The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1651: thought

Ginseng fruit is worthy of the innate spiritual root, it looks like a living little doll, lifelike, at first glance, you can see that the powder is red, like delicate skin, as if it is really flesh and blood, no wonder the original work The monk in the middle Tang Dynasty was so frightened that he did not dare to eat it.

But seeing that after eating the ginseng fruit, Bingqin left and returned to Lingshan. The five masters and apprentices bid farewell to Zhenyuan and continued on the road.

Taiping Road, Bi Xiufeng, Tao Youming sat in the hall, looking at the clouds in the distance, carrying his hands on his back, speechless for a long time.

After a while, I heard Tao Youming sigh: "The road to heaven is full of unpredictability, the future is unpredictable, the magical powers are vast, there is the protection of Wukong, and the sacredness of Buddhism, but I No, if you rush in, I'm afraid there will be no bones left."

Tao Youming hesitated at this time. Facing the road to the sky, he wanted to go, but he didn't dare to go. After the road to the sky, which shook the heavens, even the supreme strong would also be broken. Tao Youming back then Although I got the on-demand broadcast of Yu Duxiu, now when I really face the road to the sky, I dare not do it.

"Although I have some magical abilities now, I am not enough for the monkey to slash it with a single blow. Just a single blow can cost me my life. Although the road to heaven has many benefits, it is not something I can mix" Tao Youming Shi's face was full of exclamation and regret in his heart. When he first practiced the Taoism, he didn't work hard, otherwise he would definitely get a share of the road to heaven today.

Although Tao Youming doesn’t know the benefits of the road to the sky, you don’t see the supreme powers taking action, and the quasi-supreme masters are like crucian carp who cross the river. There are countless. It is a paradise for the strong. Only the strong can do it. Qualified to take a share in it.

"What's wrong?" Tao Qian stepped to Tao Youming's side.

Now the Bixiu Peak of Taiping Road is weak. With the passing of Deming, Yu Duxiu sits down, and the elders defected to take refuge in other mountain peaks. The Bixiu Peak, which once powerfully shook the heavens and became famous, is still waiting to be flourished. They all fell on Tao Youming and Tao Qian.

"Senior Brother Miaoxiu told me back then that the road to the sky can set a lot of calamity, share a piece of the pie, and the child will hesitate." Tao Youming did not hide it, and directly narrated what happened.

Tao Qian heard the words and looked at the distant scenery with a smile on his mouth: "In fact, you have already made a decision."

"Oh" Tao Youming was taken aback: "What's the explanation of father's words?"

"The moment you hesitate, you already have an answer" Tao Qiandao.

"Father is wise, I still can't hide from you" Tao Youming smiled bitterly.

Tao Qian took out a copper coin in his hand and played with it casually: "In fact, this is the same as throwing a copper coin. When you encounter something hesitating, you want to throw a coin to help you draw a conclusion. As everyone knows, when you leave the coin, At that moment, you already know the result you want. As for the pros and cons of copper coins, it doesn't matter."

"The water on the road to the sky is too deep, even if it is watched by Miaoxiu, but Miaoxiu has now reincarnated in reincarnation, you may not be able to rely on the back hand left, this matter should not be mixed." Tao Qian turned and turned towards Walk towards the hall.

"Yes, my child knows." Although Tao Youming was unwilling in his heart, he also knew how difficult it is to take advantage of the road to the sky with his own strength.

"Master, the taste of this ginseng fruit is really good, but it's a pity that the two previous ginseng fruits are cheaper than Qingfeng Mingyue Erdaotong. If the master ate those two fruits, they have lived for more than 100,000 years at this time. It may be longer than an ordinary quasi-immortal's life span." Wukong's face was full of aftertaste.

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba hummingly followed: "My old pig has a big mouth, and the fruit is too small, but he has never tasted anything. It is really unreasonable. The Zhenyuan Great Immortal is too stingy, and he refuses to accept one fruit per person. Give me one more pig."

"You idiot, we have stolen one before, but now they are two together. They have a life span of 90,000 years, but it is a great advantage. You are not satisfied with you. You are also a generous fairy. , If you change to me, I will definitely not eat any of them for you" Wukong said.

Yu Duxiu secretly recalled the taste of ginseng fruit, and her eyes flickered: "This ginseng fruit, compared with flat peaches, is not as good as flat peaches, but the taste is good. I don't know what the taste is, it just quenches thirst."

"Master, now you have entered the spirit mountain realm, and the rest and demons have already returned to the Buddhist school. Except for some people with bad intentions secretly hiding, the rest are vulnerable. Our road is considered safe." Wukong said.

"Goodness, goodness, all the hardships all the way, finally reached the Lingshan, obtained the scriptures, the Dharma spread to the world, and the poor monks can be regarded as completing the explanation of the Bodhisattva" Yu Duxiu pretended to be a ritual to the Buddha.

On the thirty-third layer, Qian Tian was sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes gloomy and uncertain.

"Your Majesty, I have thought about it. Now that the road to the sky is very unusual, the explosive horse will be immobilized, and the testimony is imminent. At this time, there are few opponents under the quasi immortal. Kui Mulang is afraid that it is not an opponent. If this matter is discovered by the Buddhists as being secretly manipulated by your majesty, the friendship that you have managed to manage in the past will inevitably be greatly compromised." Xi He was beside Gan Tian, ​​warmly speaking.

After listening to Xihe’s words, Qiantian’s finger gently tapped on the case table: “What does the seal of the emperor mean to me? You don’t know what the emperor’s robe means to me. The seal must be taken back. If I can get the seal of the emperor, I truly have the authority of the heavens and command the heavens. The emperor’s road will be supreme in an instant. Even if it turns against the Buddha, it is worth it."

After a pause, Qiantian said, "Besides, Kuimu Wolf has been in the lower realm for so many years, and it is too late for me to summon it back."

"Kui Mulang is a monk of the Monster Race. I am afraid that this matter cannot be concealed from the Monster Race. At that time, the Monster Race will inform the Buddhism for the race war. Your Majesty must figure out the consequences." Xi He slowly stood up and gently He sighed: "The road to heaven is already finished when I reach the boundary of Lingshan, there shouldn't be any twists and turns, or if it makes the Buddha unhappy,...".

"I know in my heart, this road to heaven, I also have some understanding, there are forty-nine difficulties in the road to heaven, and the forty-nine difficulties of Buddhism have not been fulfilled now, and my action can be regarded as helping him complete a disaster." Qiantiandao.


The wolf **** had long eyes, and the wolf Dongyi sat opposite the wolf god.

"Father, Miaoxiu has already sat down, why don't Father take action and release my true body from the Five Elements Mountain" Lang Dongyi looked at the wolf god.

The wolf **** smiled softly when he heard the words: "Don't worry, Miaoxiu has already explained this matter to his father, and Miaoxiu himself has to let you out for this matter. I think the Buddhist school is good, you might as well enter it. How about Buddhism?".

"Father God wants me to worship into the Buddhist family?" Lang Dongyi was suddenly startled.

"Not bad" Wolf God said.

"My child is born as a wolf man, and death is also my wolf ghost. It is absolutely impossible for me to worship Buddhism" Lang Dongyi shook his head The wolf **** sighed slightly: " The race war with the human race is about to roll up, and my monster race is bound to win this battle. Do you know that if my monster race wins, what will be the consequences?".

"Naturally carve up the Middle Territory" Lang Dongyi said.

"The inside of the monster race is a disc of loose sand, all relying on the big cake of the human race to gather temporarily, if the human race is driven away from the center of the world, my reckless monster race will inevitably erupt a civil war, and the world will be upset by the time, my wolf race He is weak and needs help. The Amitabha's path to heaven has been unstoppable. It has plundered most of the heavens and all realms. The future is unpredictable. Amitabha is the number one in the heavens. A master, who is inseparable from the ancestor of Taiyi, has the support of hard-core allies. If you can worship the Buddhist family and become the hub of the alliance between the wolf family and the Buddhist school, then you will have boundless merit." The wolf **** looked at Wolf Dongyi with a face. Solemnly.

"Yes, the boy got it."

After a long silence, he heard the wolf Dongyi say, lowered his head and stopped talking.

The wolf **** sighed softly: "This is a world of great controversy, the situation is chaotic, and no one knows how it will develop in the next moment. What we can do now is to plan ahead." (To be continued.)

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