The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1664: 9 worms slander, the zombie heart beats

Seeing the ghost master and the four supreme powers of Yinsi who had stunned the gods, Amitabha smiled mysteriously and turned to leave, not worrying that the ghost master and the other four powerful people of Yinsi would destroy the other shore bridge. ?

Look at me, I look at you, the powerful yin divisions. The good and evil stood up and said: "This bridge on the other shore is the same as the flower on the other shore. It is a scourge and ruined things early."

While talking, the palm of good and evil pierced the endless flowers of the other bank and landed on the bridge of the other bank.


A deep muffled sound spread, it seemed that the palm of the hand was hitting the old tree that had been accumulated over the years, but the muffled sound spread.

"What's going on?" The blow of this seat, why can't it be the bridge on the other side" The eyes of Good and Evil showed disbelief.

"Don't do useless work. With Amitabha's temperament, if there is no perfect solution, how can he let the bridge on the other side be left here, and let us wait for the means." The ghost master of Yinsi looked gloomy, turned and left: "When this seat recovers, It’s not too late to do care."

In the Yang world, Wukong and Zhu Ba Pao ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu curiously: "Master, I don't know if this Buddhist scripture is reliable. Why don't you die once and see if you can reincarnate and return on the bridge on the other side" .

"You wicked disciple, expecting to die as a teacher, you are not a son of man." Yu Duxiu looked at Wukong and cursed, but when Wukong scratched his head, he smiled: "Master, I'm not talking about it. ".

"Just for fun, you can't curse the master. You can curse others, such as a certain Bodhisattva or Arhat Venerable from the Buddhist school." Pig Bian began to show off again, and Wukong grinned in anger and stretched out his hand. Tugged at the ears of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba: "You bastard, you dare to provoke the relationship between me and the master. I have the same siblings with the master, but just joking, how could I curse the master to death? Life span is a full 48,000 years. It’s not a joke. I want to die, but it’s hard. Even if I die, it’s less than 48,000 years. It’s not under the jurisdiction of the Yin Division. The master is the holy son of the Buddha, even if When he died, the Lingshan Buddha was also taken care of, and there was even the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to take care of him in the Yin Si, but it was all right."

"You Hohen always say you die, why don't you die, I just say I die" Yu Duxiu scolded.

Wukong rolled his eyes and said, "Master said and laughed. My old grandson is still one step away, so he can surrender to his mind. When the heart and mind are combined, he can see the essence of the law of power. My grandson is hard to destroy the sky, hard to bury in the earth, hard to die if you want."

"You are a plague-stricken monkey, why didn't God kill you with a thunderbolt?" Old Patriarch Zhu Ba rubbed his ears and cursed in anger.

"Master, see if there is no one. The radiant light in the distance is the holy land of the Lingshan Realm. The place where the Great Leiyin Temple is located. The Buddha's dojo is here. In the endless void, there is the suppression of the Buddha, which can be described as the world. The safest place in the world, this is the site of our Buddhism. The nine supreme sects and demon gods in the wild would never dare to take the wrong medicine here." Wukong said.

In the wild, in the territory of the snake god, the light in the eyes of the snake **** flickered.

"Father, I don't know if there is a way to make Princess Wansheng immortal. Although Princess Wansheng is quasi-nothing, she is afraid that she will not have a relationship with Immortal Dao in this life." Nine headed insects knelt under the seat of the snake god.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the snake god: "You really like that little dragon girl, you must know that my snake clan are born cold-blooded animals, unless you are my only heir, this seat will never care about you Life and death, you don't know when you will reach the supreme realm, and you still have your heart to plan for Princess Wansheng."

"Father, the return of Wansheng’s bloodline has reached an unprecedented realm. If you can live forever, break through the last pass, and cultivate with your child, then the cultivation base will inevitably rise to an unimaginable level. Under the impetus, the blood of the child will also be stimulated, and thus continue to improve. This is the way of dual cultivation for husband and wife. Please also ask the father to give some guidance."

The snake **** closed his eyes when he heard the words, and opened his eyes expressionlessly after a while: "If you want Wansheng to save his life, there is only one way, and that is to swallow the elixir of eternal life, the elixir of eternal life. The great fortune of heaven and earth has infinite power. If you can take the elixir of immortality, Princess Wansheng may prove to be a true dragon if there is hope in this great battle."

"Please also ask the Father to point out the location of the Immortal Medicine." Nine headed insects knelt on the ground, eyes full of joy.

"Miaoxiu, it is really amazing and brilliant. The heavens and the world are unique. If they are born in the ancient times, I am afraid that the unlucky ghosts will be inferior to three points. It is a pity that they were born in the wrong era. Sometimes they are too good and too talented. Good is also a mistake." The snake **** sighed with emotion: "Among the heavens and all realms, among the supremely strong, this seat only serves the unlucky ghost, but below the supreme, this seat only serves the jade alone."

After that, I looked at Nine-headed insects, thought about Miaoxiu’s talents, and then about Nine-headed insects’ aptitudes, and suddenly said impatiently: "That Miaoxiu method is unfathomable. Without the trace, if I knew the whereabouts of the elixir of immortality, I would have seized it a long time ago, you would say where it is necessary."

"Father, I heard that Master Sanzang swallowed a pill of immortality, is it right?" Nine headed insects said.

"Are you looking for death?" The snake **** lowered his head and looked at the nine-headed insect.

Nine-headed insects trembled when they heard this: "Father God, starve the courageous to death, if I really have the opportunity to refine the Tripitaka and swallow the elixir of immortality, the road to cultivation will be guaranteed in the future." .

Seeing that the snake **** wants to refute, Nine-headed insect said: "Furthermore, did you not reach an agreement with Sihailongjun? If Amitab turns his face and wants to kill the child, the Sihailong family will never stand idly by. The demon gods and the human ancestors will also add obstacles to Amitabha. It must be known that Amitabha is ambitious and wants to gather all the fortunes of the heavens and all realms, and eliminate the vitality of each family. This matter must not be tolerated by everyone, if it is not taken care of. In the race war, I am afraid that the monsters and gods have already united with the human race and started against the Buddha. Now if the Buddhist plan is destroyed, the monsters and gods must be happy to see it. If I destroy the Buddhist plan, all the spirits of the Buddha Fortunately, the demon gods will fight to protect me."

When the snake **** heard this, his lips moved, and he was speechless for a long time. He said after a while: "You are right, but now everyone has reached the spirit mountain realm. Do you know what this means Buddhism has been slack, it is a good time for the child to do something, don't forget, the child has nine heads," said Nine Heads.

The snake **** sighed deeply when he heard the words, and stretched out his palm, but saw a soul instantly fell into the nine-headed insect body: "This is an immortal body for the father. Maybe it can save you once at a critical moment and give it to the father. Buy time for reaction".

"Thank you Father God" Nine-headed insect smiled, and then backed away instantly.

"I hope you can succeed. If you succeed, from then on, my snake clan will be noble. Under the impetus of boundless luck, you can become the number one race of the heavens and ten thousand clan in one fell swoop. You can also prove that there is no way. My snake tribe dominates the heavens and all realms. If it fails,,,,," At this point, the snake **** smiled coldly: "The Buddhism is hard to protect itself. If you don't believe in the Buddhism, you dare to embarrass me, and I'm reckless. In a dilemma, does the Buddhist school want to be an enemy of all the forces in the world?".

"Wansheng, follow me to the realm of Lingshan, let's seize the opportunity to seize the monk who learns from the scriptures, and refine them into immortal medicine to help you live forever," Nine-headed insect said excitedly.

"Langjun" Princess Wansheng let out a soft cry.

The nine-headed insect laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go to the wonderful show for a while."

"Wangshan ran to death, now although I saw Da Leiyin Temple from a distance, if you want to reach Da Leiyin Temple, the mountains are high and the water is long, and it will take decades. Brother Monkey, don't tease the master." On one side, the ancestor Zhu Ba relentlessly pierced Wukong's lie.

"Well, you idiot, you just think about being right with me all day long." Wukong heard the words'annoyed into anger', and kicked towards Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"Master, save me, save me" Old Patriarch Zhu Ba released his horse and hid behind Yu Duxiu. 8

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