention how I did it. You should deal with the monkey first. The white tiger blood you gave you back then has become a true white tiger, right?" Yu Duxiu looked at the white tiger.

"For five thousand years, I am not a pig. The only real body of the white tiger is naturally difficult for me." The white tiger walked out of the cave with full of pride: "You wait and see the power of my real body."

"Youkai, come out, come out quickly, and return to my master" Wukong shouted at the door.

"You splash monkey, what do you shout, this seat heard it?" But seeing the door of the cave open, Dragon Tiger slowly walked out of the cave, looking at the explosive ape with a pair of eyes: "What to shout, this seat will eat your master Immortality, how can I return it to you".

"Want to eat my master? Unless you can beat my old grandson." Wukong stared at the dragon and tiger, secretly wondering in his heart, this man is just a good fortune realm cultivation base, where is the confidence to dare to do something with himself.

I was thinking about it, but saw that Longhu Dao human body was twisted and turned into a huge white tiger in an instant. Dao Dao jumped into the sky first: "Hahaha, since I became a white tiger, I have never interacted with others. After doing it, I will compete with you like a monkey today to test my strength."

Looking at the real body of the white tiger, Wukong's eyes widened: "The origin of this companion is not simple. This kind of innate method of transformation is rare. Even the nine supreme sects are rare. After this companion has turned into an innate beast, The breath is soaring, it can actually imply the law between heaven and earth. It is really incredible. I don’t know if there is any background behind ~, but I see that the white tiger is already roaring, with a fishy wind, towards He threw himself over.

"Well, try the technique of change, my grandson loves it the most." Seeing Bai Hu pounce, he saw Wukong's figure twisted and turned into a giant, and he kicked towards Bai Hu in an instant.

"Idiot, I am the real body of the innate white tiger, can it be comparable to the real body of your naughty innocence" Looking at the giant statue of Wukong, Taoist Longhu rolled his eyes, and instantly tore the giant image away, and the blood mist was flying across the sky.


Wukong's body was reorganized, his expression solemn: "It turns out that this technique of change is actually innate and nurture, but my grandson is rare and weird."

"Idiot, this is the art of blood refining, not the art of change. I am truly transformed into the Innate White Tiger, and I am in charge of all the powers of the Innate White Tiger, and your art of change is nothing more than appearance. "Huo" Longhu Taoist made a gesture of rushing for food.

"The art of bloodline?" Wukong's eyes lit up: "Can you teach me, such supernatural powers are really rare in the world". (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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