The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1663: The law backlashes, the petals turn into the other side of the bridge

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Then Wukong took a few steps forward, took the scripture in Yu Duxiu's hand, turned it over, and looked at it for a few times, but it was ten lines in one glance. After a while, he said: "If it is true, the scripture says that the Buddha's great power If you can master the Dharma, you can enter the other side in the nether at the moment of death, and be reborn with the power of the other side."

"Could it be said that what Amitabha should do now is to turn the Buddhadharma propagated in that scripture into reality?" The flames of Wukong's eyes shot through the netherworld.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "What is the Buddha doing?"

Wukong pointed his hand, the void in front of him was distorted, and the scene in the Yin Division appeared in the field. At this time, the battle in the Yin Division had reached a white-hot stage.

The six reincarnations of the ghost master have enveloped Henggu time and space. From antiquity to the future, this is Yu Duxiu's discovery, one of the only supreme magical powers that can span the past and the future like the third world.

Facing the suppression of the ghost master, Amitabh just smiled, and the next moment he saw the power of immeasurable sentient beings in Amitabha's hands, constantly intertwining, the poison of sentient beings in the endless sea of ​​suffering under his feet rose to the sky, following Amitab's guidance, Through time and space, the six reincarnations of the ghost master unexpectedly burst into an instant.

Think about it, this sea of ​​suffering is the beginning of the opening of the world. All the endless beings, the love, hatred, and enmity left by sentient beings, etc., the suffering of the five emotions, if this huge force bursts out, it is all sentient beings since the eternal The power of sentient beings is enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, turning this yin into powder.


The six reincarnations were exploded, and the ghost master was uncomfortable. His body was like firecrackers, crackling non-stop, and then I saw the endless divine power flowing in the ghost master's body, and a jet of black blood spurted out. Was instantly swallowed by the endless beings in the sea of ​​bitterness.

Amitabha did not speak, but continued to bless the endless flowers of the other bank with mantras. As time passed, the ghost master and Amitabh fought again and again, but saw that the countless flowers of the other bank turned into the rain of the other bank, floating in the sky all over the sky.

"Bang" the blow of the ghost lord as I approached Amitabha, I saw that the sky full of flowers and rain on the other side of the sky bloomed with immeasurable golden light, and countless Buddhist mantras were recited together, forming a large array of mantras, eliminating the magical powers of the ghost lord Obliterate.

The heavens and all realms, if they are familiar with the formation method, there is no one who can surpass Yu Duxiu and Amitabha.

Yu Duxiu is not the kind of stubborn person. After comprehending the world, he has long discovered the more stalwart power of the Qimen Formation, and used it, and has since stepped into the gate of the formation.

It can be said that Yu Duxiu is the ancestor of the formation of this world. The rise of the formation of the entire heavens and ten thousand realms is part of Yu Duxiu's luck.

Looking at the rain of flowers on the other side of the sky, the five innate ghosts of the ghost master instantly flew out: "Five ghosts carry Dafa".


The golden light flickered, and the immeasurable flowers of the other shore were arranged in the void according to the rules, turning into a copper wall and an iron wall, blocking the power of the five ghosts. Even the five innate ghosts, facing the power of the formation blessed by the supreme mantra, they are full. The head is the bag.

"Ghost Lord, how is it good?" At this time, the supreme powerhouses among the remaining four Yin Divisions also came together.

"This Buddhist school is too evil. It is really the nemesis of my yin. I think that the Buddhist ambitions aim at my yin. I want to get a share of my yin. You must never let the Buddha succeed." Ghost The main complexion was gloomy, and a manic air flow all over his body: "Heaven and Earth Resonate."

"It's this trick again." Looking at the ghost master’s “ultimate killer trick”, even Amitabha, who has always been as steady as Mount Tai, couldn’t help but burst into blue veins on his forehead: “No, speed up. Never let the ghost master penetrate the power of the other shore. The yin justice will be dragged down. When the time comes, it will fall short. This time I will miss the opportunity. I want to find such an opportunity in the future, but it will be difficult."

However, facing this trick of the ghost master, Amitab really couldn't think of a good way. No matter how powerful his Amitab was, he couldn't match the Zulong.

The ancestor dragons were all killed under the will of heaven and earth, not to mention his unique jade, the will of the Yin Division is enough to kill any strong man in the world, even the immortal innate spirit treasure that lives in the chaos, in the will of heaven and earth. Under the circumstances, it must also be turned into powder.

"What to do?" Amitabh encountered a problem at this time.

"Bring me" the ghost master heaven and earth resonated, instantly attracted the blessing of the law of heaven and earth, the will of heaven and earth was dragged down, a palm penetrated the copper wall and iron wall composed of countless otheran flowers, tearing apart the alien time and space formed by the otheran flowers, countless Yinsi The law then came, and he wanted to bless Amitabha and kill Amitabha.

"There is no way, I can only give up." Seeing that ghost master's blow came, Amitabha really couldn't think of a way to crack it. He was immediately depressed and kept the useful body. After the deity returned, he would care about it.

Amidst the wilderness, I heard a ridicule from a certain secluded cave: "This old boy loves to play this trick. It's really a jerk. This trick has suffered a lot. I will tell you to taste the taste of backlash."

As he spoke, a gray qi machine instantly penetrated the channel between Yin and Yang, emerging from the ghost master out of thin air.


Amitabha looked at the gradually suppressed arm and was about to retreat. He suddenly heard the ghost lord yell, and then saw the ghost lord close his eyes tightly. The supreme ghost body was running, constantly stabilizing the fluctuations of his home. Constantly suppressing the will of heaven and earth coming down, quickly cut off the connection with the law of heaven and earth.

"Unlucky ghost, you bastard, ancestor I will never spare you" The ghost master's eyes fired.

This trick can indeed suppress all outsiders, but one carelessness is the backlash of the law of heaven and earth, which is instantly Taoized by the law of heaven and earth, merged with the heaven and earth, and became a part of the world and the law, although it can get endless Power, relying on the power of a certain law of the whole world, but not free, became the puppet of the world.

Fortunately, the ghost master has been researching and using the power of heaven and earth for millions of years, and the ghost master is the master of the Yin Division, and gathers the whole Yin Division's air luck. Even if it is backlashed by the unlucky ghost's bad luck, it can cut off from the world in time. Otherwise, if another person is changed, the proper Lord will merge with the heaven and the earth in the future.

"This,,,,," Seeing the turning of the gods in front of him, Amitabha was taken aback for a moment, and then seized the opportunity to constantly chant the mantra, carving it on the other shore flower with the power of the mantra.

"The other shore flowers bloom in the other shore sky."

Watching Amitabh continue to chant the mantras to sacrifice the countless other shore The ghost master and the powers of the underworld, look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, but there is nothing to do.

The ghost master suffered the backlash of the laws of heaven and earth, and the unevenness of the Qi in a short period of time recovered. If he touched the Qi of Heaven and Earth again, it would be death.

As for the remaining four Yinsi supreme powerhouses, they dare not touch the laws of heaven and earth in general with the ghost master.

The place where the other shore flower is located is in another time and space, which seems to be similar to the Yang world, or the law of the Yang world descends in a strange way, and then the law of the two worlds of Yin and Yang is constantly searching for a balance point, cutting torch a balanced space.

Everyone is not afraid of the power of the sun world. Everyone can distort the void and conceal the power of the sun world, but the sun world of Amitabha is different. This man is not soft, and will penetrate the twisted void of everyone and expose it to the sun world. Under the law.

"The Overpass on the Other Shore".

After reading the last volume of Amitabha, I saw that endless flowers from the other shore converge towards this place in an instant. In just a few breaths, they have turned into a dark and simple wooden bridge, suspended on both sides of the sea of ​​bitterness, with one in the sky. The river flows out of thin air, passing through the two banks, passing by the bottom of the bridge, knowing nowhere, nowhere, it is the holy water of the yellow spring.

"Hahaha, the name of this bridge is: Bi'an Bridge. Once you step on this bridge, you can never turn your head back and can only walk forward. Unless you drink the water of the yellow spring, you can reach the opposite side of Bi'an Bridge and reach Yinsi or Beyond space, otherwise you can only walk on this bridge forever".

Looking at the overjoyed Amitabha, the ghost master and the rest are the four supreme masters of the underworld. Look at me, and I look at you. They all look at each other. I don't know what the use of the ghost master to practice such a bridge.

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