The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: Fight

♂』Looking at the three objects in his hands, Kui Mulang was shocked: "Isn't this a treasure of the highest level? How come it came to your majesty?".

Without giving Kui Mulang time to reply, Qiantian had already driven away the cloud light and disappeared into the void.

Seeing Qiantian disappearing, Kui Mulang's complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he noticed what was wrong in it. This is a treasure of Taishang. Taishang's position among the heavens and worlds is subtle, and it is the essence of Miaoxiu back then. It is mixed with the origin of the 33rd heaven. In the heavens and all realms, although the mountains and water are not visible, it is after all the essence of Miaoxiu. From a certain aspect, it represents Miaoxiu. .

Miaoxiu has a lot of friends, and they are all very good. If these guys find out that they have stolen the treasures that are too great, it will be troublesome.

"This,,,, isn't this pushing me into the fire pit?" Kui Mulang said with a tangled expression, keeping the three treasures still on the seat.

Kui Mulang would never know that Mage Sanzang was the reincarnated body of Miaoxiu. If he knew it, he would be in another situation at this time.


On one side, the stunning woman was holding two little dolls, and looked at Kui Mulang worriedly with her eyes.

"It's okay, madam, don't worry, I will handle everything." Kui Mulang turned into a handsome man, his eyes flashing: "This is driving me to the road to absolutes, but now the thief in heaven The boat can't help me anymore. Fortunately, I am immortal. Even the explosive ape can't kill me. The big deal is to return to the origin of the world. It's just that I, a woman and children, find a place to settle."

Nakui Wood Wolf thought for a while, and instantly rolled up his children, and took the three treasures with him: "Go, I will take you to the wild land and see the wolf god."

"Youkai, where to go" Kui Mulang just showed his head when he saw a heavy pressure coming from the void. The air solidified in an instant and turned into a copper wall and iron wall. The power of a stick was so powerful.


I saw a golden rope across the void. Before Wukong could react, he was already trapped by the rope into a zongzi, and the golden cudgel fell to the ground weakly.

Without a curse, Kui Mulang knew that this trapped fairy rope could not hold the Great Sage for long, did not dare to delay, and did not dare to take the trapped fairy rope, it turned into a breeze and left.

It didn't take long for Kui Mulang to leave, but Wukong was struggling back and forth, constantly changing, so that Jin Chao escaped from the trapped fairy rope lock.

Looking at the dangling golden rope, Wukong suddenly smiled, and touched the treasure and said: "Good baby, good baby, this treasure looks familiar to you. The waist of the boy who stole the Seven Star Sword back then was not entangled. It’s this treasure, I didn’t expect it to be so powerful, even my grandson was trapped.”

The avatar turned into powder under Wukong’s breath of immortality, and the trapped fairy rope fell down. Wukong took the trapped fairy rope in his hand and looked up and down, revealing a thoughtful look: "It is indeed a good baby, but that Kui Mulang didn't know the spell of the treasure ambassador, otherwise he would not abandon the treasure like that and flee here."

Wukong casually stuffed the treasure into his arms and looked up and down the surrounding valleys. He was about to walk into the cave, only to see the cave quietly revealing a head, and then he saw the little demon shouting: "It's not good, no Okay, the monkey has come in, the king has already run away, has run away, let's run away quickly."

A group of little monsters turned around and ran, disappearing, then Wukong walked into the cave, saw Yu Duxiu, but did not see the princess, so he loosened the tie for Yu Duxiu, Wukong said: "Master, why didn't you see the princess? I don't know the princess pass. Where, could it be eaten by that fairy?". [Love ↑Go to △Small↓Speak △Net wqu]

Yu Duxiu relieved her hands and feet, and then laughed: "Did it? The princess has really married the fairy, married and has two children."

"Doesn't that mean that the fairy has really become a horse master" Wukong was shocked.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "It's really unpredictable, I don't know."

Let's say that the Kui Wood Wolf flew towards the wild with his wife and children, only to walk more than a dozen miles, an immeasurable force flickered out of thin air, and instantly swept away the Nakui Wood Wolf, erasing all the energy.

"I have seen the wolf god" Kui Mulang gave a respectful salute. The princess and two children on one side shivered at this moment, not knowing what to do.

"Your move has put my wolf clan into a dangerous situation." The wolf **** looked at the kneeling Kui Mu wolf below and sighed faintly.

"Your subordinate knows his mistake, please punish your majesty." Kui Mulang's head lowered lower.

"He actually stole the treasures of Taishang." A pair of eyes of the wolf **** fell on Kui Mulang's body and placed it on the two remaining treasures.

"Wolf God, who really wanted to throw it at me? The subordinates couldn't push it. They had no choice but to accept it. Once they entered the heavenly court as deep as the sea, they couldn't help themselves. If it was okay before, but now I have mastered the penalty knife. Wait for the true enfeoffment list to be integrated into the origin, if you don't obey orders and do everything, you can only stop everything and fall into the end of the origin sleep" Kui Mulang said.

"This seat knows your difficulties, but you can't see the difficulties of my wolf clan," the wolf **** sighed quietly.

Kui Mulang lowered his head when he heard the words, and he dared not speak.

The wolf **** said: "You wife and a pair of children, this seat has saved for you, you need to give this seat a satisfactory explanation for the road to the sky, go on."


Kui Mu Lang's body trembled, and was instantly swept away by the power of the wolf god, and reappeared in his own cave outside the treasure temple.

Wukong led his master to return to the country of Baosha, and told about the fact that his daughter had married the fairy. The master of Baosha had a bitter expression. He was about to say something when he suddenly heard a guard report: "Your Majesty, Lord Ma is here. See you outside".

King Baosha shook his body, looked at Wukong master and disciple, then nodded: "Please come in."

"Is that the consort?" Wukong said.

"It's the demon in the mountains" said the king of Baosha.

When the words fell, he saw that the wooden wolf of Nakui came in with a heroic expression and respectfully saluted the king of Baosa: "The child has seen the father."

"Get up, I'm just about to introduce you to these monks from the Central Territory. They went to Da Lei Yin Temple to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras," said the King of Baosa.

Kui Mulang's eyes suddenly narrowed, and his voice was cold and said: "Monk? Father, don't want to be blinded by this evil spirit. Look at the four masters and apprentices, each with fat head and big ears, all with fairy faces. They are obviously monsters. How about It is a Buddhist monk".

"This,,,,," the king of Baosha said silently.

"You are a monster, you are a monster" said Old Ancestor Zhu Ba angrily.

"Father, this is clearly a tiger spirit. When I cast the spell, I will reveal the prototype of this monster for my father." A fierce light flashed in Kui Mulang's eyes, and he pointed at that Yu Duxiu instantly. Yu Duxiu only felt A layer of profound light shrouded his whole body out of thin air. This hallway was a blind technique that fell in the eyes of King Baosha, but it was not the monster who grinned and opened his mouth and wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Father, this is clearly the spirit of tiger, pig, monkey and that unknown fairy. If you want to make trouble in my treasure temple country, please send your troops immediately to capture these four monsters." Kui Mulang Tao.

While talking, without waiting for the King of Baosha to tell him, Kui Mulang directly shouted outside: "Come on."


There was a sound of neatly lined up, and the guards surrounded one after another, with a suffocating aura in his eyes, obviously he had seen the battlefield.

"Kill me these monsters who want to make trouble," Kui Mu Lang".

Following the action of the guards, the Dragon Qi of the emperor of Baosa Kingdom shook, oppressing everyone instantly.

Wukong is only a thin line away from the supremely strong, but it doesn't matter, but Sha Wujing can't bear it.

Looking at the bewildered King of Baosa, Wukong chuckled: "It's just a little trick, not worth mentioning."

With that said, Wukong cracked the blind eye and said to King Baoxiang: "My lord, this man horse is a wolf demon, my grandson will accept the wolf demon for you, and you must retreat the soldiers to ensure the safety of my master."

"Retreat all to me." King Baosha looked at the countless soldiers and yelled at them, and the soldiers stopped immediately.

My daughter has chosen a husband for more than ten years, and the King Baosa is not a fool. How could he not know that his son-in-law is a fairy, but there is no way to surrender, he can only bear it abruptly. (To be continued.)

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