The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: 1 year 10,000 years

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Hearing Wangchen’s words, the fire silkworm ancestor pretended to hesitate, and then reluctantly nodded: "Oh, my ancestor was a great name in the world, but I was conspired by that Miaoxiu child to suppress this place for more than five thousand years. Well, if you can rescue me, even if you follow your path, what can you do?". ?


   Wangchen smiled upon hearing the words: "Dao Chang is really a refreshing person."


While speaking, I saw that Wangchen jade hand flicked, and the penal talisman in the void was instantly erased. The cycle of the Five Elements Mountain was loosened. It was just breathing, and I saw the Five Elements Mountain bursting up in an instant, and the earth veins moved. Disperse and moisturize the earth.




Then I saw a huge fire silkworm with a length of ten meters and a width of one meter rising into the sky. The three flavors of real fire burned, and the flames burst into the sky. The fire silkworm ancestor gave a wild laugh to the sky. There were four bumps, as if limbs were about to grow out.


   "It's one step behind after all," Yu Duxiu said.


   The limbs of the ancestor of the fire silkworm did not evolve after all, and then his body was twisted and turned into a child with a height of more than one meter and a tender complexion.


"Puff" looked at the image of the ancestor Huo Can, Wukong and Zhu Ba ancestor on one side couldn't help but laugh, even Wangchen's complexion was convulsed, who would have thought, this does not know how many years Huo has lived The ancestor of silkworm is actually like this.


   Transformation is not what you want to transform into, but what you want to transform into. All of this is natural evolution and cannot be controlled by humans.


   Fire silkworm ancestor stared, and looked at Wukong: "Poker monkey, laughing ancestor, I will roast you."


   "Ancestor, my master?" Wukong stopped smiling, and looked at the ancestor of the silkworm.


   Fire silkworm ancestor's eyes twitched: "I'm in the cave, just find it myself."


   Wukong and the three men lifted Yu Duxiu out of the cave, Wangchen's eyes waved, glanced at Yu Duxiu, and then turned and left instantly, disappearing.


   Watching Wangchen and Huoshen ancestor go away, Yu Duxiu twisted her rosary, turned her head to look at Wukong and said, "What are you monkey laughing at?"


   "Master, the ancestor of the fire silkworm was older than my grandson, and he turned out to be a little kid. It's really funny, it laughs me to death." Wukong held his stomach and laughed his belly hurt.


Yu Duxiu's dignified gaze flashed with a hint of caution, and she said in her heart: "Even I missed my eyes. I didn't expect this fire silkworm ancestor to be extraordinary. He is one year old, and his bloodline should be traced back to the world. The age of gods".


"Laughing, what is funny? I have seen Buddhist scriptures for my teacher. There is a kind of monster, which is the bloodline of the inborn gods. Although it is not the inborn gods, it has the ability of the inborn gods. If one day the inborn gods fall, then The descendants of the innate gods can evolve, replacing the status of the innate gods, in charge of the innate laws, and evolving into the innate gods. The most powerful bloodline of this inborn **** is in the unit of ten thousand years. Long live for one year and have an extremely long life span. I It has only been a million years since the establishment of the human race in Kyushu. For this ancestor of the fire silkworm, it is only a short century. The ancestor of the fire silkworm has a long life span." Yu Duxiu sighed slightly. : "For millions of years, how many arrogant heroes of my human race have been buried, and for those congenital aliens, they are just beginning to grow up, nothing more."


"Hiss~" Even Wukong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this time: "The master said that, doesn't it mean that if my old grandson can't prove it, he won't be on the road, and it's not as long as this fire silkworm has lived. ".


   Yu Duxiu heard the words and nodded: "The fire silkworm ancestors are extraordinary. When you meet in the future, don't neglect, lest you get into trouble."


   "Yes, yes, what the master's feet taught is" the three apprentices responded.


   Yu Duxiu secretly figured out, and after a while, said: "How far is it from Da Leiyin Temple now?".


   "It's early, Master, don't worry," Wukong leaned over.


After hearing Wukong’s words, Yu Duxiu sat there blankly, her eyes flashing worries: "Lord God, when we suppressed the wolf Dongyi, I originally wanted to use it for learning, but I never thought it would be abandoned. This person previously said that he would give the wolf **** a satisfactory explanation, but now it is time to release the body of the wolf Dongyi."


   Yu Duxiu's heart was moved, and Amitabha in the Lingshan felt something. The next moment, he saw the changes of the universe, the ground surging, and the space was distorted. There was a valley out of thin air on the way of learning, and the body of the wolf Dongyi was in it.


   Amitabha's method, the wolf Dongyi instantly felt in the wild, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked at the wolf god: "Father, there is movement in the Buddha."


  Wolf God heard the words and nodded: "Since the Buddhist school wants to go to heaven and pass through many calamities, then you can help it."


After    finished speaking, I saw the wolf **** push, the wolf Dongyi's body collapsed, instantly dispersed, turned into a sky full of spiritual energy, and disappeared.


   Lingshan Wuxing Mountain, Lang Dongyi suddenly opened his eyes.


"Cough cough, bah bah, it's all dust" Lang Dongyi coughed a few times, looked at the dust hanging on his body, shook his fur, and dropped all the dust, and then said: "Ma Teng, Ma Teng, Come out, you bastard."


"The Daoist is polite. I did not expect that the Daoist has not said anything for five thousand years. The poor Dao thought that the Daoist has exhausted his life." Ma Teng's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the wolf Dongyi instantly, looking at it with his eyes. Looking at the surrounding void, frowning: "It seems that something is not right."


  Wolf Dongyi rolled his eyes when he heard the words, this is not nonsense, Amitabha moves the ground veins, it is strange that he can fight.


But there is no need to say this kind of thing, the wolf Dongyi said: "That Miaoxiu has been dead for more than five thousand years, why do you stick to Miaoxiu's oral statement, you let me out and follow me back to the wolf clan, my father is right You must be rewarded."


Ma Teng shook his head when he heard the words: "You bastard, you don't understand some things at all. How can you understand the power of my Patriarch, but everyone in the heavens thinks that my Patriarch is dead, but I feel my Patriarch is still alive."


After speaking, Ma Teng glanced at the wolf Dongyi: "You are a good living, don't toss about any moths, the bottleneck of the poor way of creation is loosened, and if you want to condense the innate immortality, if you are disturbing For the good deeds of the poor, even if the Lord does not let me kill you, but it makes you sad, it can still be done."


After    finished speaking, Ma Teng turned and left: "I don't know why, I always feel some inexplicable palpitations in my heart recently."


After    finished speaking, Ma Teng disappeared.


   "Master, the mountain in front is a bit weird" Wukong suddenly stopped.


   "How weird?" said the ancestor Zhu Ba.


   "Look, is this mountain very similar to the mountain where we defeated the ancestor of the fire silkworm two months ago, with the same five fingers, could it be that this place is also where Miaoxiu suppresses the enemy?" Wukong scratched his head.


The old ancestor Zhu Ba sneered: "You Hohen, you are really ridiculous, you are like a shadow of a bow and a snake. How could there be such a coincidence? Back then, the wolf Dongyi was suppressed at the border of the human race and Kyushu, far from here. Land of Ten Thousand Continents, is it possible that you monkey was scared by the fire silkworm ancestor?".


   While talking, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba gave Wu Kong a scornful look, and walked toward the valley first.




   There was a roar of a wolf, and the ancestor Zhu Ba's cursing sounded, but it was calm for a few Wukong was shocked after hearing this: "Not good".


   That Wukong mentioned this stick and ran towards Shangu, and instantly saw the flying sand and rocks between the sky and the earth, a mist, and I couldn't see the movement in the valley.


   "Bajie? Bajie?" Wukong shouted a few times, but he didn't see a response.


"Master, there really are demons in this valley. Ba Jie is probably trapped." Wukong said amusedly. This is good. His master was not taken away, but his brother was taken away. Although it was not the main character who was taken away. Can't help but save it? .


   Then Wukong held the stick and said: "Junior Brother Sha, protect Master, I will go for a walk in the valley."


   "Brother, be careful, there is always something wrong here, is it really the land where Miaoxiu sealed monsters back then" Sha Wujing said.


   "My old Sun knows" Wukong said, and disappeared instantly. (To be continued.) 8


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