The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1658: Surrender

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   In the valley, the wolf Dongyi rolled up gusts of wind, blowing the sand and gravel in the valley so that it was impossible to see the situation.


   Wukong opened his fiery eyes and golden eyes, and barely saw the distant figures in the gravel, blurry, but if he looked closely, he couldn't find any signs.




Wukong smashed a stick, the earth shook the mountains, and the veins boiled over a radius of tens of miles. Now Wukong's control of power is getting stronger, and he actually gathers the power of a stick in a radius of more than a dozen miles. There was no waste in all the power. At that time, Wukong was lifting heavy and light, and his combat power doubled.


Yu Duxiu's eyes dazzled with divine light, looking at the valley: "The power of Wolf Dongyi, compared to Wukong, is just a scum with five powers. It is vulnerable to a single blow. Beat it to death".


   was talking, but saw Wukong walk out, and said with a grimace: "This valley is a mist, no sun, no wonder Ba Jie will suffer a miscalculation."


Sha Wujing on the side of    came up and said, "Brother, I probably know who is in this valley."


   "Who is it?" Wukong said.


   Sha Wujing said: "The little brother predicted that the son of the wolf **** should be suppressed here."


   "The son of the wolf god?" Wukong was surprised.


   was talking, but saw a figure rushing from a distance: "Bold, this place is forbidden, who dares to trespass?".


   "Amitabha, the poor monk is a monk from the Middle Territory. Passing here, I never thought that my second apprentice was involved, and I don't know who is the driver." Yu Duxiu stepped forward.


   That Ma Teng was surprised when he heard the words: "It turned out to be a monk who learned the scriptures? Are you not in the spirit mountain boundary? How did you get to the land of Kyushu."


  Ma Huateng is not a blind man. As a great power in the realm of good fortune, how can he not know such a big thing as the road to heaven.


   "Kyushu?" Wukong and Wujing were stunned: "This is clearly the spirit mountain boundary, how can it be the human Kyushu?".


   "Really?" Ma Teng suddenly changed his complexion. Looking at the expression of the monk who learned the scriptures, it didn't seem to be a fake, he suddenly felt a faint in his heart, and his eyes flashed: "Weird".


   then changed the subject: "I wonder why the elders stopped here?".


   "My brother was caught by the monsters in the valley, and went missing, but he didn't think of a way to rescue him," Wukong said.


Na Ma Teng looked ugly after hearing the words: "The Great Sage doesn’t know. In this valley, the heirs of the wolf gods are the heirs of the wolf gods. Back then, the sons of the wolf gods were the evil human races. They were instantly suppressed by my master Shang Miaoxiu. This wolf Dongyi has been suppressed for five thousand years, and he has been practicing painstakingly. In addition, he is the son of the wolf god, and no one dares to kill or practice demons rashly, so he can only delay it like this."


   "The son of the wolf god, that's a lot of trouble." Wukong scratched his head.


Ma Teng smiled bitterly: "Don’t hide it from you. Over the past five thousand years, countless masters of the wolf **** have been infiltrating this place. It’s also fortunate that my Patriarch used the magical powers to reach the sky and set the Five Elements Mountain. If it is an ordinary seal, early Just tell the wolf Dongyi to get rid of it. You still need to go to Lingshan in this matter, and ask the Buddha to call the shots. The great sage has boundless magical powers, but it is not difficult to subdue the wolf Dongyi. As long as the wind is broken, he can naturally be beaten with a stick. Death, but how to deal with the wolf god?".


   "It's really troublesome. My old grandson said to take a detour before, but this idiot didn't believe it. This time, it's okay. It's really troublesome. It seems that my old grandson will go to Da Leiyin Temple for a while." Wukong scratched his head.


   was talking, and suddenly saw the Buddha's light in the distance, but saw Bingqin in white coming over.


   "I have seen the Bodhisattva" everyone bowed.


   Bingqin said: "This seat is considered to be the great sage to die again, and I came here to surrender this evil obstacle."


   "Also ask the Bodhisattva to take action. As the son of the wolf god, that wolf Dongyi has no scruples. If it is a moment later, I am afraid that the eight precepts have already entered the belly of the wolf demon" Wukong said.


   Bingqin nodded, flicked her finger, but she was instantly confused when she saw a frost, and everything was frozen in her breath, the gravel in the valley? The wind was instantly sealed by ice.


   "Awesome magical power" Wukong gave a thumbs up.


   Bingqin is in charge of the innate chilly cicadas. These years have been fed by the Buddhist geniuses, chilling cicadas have continued to grow in strength, and Bingqin and chilling cicadas are connected with each other and naturally increase each other.


   "The valley has been frozen by ice, we still need to see the means of the Great Sage" Bingqin said.


"Look, Bodhisattva, my grandson will definitely not disappoint the Bodhisattva" Wukong said. The iron rod in his hand was pulled up, but the ice cracked in an instant. When the three rods went down, the ice exploded instantly, and the pale face Wolf Dongyi bit the thigh of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba with his mouth. Old Ancestor Zhu Ba had passed out in a coma at this time, and the two of them were frozen and frozen.


   "Eight Commandments".


Wukong ran over and pulled the Eighth Pig from the wolf Dongyi’s mouth. Looking at the wolf Dongyi who had turned into an ice sculpture, his anger rose, and he kicked it down. Bingqin hurriedly shouted, "The Great Sage , Can't make it".


   was originally crisper than the frozen statue, if this foot were to go down, it wouldn't be enough to kill the wolf Dongyi.


   Wukong closed his feet, looked at the wolf Dongyi, turned around and carried the eight precepts and said, "Please also ask the Bodhisattva to solve the eight precepts."


   Bingqin clicked his finger, and the cold abruptly disappeared, but he saw that Ba Jie's body became soft and resurrected.


   "Oh, hey, I'm freezing to death, Bodhisattva, you are going to freeze my old pig into an ice lump." The ancestor Zhuba came back to his senses and shouted, his whole body shivering with cold.


   But after seeing the wolf Dongyi at a glance, his anger suddenly surged: "Oh, you beast, you actually want to eat my old pig and see if I won't kill you."


   "Bajie, don't do anything indiscriminately" Wukong held the pig eight ancestor, watching the posture of the pig eight ancestor, but he was really cruel, and wanted to beat the wolf Dongyi into mud.


"Brother Monkey, you let go, if it wasn't for my old pig who ate ginseng fruit a few days ago, the bloodline returned to the ancestors, the skin is thick and thick, and I can't say that he was really eaten by this wolf demon." Old ancestor Zhu raised his leg, but saw that thigh The dense white tooth prints show that Lang Dongyi has absolutely no mercy.


   "This is the heir of the wolf god" Bingqin did not stop, just said.


   "Really?" said the ancestor Zhu Ba.


   "Can you tell lies?" Bingqin was speechless.


   "Forget it, the Bodhisattva is the master of this matter for me," said Zhu Ba.


   After hearing the words of the ancestor Zhu Ba, Bingqin nodded: "Don't worry, this matter will give you an explanation."


   Bing Qin melted the ice, the wolf Dongyi recovered, looked at Bing Qin and said, "I don't know what the Lord Guanyin did in my valley."


"Wolf Dongyi, you have been suppressed by Miaoxiu for five thousand years. If you agree to return to my Buddhism and enter my Buddhism to be a Vajra, all the cause and effect will be blocked by my Buddhism. This seat will display its magical powers and let you out." Bing Qindao.


   "Block all cause and effect? ​​Miaoxiu is not a good crop. I am afraid that Amitabha's magical powers are boundless and cannot stop Miaoxiu's calculations." Lang Dongyi glanced at Bingqin.


   "Amitabha has already lowered the decree. As long as you are willing to enter my Buddhism, all the causes and effects will be blessed on my Buddhism, and my Buddhism will bear the burden for you," Bingqin said.


   "Well, this kind of good thing, if I don't agree to this kind of good thing, wouldn't it be a fool, if that's the case, why not enter your Buddhist family?" Lang Dongyi agreed without hesitation.


   Looking at the wolf Dongyi, the ancestor Zhuba hummed and expressed dissatisfaction.


"You guys are really rough and thick. I have never really eaten blood for thousands of I wanted to play with you, but when the meat reaches my lips, I can’t control it. Fortunately, you This servant's skin is really stiff and like iron, otherwise this seat will have to open up." Lang Dongyi sneered.


Too Yi Dao, Tai Yi taught the ancestors to take a deep breath: "Is this luck? The power of the fate of this seat is also blocked by the luck, otherwise the wolf **** and the Buddhist school will inevitably forge a death feud. Li Guo is really mysterious and unparalleled, and the Buddhist school has really completed the road to heaven. My nine supreme sects have had a hard time." Tai Yi Jiaozu said with emotion.


Bingqin shot the Five Elements Mountain, the wolf Dongyi climbed out of the mountain, and Bingqin looked at Ma Teng who was on the side: "Why don't Ma Jushi follow me in Buddhism? Miao Xiu had nine reincarnations that year, and all of them entered me. Buddhism, it can be said that I have a predestined relationship with my Buddhism. It is better to enter my Buddhism as a fellow Taoist and find a blessing.


   Ma Teng hesitated when he heard the words, glanced at the gray-faced wolf Dongyi, and nodded decisively: "Okay, just as the Buddha said."


   The road to heaven is about to end, and the real function of the road to heaven is about to be revealed. There is a little excitement. )




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