The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1669: Gourd? а?/a>

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While talking, he saw that the ancestor Zhu Ba was instantly thrown into the big steamer, tied like a crab, constantly twisting and struggling, but it was useless.


The little leader called, and the fire ignited in an instant, and the ancestor Zhu Ba yelled: "Oh, you beast, you wait for my old pig. If my old pig is saved, the first one will eat you."

"You idiot, it's fortunate that my grandson is worried about you, so I came to look at you specially, but I didn't expect you to scold my grandson here." A thin mosquito and fly sounded in the ears of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

This voice was heard in the ears of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, and suddenly it was like a fairy, calling out again and again: "Brother Monkey, help me, help me".

"Don't worry, my grandson is here, you can't die."

As he spoke, Wukong quietly showed his figure, used his supernatural powers, and instantly immobilized all the little monsters, pushed away the steamer, and saw the old ancestor Zhu Ba who was trapped into rice dumplings. A breath of immortality blew out, and the rope broke immediately. The Eighth Patriarch restored his freedom.

"Mother, I was so careless by the carp spirit." Old ancestor Zhu Ba slipped on his clothes and came to the front of the little demons with a big mouth. All the little demons were caught by the pig. In the mouth of Zu Jitu, the little head collar was bitten off the bone in Old Zu Ba's mouth and turned into powder.

"You buddy, my Buddhist school taboos against killing for no reason, improperly treating you as a son of man, and turning you into a Buddhist monk, more like a monster than a monster," Wukong mocked.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba hummed and said: "This fellow wants to steam my old pig. My old pig is free now, so naturally he can't let this little demon go."

"Let's go, don't alarm the Prince Inspired, Junior Brother Sha has already gone to Da Leiyin Temple to ask for help. This time the Prince Inspired must be surrendered." Wukong chuckled.

While speaking, Wukong and Old Ancestor Pig turned around and escaped.

"My lord! It's not good, the monk from Zhongyu has disappeared."

"Great King, it's not good, the ancestor Zhu Ba was also rescued."

"Huh?" The prince of inspiration flashed a look of anger when he heard the words, and the wine glass in his hand instantly turned into powder: "Really?"

I saw a general crab saying: "The old ancestor Zhu Ba injured a small arm and escaped. As for the ordinary monk, he has never seen a trace."

After hearing the words of the crab general, the prince of inspiration flashed in his eyes: "Huh, the monk of the middle domain must still be hidden in the water mansion. Everyone hurriedly searched and found the monk of the middle domain. We quickly moved out of this place. I was found by the Buddhists to be unsafe, so I had to look for a quiet place early, refining the elixir of immortality and talk about other things."

"How did the king know that the monk was still in the water mansion, instead of being saved by the great sage Qitian" said the princess.

The Prince of Inspiration said: "Beauty doesn't know, I set up a net in the water mansion. Those two walkers can escape with the same ability, but the Sanzang* mortal fetus, it is not that easy to be taken out."

After speaking, the prince of inspiration said: "You don't need to think too much, or you can find the Sanzang monk in a moment or three, and then move to another water house."

After a quarter of a while, I heard the little demon report: "Great King, it's not good, I never saw the monk at all, and I don't know where the monk is hiding."

"Huh? A bunch of trash, go and search for me again, search for me," the Prince of Inspiration said.

Hearing the promise, the little demon didn't dare to speak, and immediately turned around, ran out, and continued to search for the whereabouts of that Yu Duxiu.

"Brother Monkey, thanks to you this time, otherwise I really want to confess here" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba and Wukong broke through the water, shaking their ears with lingering fears.

Wukong just smiled and looked at Da Leiyin Temple with a pair of eyes: "I don't know when Junior Brother Sha will return."

As he was talking, he saw that Sha Wujing had already controlled the cloud head and landed down.

"Junior Brother Sha, why did you see you come back, why didn't you see Lingshan rescue soldiers" Wukong said.

Sha Wujing said: "The younger brother met the Bodhisattva halfway, and told me to turn around first, and the Bodhisattva went to the 33rd Heaven. Where did the Supreme Master look for the magic treasure."

As he said, the air was full of cold, Bingqin dressed in white, dragging a purple, gold and red gourd in his hand, and appeared in the field: "You monkey, what anxious, your master is a holy son of the Buddhist school, and there are boundless blessings. How easy is it to die".

"The Bodhisattva came, and just shot to surrender the monster. This boy has a bad intention this time. He has already moved to murderous intentions. Ba Jie was almost eaten by the monster," Wukong said.

Bingqin nodded: "Who knows the spirit mountain realm, such things have actually happened, if it weren't for the loss of the relic of the Jinshan Temple a few days ago, how could this evildoer be presumptuous".

Wukong turned his eyes when he heard this, and was about to speak, Bingqin said: "It shouldn't be too late, I will surrender this wicked animal before talking, see what else Donghai has to say this time."

As he spoke, the cold light in Bingqin’s eyes flickered, and the next moment the power of the innate extreme cold escaped and fell into the Tongtian River, an extremely powerful cold current spread from his breath, and countless fairies passed by instantly Frozen to death.

"Bodhisattva, you can relax a little, my master is still in that water mansion, don't let my master freeze to death," Old Zu Ba couldn't help saying.

"You idiot, you have a sense of measure, so I need to remind you." Bing Qin glared at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

"this is?".

In the water mansion, the carp spirit who was drinking and having fun saw the cold wave surging in the distance, and said "no good", ignoring the princess, and directly turned into a streamer and rose into the sky, breaking the water surface, wanting to fly away. East China Sea.

"Hey, the monster eats my old grandson with a stick" Wukong smashed his head with a stick, and instantly smashed the Inspired Prince into the ice, shattering countless pieces of extreme cold ice.

The Prince of Inspiration stabilized his figure and was about to speak, but he heard a soft female voice. At this time, Guanyin Bodhisattva opened the lid of the purple gold and red gourd with his bare hands, and then the gourd's mouth fell down and said to the Prince of Inspiration: " Prince of Inspiration".

"Your grandfather will do this again." The Prince of Inspiration was stunned by Wukong's stick. He couldn't help but vent his anger when he heard someone calling.


Without giving the inspirational prince time to react, the mouth of the gourd exuded a strong suction, forming a whirlpool, and the dignified prince of inspiration of the East China Sea was overcome by the purple, gold and red gourd without any resistance.

"Pa" lightly buttoned the lid of the purple gold red gourd, and Bing Qin smiled lightly: "Come on, go and save your master quickly."

"Bajie, go and rescue the master." Wukong kicked it out, kicked Old Ancestor Zhu Ba into the river, and then leaned over, looking at the purple, gold and red gourd with a pair of eyes, and he wanted to touch it. .

As soon as Bingqin's palm closed, he opened Wukong's palm: "This Don't make any decisions. This object is from the 33rd Heavenly Duty Palace Old Monarch, specially used to refine demons. ".

"Just joked, joked, Bodhisattva joked. My grandson didn't expect this gourd to have such a power. Fortunately, the boy was subdued by the old man early in the past, otherwise he would overturn the boat on the way to learn the scriptures." Wukong sneered.

"Let me out, let me out" the Prince of Inspiration shouted in the gourd.

"Amitabha Buddha" Bingqin just shouted the Buddha's name without speaking.

Suddenly the void distorted, a chaotic glow of brilliant light flashed, the silver-white divine light emerged out of thin air, and Ao Le's figure appeared in the field.

"I have seen Princess Ao Le" Bingqin gave Ao Le a salute.

"I have seen Guanshiyin Bodhisattva" Ao Le saluted Bingqin.

Just about to speak, but seeing the waves of the Tongtian River surging and rolling up layers of waves, Yu Duxiu has been helped out by the ancestor Zhu Ba, the old turtle and the princess.

Both Bingqin and Ao Le’s eyes fell on the Buddhist monk at the same time. Bingqin smiled, but Princess Ao Le’s complexion changed. I don’t know why, there is a familiar feeling in the soul that is difficult to cut off. .

"Miaoxiu" Ao Le said subconsciously.

"Amitabha Buddha, Sanzang, the little monk, not Miaoxiu, I have seen a female donor" Yu Duxiu bowed to Ao Le.

"Who is he?" Ao Le looked at Bingqin.

Bingqin didn't answer, but said: "I don't know why the princess came to Tongtianhe. This is the place of my Buddhist family. Be careful that the princess can't come or go."

"I'm here to bring inspiration." Ao Leguo really didn't entangle Yu Duxiu's body. A pair of eyes looked at Bingqin and the purple, gold and red gourd.

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