The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1655: The mighty fire silkworm ancestor


   Hearing what Xi He said, Gan Tian touched his chin when he heard the words, and asked whether he could afford to pay a price. This is indeed a question worth considering.


The grievances between myself and Miaoxiu back then cannot be said to be who is right and who is wrong. It can only be said that this is the case in the world. Everything is controlled by the hands of the Taiping ancestors, whether it is Miaoxiu or myself. Without the opportunity to resist, in the face of the general trend of the heavens, he simply can't turn the waves.


Back then, I should say that although I and Wen Yingji were a nominal couple, it was because the Taiping ancestor wanted to make up the fate of the emperor and the queen, but he discovered that after Wen Yingji was pregnant, as an emperor, he felt humiliated, as if he was being killed. Wearing a green hat, but in the eyes of all the powerhouses of the heavens and tens of thousands of people, they are indeed wearing a green hat, but what about it? .


   How is it actually? .


The light in Gan Tian's eyes flowed, caressing the case in front of him: "This matter, I am afraid Miaoxiu may not agree to it. Miaoxiu holds the seal of the emperor, and there is at least 30% of the luck in the heaven. It will flow to Miaoxiu, I do not believe that Miaoxiu will let go of the priceless things like heaven, earth and luck."


  Wen Yingji's matter, although Gantian did not have a cuckold, this golden crow was indeed given a green hat by Yu Duxiu. Fortunately, Gantian didn't know it, and it happened that nine golden crows were his heirs.


   Baosa Kingdom, Wukong and Ba Jie did not find the princess of the Baoxiang Kingdom after all, so they could not delay in learning the scriptures, so they had to continue on the road.


"Master, it's really the most ruthless emperor's family. The king of Baosa Kingdom doesn't seem to care about his own daughter, but only cares about his own kingship." Wukong walked in front, Ba Jie led the horse and followed behind. At this time, Wukong returned Over the head, he said to Yu Duxiu.


Yu Duxiu's eyes turned slightly, and he concentrated on refining the black and yellow qi in his body: "Heaven has always been like this, not only the emperor of mortals, but also the dry sky in the 33rd heaven. It is also like this. Work is the lifeblood of one's own family".


   Having said that, Yu Duxiu turned around and looked at Wukong and said: "You splash monkey, you really are a bastard, how can a monk talk about the length of a person behind his back and make trouble.


   was talking, suddenly Wukong paused and looked at the void in the distance and said, "Master, did he meet a strange place?".


   "How strange?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba leaned over.


   "Look at those nine days, the thunderclouds are mighty, but they are not revealed in the ordinary, it is really weird, there seems to be some secret hidden in this valley," Wukong said.


"Hey, you monkey pretends to be fools all day long. Why can't my old pig see anything abnormal in the valley? Master don't listen to him. Let's continue walking. This mountain range stretches for thousands of miles. If it goes around, even Xiaobai The dragon is fast, so he has to walk one day more for nothing." Old Ancestor Zhu Ba took the horse, pushed Wukong away, and led Yu Duxiu toward the valley.




"This idiot" Wukong laughed. The words never fell, but the void was distorted. A winding red like a long snake appeared* instantly from the ground, and no time for everyone to react, Yu Duxiu was already caught The'long snake' was dragged to the ground.


   "Bold monsters, return to my master" Wukong exclaimed angrily, and stretched out his palm to grab the swept away Yu Duxiu.


   It's only a pity that the speed of this ‘long snake’ is too fast to allow Wukong to display his magical powers, and Yu Duxiu has disappeared.




   A sky thunder shot down in the void, and the innate mood flowed, and instantly slashed into the depths of the valley.




In the valley, a roar came, and the mountains were shaken suddenly, but a roar spread: "Miaoxiu, you bastard, you wait, ancestor, I will break your seal someday , Will break your corpse into thousands of pieces, and turn it into powder."


"It turns out that when this monster was sealed in the ancient times, the voice seemed to be the best monk who was worthy of Miaoxiu's shots. It must be no small thing." Wukong heard the word'Miaoxiu', and then thinks about the glory of Yu Duxiu in the past. The record suddenly became unbearable, and there was a trace of terror in his heart. There is no simple person who can get involved with Yu Duxiu.


On the side of   , the old ancestor Zhuba looked towards the valley with his head and scratched his head: "Strange."


   "How strange?" Wukong said.


   "This valley looks familiar, but wasn't this valley in the Kyushu of Human Race? How did it reach the boundary of the Spirit Mountain?" Old Zu Ba said.


   "The younger brother seems to know the monsters in this valley?" Wukong solemnly said.


"Brother Monkey shouldn't be scared. There were only two demons that Miaoxiu sealed off in the past. One was when Miaoxiu first practiced and sacrificed the first magic weapon, the southern flame flag, suppressed a fire attribute. The demon is called the ancestor of the fire silkworm. At that time, Yu Duxiu's cultivation base had not yet reached the realm of good fortune. He could not deal with the ancestor of the fire silkworm. He could only suppress it. I think this place is the suppression of the ancestor of the fire silkworm. I just don’t understand how this ancestor of the fire silkworm came to the wild," said the ancestor Zhu Ba.


   "Oh" Wukong breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, "Who is the other person?".


   "The son of the wolf god, the son of the wolf Dongyi," the ancestor Zhuba has a solemn look.


"Now that five thousand years have passed, I don’t know the cultivation level of the fire silkworm ancestor, but it doesn’t matter. This fire silkworm ancestor is extremely powerful for Miao Xiu who has just passed the Three Plagues, but for us An existence that can be squeezed to death at will" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba vowed.




   Zhu Ba's words fell, and the ground suddenly became dusty, and a red whip was pulled out from the ground, instantly flying Zhu Ba Pao, into the distant mountains.


   "What's the situation? Didn't you say that the ancestor of the fire silkworm is vulnerable?" Wukong looked at the ancestor Zhu Ba, a little startled.


   "cough cough".


The rock shook, and the ancestor Zhu Ba came out of the rock, spit out the dust in his mouth, his eyes were full of anger: "What a wicked animal, I dare to provoke my old pig like this. After being suppressed for five thousand years, the cultivation level seems to have risen a lot."




The sky was dusty, and only a red thing that looked like a tail came out of the ground: "Listen to what you mean by a fat pig, you seem to have heard of my prestige? I have never eaten meat for five thousand years. Now, today, the monk finally came, and he fell into my hands, and he can open meat."


  Pig Eight Old Ancestor heard the words and stared at the red earthworm-like object: "Well, you bastard, do you know the identity of my master?".


   "I didn't know, I just knew that there is nothing in the heavens and worlds that I can't eat." The tail swayed with the wind: "You leave quickly, the ancestor will spare you, or you will be with your master later."


   "Brother Monkey, this goblin is really arrogant, it's up to you to take action," said Zhu Ba.


"Okay, let's see how my old grandson surrenders this evil animal" Wukong's eyes widened, he lifted the stick, and instantly hit the red body: "Bold goblin, hand over my master quickly, otherwise you will be buried in your bones today. Land".


" The tail hits Wukong’s stick, but the tail is not broken. It was only flew by Wukong’s stick, shattering countless rocks, and the tail swayed and swayed again. The angle drew towards Wukong.


"What a powerful body, after taking my old grandson a stick, even the body of the supreme powerhouse is only broken. The body of your monster was only shocked and lost consciousness. It is really powerful." A golden light flashed in Wukong's eyes.


"Hmph, you Hohen, how do you know that my ancestors are so powerful? My body has been burnt for tens of thousands of years through the shamisen flames, coupled with the suppression of the innate gods and thunders, and the refinement of the ground veins. Bad body, no matter how powerful your monkey stick is, you can never imagine that my ancestor is not bad.” As he said, the fire silkworm ancestor in the cave spouted a mouthful of golden blood. , His eyes showed horror: "What a great monkey, my body of the King Kong is actually shaken by him."


"It's not that the monkey is too powerful, but your cultivation base is too low. I didn't expect your body to be exercised to this level. If you go further, I am afraid that it will be derived from flesh and blood. From then on, it will be immortal. It's a bit," Yu Duxiu sat opposite the fire silkworm ancestor, eyes full of emotion. (To be continued.)

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