The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1656: Prototype of Budo

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  "It's not your credit yet" The ancestor Huocan rolled his eyes. ??


   "This seat is strange. Didn't I suppress you in the middle area? How did you come to Kyushu?" Yu Duxiu said strangely.


"Back then, when the general trend came, countless Xuanhuang Qi merged into the earth veins. The earth veins were swayed by the Xuanhuang Qi and began to change. Then suddenly the Xuanhuang Qi changed to the wild and wild, and it happened that my ancestor my earth veins were affected by the Xuanhuang Qi. The influence of, along the way, with the aura of Xuanhuang, transferred to the wild, the ancestor I almost lost my life along the way, the change of the earth vein is the power of heaven and earth, what a powerful force, if it weren’t for Laozi’s real body , Has long been crushed by the veins and turned into powder.” A lingering fear flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of the fire silkworm.


After hearing the words of the ancestor of the fire silkworm, Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed an inexplicable color: "It's really the vicissitudes of life, the world has changed, and the world of great controversy is really mysterious. This is also your chance. If not, how can there be The mysterious and yellow energy blends into your body, pushing your physical body to the point it is now, and it is only one step away from being derived from flesh and blood and being immortal."


   "You can see it" The fire silkworm ancestor suddenly changed color.


"I'm not a fool, of course I saw it. I didn't expect to suppress you back then and merge with the earth veins, but it was your chance. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will not be able to capture the mysterious yellow gas." Yu Duxiu twisted her hand. Rosary, with inexplicable emotion on his face.


   The ancestor of the fire silkworm looked at Yu Duxiu, but his expression was gloomy: "What are you doing now? Why are you missing a trace of your cultivation?"


   "You are suppressed here, isolated from the world, a lot of information is no longer known, but since I met you today, it is considered predestined, why don't you enter my Buddhist school?" Yu Duxiu said.


"Worship into the Buddhist school?" Hearing the words, the ancestor Huoshen looked gloomy, and then shook his head: "No, ancestor, I would rather be suppressed here than worship the Buddhist family. The constraints of the Buddhist family, the ancestor I am Can't stand the precepts". 【】


   The ancestor of the fire silkworm was not deaf. When Amitab was born, it shocked the world and was perceived by countless powerful people in the world. The ancestor of the fire silkworm naturally heard the forty-eight great aspirations.


   Yu Duxiu heard the words and nodded: "In this case, you will try to defeat the monkey outside the valley. At that time, this seat will naturally arrange people to come to you to help you become an immortal body and generate Taoism."


This ancestor of the fire silkworm is a good opportunity. Because of the changes in the earth's veins and the great strength training of the universe, he actually polished his body to the extreme. It is rare in the heavens and all realms. It can be derived from flesh and blood in one step, immortal and immortal. The supreme powerhouse, even if Yu Duxiu sees this class of powerhouse, he is very excited.


In a sense, the ancestor of the fire silkworm created another system of cultivation, not the supreme real body, not the innate spiritual treasure, nor the nurturing of the ghosts and laws in the Yinsi, nor the elixir, but It's like the way to polish blood and blood like the warriors of the human race in the previous life.


If the ancestor of the fire silkworm proves the Dao, then it is the ancestor of the founding school and the ancestor of the party. It is truly an infinite merit. It can put the ancestor of the fire silkworm to his subordinates, whether it is self-initiated in the future or directly in Buddhism. It doesn't matter if you practice in the middle school, if there is any more'martial arts' to join, the tide will inevitably rise, and the air will surge again, which will completely suppress the remaining sects and major forces.


   The ancestor of the fire silkworm looked at Yu Duxiu, but he sighed secretly in his heart, deliberately taking revenge on his suppressive grudges, but looking at Yu Duxiu's expression, he never dared to act.


  Although Yu Duxiu's body energy is not leaked at this time, it is like an ordinary person, but I don't know why, an extremely dangerous feeling is constantly warning in the blood demon ancestor.


   Outside, Wukong was holding a golden hoop, watching the undamaged "long snake", and his scalp suddenly numb. How strong this boy's body should be, so that he can still be alive and kicking under his own stick.


"Oh, my old grandson really doesn't believe me, you monster's body has already turned into a real body, and you will eat my old grandson again." Wukong's eyes rose, and his heart was irritable, and an unparalleled force burst. Out, the void is like glass, shattering every inch.




Seeing this scene in front of him, the ancestor of the fire silkworm in the valley has a numb scalp: "Where is this metamorphosis? This power has already gone beyond the usual quasi-superior. There are too many, and it has reached the point of the supreme strong." .


While talking,    saw a faint flame suddenly rise from the body of the ‘long snake’. In a flash, the flame spread over the sky and burned towards Wukong.


   "Brother Monkey, be careful, this is the real fire of shamisen, retreat" Zhuba Patriarch said on the side.




The golden cudgel was a little hot in an instant, feeling the scorching flame below, Wukong opened the sea of ​​fire with a stick, and then saw the sea of ​​flames rushing towards him, the golden cudgel swept away suddenly, and countless sand and stones flew up instantly. However, seeing that the sand, gravel and soil in the air touched the flame on the ground, it was actually ignited by the flame in an instant, as if the gravel had become the best fuel for the flame, which further contributed to the power of the flame.


   "This,,,, is really incredible" Wukong was dumbfounded, and instantly retreated, looking at the old ancestor Zhu Ba and said: "Fool, what is the name of this flame?".


   "Brother Monkey knows the six divine fires in the Laojun Pill furnace that day" Zhu Ba said.


   Liu Ding Liu Jia Shenhuo, of course Wukong is familiar with it. The little kid, Saint Infant, burned himself helplessly with Liu Ding Liu Jia Shenhuo.


   This flame can't burn myself, but it hurts.


   is like splashing down a pot of boiling water. Everyone knows that you can’t kill yourself, but it hurts. Who wants to be splashed in that boiling water?


   "These Sanwei real fire and Liuding Liujia sacred fire all came from Miaoxiu's hands. I don't know how this fire silkworm ancestor learned Miaoxiu's skills," said Zhu Ba.


Wukong’s eyes were full of excitement when he heard the words: “I can’t find the true body of this fairy, this fairy body is integrated with the earth veins, it is difficult to find, otherwise my old grandson can take the opportunity to end the life of this monster, why bother Without such strength, we still have to find a way to surrender this shamisen fire."


   Wukong's words are reasonable, as long as you find your real body, before your shamisen fire is formed, you will be beaten to death with a stick, and you will be charged.


   "What should I do now?" said the ancestor Zhu Ba.


   "I wonder if the wind and rain on that day can extinguish this flame?" Wukong said.


  Pig Eight Old Ancestor shook his head: "If you want to surrender this flame, there are three ways."


   "Those three ways?" Wukong grabbed the Ba Jie: "You fool, hurry up, don't sell it."


   "The first is to refer this matter to Guanyin Bodhisattva".


   Wukong shook his head: "If everything is turned away to the Bodhisattva, what can we do?"


   "The second point is to go to Dafengzhou, and the old lady who is looking for the holy infant borrows a banana fan."


   "It's okay, it's okay, I don't deal with the holy infant, so I don't want to go for it." Wukong waved his hand.


   "This third one is best done, go directly to Lichendongtian, please come to surrender the three flavors of real fire," Wukong said.


   "Can Taoist Wangchen surrender the real fire of Shamisen?" Wukong said.


  Pig Eight Old Ancestor proudly said: "Although you are skilled, you are not as knowledgeable as I am. Why do you care so much? Just go straight to Lichendongtian."


   "Well, please let Fairy Wangchen take action, the cause and effect owe is getting bigger and bigger" Wukong said helplessly.


After    finished speaking, Wukong jumped out and disappeared.


It was only one hour and three when Wangchen arrived, and Wukong was about to call the formation, but was stopped by Wangchen: "The great sage is safe and restless, and I will persuade you to surrender a few words first, and see if you can say this. I went to Lichendongtian to practice the Taoist, the monsters are fierce, so be careful." Wukong Dao.


   "Thank you for your concern," Wangchen nodded, and walked to the top of the ancient world, and said softly, "Will the head of the fire silkworm be here?"


   "The ancestor is here, who is your little baby?" A red ‘long snake’ burrowed out of the ground, looking at the dusty road in the air.


   "This seat is Miss Miaoxiu, called: Wangchen. I have met the Taoist."


   "It turned out to be Miaoxiu's younger sister" Huo Can said.


   "The Dao Master was suppressed here by my senior brother, and now he is about to enter a higher realm. Why should I live here? As long as the Dao Master releases the monk and follows me to the Dust Cave, I will open the seal for Dao Master?


   ahem, count, and the twenty-two chapters of the road to the sky are over, it will take about a week! . (To be continued.) 8


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