The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1668: Borrow purple gold red gourd 1 use

"Big brother, the prince of inspiration is so powerful, the second elder brother was taken by the prince of inspiration" Sha Wujing rushed out of the water in embarrassment and landed on the shore, looking anxiously at Wukong with a pair of eyes. ?

Wukong was stunned when he heard the words: "Although the idiot would have no preeminence without a certificate, he is also a good first-class player. Even if he can't beat the Prince of Inspiration, he can escape without hindrance. Why was he caught?".

Sha Wujing smiled bitterly: "This water is the home of the Prince of Inspiration. The bigger the river, the stronger the increase in the strength of the Prince of Inspiration. This is the Tongtian River. If you enter the East China Sea, there will be the blessing of the entire East China Sea. I can’t take the Prince of Inspiration. The reason why we won the Prince of Inspiration last time was because the Prince of Inspiration did not occupy the advantage of geographical advantage.”

Wukong scratched his head when he heard the words, ran back and forth, and then paused: "This incident is not a trivial matter. The Tianhe River is vast. If the Prince of Inspiration gets rid of it, it will be difficult to find it again. Maybe the master’s ashes will be It's gone, you go to pass on the Bodhisattva. My grandson will go into the water and stare at the Prince of Inspiration for the time being. Don't let the Prince of Inspiration get out of shape."

After speaking, Wukong instantly turned into a loach and dived into the Tongtian River.

Seeing Wukong walking away, Sha Wujing tidied up his clothes and flew towards Lingshan Daleiyin Temple, driving the cloud head.

In the Great Leiyin Temple of Lingshan.

Sun Chi's eyes flowed endlessly, and he was preaching the Dharma.

"There is nothing in nothing, nothing in nothing, nothing in nothing, nothing in nothing".

Sun Chi, who heard the Arhat Bodhisattva fascinated and drunk, suddenly saw that Sun Chi stopped, his eyes looked outside the Great Leiyin Temple, and turned to Bingqin and said: "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva".

"Disciple is" Guan Shiyin stepped forward and bowed.

"Unexpectedly, there was another water monster in the Tongtian River. The Prince of Inspiration was released by the East China Sea. I don't know what the idea was." Sun Chidao.

Bingqin frowned upon hearing this: "Buddha, the Prince of Inspiration is powerful and wants to surrender, but it is inappropriate. Now that he has reached the foot of Lingshan, why not send the strong from Jinshan Temple to suppress inspiration. Back then, there was a wonderful thing in Jinshan Temple. The treasure left by Master Xiu was enough to suppress and set down the Prince of Inspiration."

Sun Chi shook his head when he heard the words: "A Buddha relic was lost in the Jinshan Temple, and the whole sect is panicked. Where can I have time to pay attention to things in the Tongtian River."

"Is the Buddha bone relic lost?" Bingqin was taken aback when he heard the words: "I don't know whose Buddha bone relic is?"

Sun Chi sighed softly when he heard the words: "Don't say it, don't say it, you go to the 33rd heaven to see the Supreme Master, borrow the purple gold and red gourd, and call the Prince of Inspiration to return. This Prince of Inspiration regards my Buddhist school as nothing. Today, I must teach Donghai a lesson."


Bingqin nodded when he heard the words and turned into golden light, just when he met the oncoming Sha Wujing, stopped the light, Wujing bowed, and Bingqin said: "No need to say more, I already know everything. , You go to the Tongtian River to take care of your master and brother, and you will go to the 33rd Heaven for a walk."

The reputation of the old monarch and the Three Treasures of the heavens and worlds has been spread out.

Seven-star sword, sleepy fairy rope, and purple, gold and red gourds with unknown effects.

Ascending to the 33rd Heaven, Bingqin walked into the Palace of Dousity, just in time to see the gray-headed and earth-faced Lingyu boy holding a tray with burnt pills on it, and muttered: "It's not right. Obviously follow Laojun's pill. Fang went to refining, but why did he explode the furnace? It's really weird, weird. Didn't I wash the pill furnace clean?".

"Lingyu" Bingqin called out as he looked at the gray-headed Lingyu boy who was talking to himself.

"Ah, it turned out to be Sister Bingqin. I don't know why Sister Bingqin has time to come to my palace to play?" Lingyu Boy's face was full of joy.

Bingqin stepped forward and wiped the dust on Lingyu's face, and then said: "Look at you with a disgraced face, where is Lao Jun? I will tell Lao Jun."

"The old gentleman is opening the furnace to make alchemy. The threshold of the elixir of immortality has been touched. Now there are no guests in the retreat. If you have anything to do with your sister, you might as well talk to me and see if I can help your sister" Lingyu Boy said.

Bingqin was disappointed when he heard that the old gentleman was in retreat, but after listening to Lingyu boy's words, his eyes lit up, but he forgot that Lingyu boy had previous convictions before and stole the treasures of old gentleman and went to the road to the sky to be evil. .

"My sister wants to borrow the purple gold red gourd, I don't know if you can be the master" Bing Qin said.

Lingyu was stunned when he heard the words: "This purple, gold and red gourd is entangled with cause and effect. If you can't use it, it's good to not use it. If it's not good, it will make you dead."

"It's okay, the monsters in the Tongtian River are occupying the benefits of the river and it is difficult to surrender. The Buddha asked me to ask for this purple, gold and red gourd. I must have a perfect plan," Bing Qin said.

Lingyu boy nodded when he heard the words, turned around and walked towards the inner hall: "Sister, I will take the purple gold red gourd later."

Seeing that Lingyu boy said that the treasure was the treasure, Bingqin was sighed, no wonder Lao Jun's treasure is always stolen, so if you don't be wary of it, isn't it letting someone steal it.

Not long after, I saw Lingyu walking out holding a purple gourd with countless glittering glittering gourds on it. The Lingyu took the purple gold red gourd and sighed softly: "This purple gold red gourd is the most vicious. Under the strong, as long as being held by this purple, gold and red gourd, there is no chance to escape in this life and this life. You can only turn into powder in this gourd, refining into a pool of pus and blood. After the sister took this gourd Don’t take in the innocent and meritorious people, or they will suffer causal backlash.”

Bingqin took the gourd and fiddled with it, only to see a charming purple and gold color scattered on the whole gourd, which looked rather luxurious and extraordinary.

"I don't know how this gourd drives it?" Bing Qin asked.

"I teach my sister's tactics. As long as the elder sister chants the tactics, she pulls out the gourd plug, hangs the gourd upside down, with the mouth of the gourd facing down, and the bottom of the gourd facing up, and then recite the enemy's name. I was included in this purple golden red gourd, and when the time comes, my sister will return this purple golden red gourd, and I will refine it into powder."

"Thank you." Bing Qin pinched Lingyu's face, turned around and left the Palace of Dousiz, heading towards Tongtian River.

East China Sea, Crystal Palace.

"Father God, Avalokitesvara went to the 33rd Heaven to borrow treasures. This time I was inspired to take the initiative to pick things on the Buddhist site. We are like the last time. The middle-earth cut the Hu, the Buddhists may not buy it." Ao Ledao Longjun lay on the seat dripping with flesh and blood, slowly recovering his body: "Then call the Prince of Inspiration to see the situation. Those who do not lose their lives".

Ao Le nodded when he heard the words, turned around and walked out of the Crystal Palace, with an inexplicable feeling of anxiety in his heart: "The Buddhist family deliberately went to the 33rd Heaven to borrow the treasure, this time I am afraid it will not be so easy to solve."

After speaking, Ao Le instantly turned into streamer and hurried towards Tongtian River.

In the Tongtian River, the prince of inspiration took the pig eight old ancestor, walked into the water mansion, and said to the little demons: "Come here, prepare the steamer, give me this fat-headed monk after washing it out. Steamer, after we have eaten this pig bajie, we will move to the Dongfu. Don’t be touched by the Buddha.”

Hearing the words, a group of little monsters pulled out the clothes of the ancestor Zhu Ba, washed them a little, and put them on the steamer.

"Brother Monkey, don't hide and tuck. If you are hiding and tucking, my old pig's life will be over. Really, this inspirational prince is too unreasonable. Why should I be old? Throw the pig into the steamer. "Even if the ancestor Zhuba has thick skin and flesh, I don’t look at what this steaming pot is. It’s specially used to cook the things of the demon king and demon saint. The magical power of the time is restricted, even if it is a skill, it can't be used, only the life is steamed.

"There are many tribulations on the journey, my old pig came here, and I did not expect to fall down on his own site. The inspirational prince used the power of Tongtianhe, and his strength soared. I can't handle it. This time, I was really killed by the monkey. Suffering, he had long said that there were monsters in the Tongtian River, but he didn't believe it, this plague-stricken monkey "Pig Eight Old Ancestor" cursed at this time. 8

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