The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1676: Wansheng

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"Why do I feel particularly wretched every time I hear this sentence from my brother?" Xiao Bailong, who was fighting with the nine-headed insects, heard an unnatural look on his face when he listened to "Eat my grandson a stick". ??

A good little white dragon was forced to bend by the old ancestor Zhu Ba. The old ancestor Zhu Ba was awkward, telling all the beautiful things that he had traveled in the world along the way. Even Xiao Bailong and Wukong couldn't help but be contaminated with the breath of the fence in the world.

Seeing Xiao Bailong's wretched eyes, Nine-headed insects suddenly became angry: "Damn, dare to be wretched, my wife".

"It's my wife" Xiao Bailong smiled coldly, and the spear in his hand kept piercing back and forth, fighting endlessly with the nine-headed insects.

The little white dragon is a quasi-superpower, and his blood is back to his ancestors, but the nine-headed insects are also good. They are the blood of the demon god. The two forks in his hands are dancing from left to right to parry, and their strength is not inferior to the third Prince Long , And sometimes even find time to fight back.

In the water palace, the ancestor Zhu Ba sneaked into the water palace, but saw a beautiful woman approaching and said: "This elder, but here to save your master?".

"Who are you?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said.

"I am an elf in this river. I heard that the holy monk passed by here today, willing to follow the holy monk and enlighten the Dharma," the woman said.

Looking at this beautiful woman, Zhu Xi said, "Where is my master?"

"The elders follow me," the woman said.

The old ancestor Zhuba followed the woman along, and when the little demon intercepted him, the ancestor Zhuba was not polite, swallowed the little demon in one bite, and then went on to walk into the water mansion, looking at the bear With the burning pill furnace and the empty house, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said: "Where is my old pig's master?"

"The holy monk is in that pill furnace?" the woman said.


Seeing the burning pill furnace, the ancestor Zhu Ba was so shocked that he was so soft that he staggered and almost fell to the ground. With a strong spirit, he rushed over and gave the pill furnace with a rake. When broken, she saw Yu Duxiu sitting cross-legged, with eight relics floating all over her body.

"Fortunately, fortunately, a false alarm, a false alarm, fortunately there is a relic of the body, otherwise it will be really troublesome this time, I have come to the foot of the Great Leiyin Temple, but the monster has been trained by the master. "How wrong is that?" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba moved his mouth, put out all the demon fire, ignored Yu Duxiu, but looked at the cream spilled on the crystal floor, haha ​​smirked: "That’s it, It's reached, such a panacea, but it is rare, if my old pig takes this panacea, if I can't say that the bloodline will have to return to the ancestors."

When he was speaking, he saw that Old Ancestor Zhu Ba couldn't help speaking, his big mouth opened and turned into a bottomless whirlpool, swallowing all the elixir in the hall, before he came to Yu Duxiu and looked up and down for a while, Seeing Yu Duxiu's complexion, he nodded immediately: "Yes, yes, there is no damage."

"Master, master".

With the sound of a pig, the eight relics flickered and they revolved in an instant, turning into a bracelet and putting them on Yu Duxiu's left hand again.

Looking at the relic bracelet, the ancestor Zhuba's mouth drooled: "If I swallow these eight relics, I can gain the power of Master VIII, and it would be beautiful if I can achieve it in an instant."

I think so, but the ancestor Zhu Ba dare not really move. If you change someone else, even if the person in front of you is the Buddha who occupies the Lingshan Mountain, the pig is a thief, but facing the jade who once stood out and is in charge of his own destiny Duxiu, the ancestor Zhu Ba dare not do it randomly.

"Bajie, where is this?" Yu Duxiu slowly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with confusion, as if she knew nothing.

"Master, this is the water house of the Nine Head Insects and Princess Wansheng. These two adulterers captured you and refined them into the elixir of immortality. Fortunately, the old pig saw the chance and drove the two fairies away. , Saved the master’s life.” The old ancestor Zhu Ba unceremoniously took the credit for himself.

Looking at the ancestor Zhu Ba, Yu Duxiu's face showed doubts. The ancestor Zhu Ba had a calm complexion, but he saw the woman on the side stepping forward and bowing: "The little woman is a spirit formed by the lake. When I listened to the Buddha, The forty-eight great aspirations were enlightened by the mantras of the Buddha and emerged in form. I admired the Dharma in my heart and invited the holy monks to take them in."

Yu Duxiu looked at the woman, her eyebrows moved: "I'm all men on the way to learn, how can you take in a daughter?"

The pig side smiled and said: "Master, this woman is a water spirit. Just find a teapot and put it in."

"Nothing!" Yu Duxiu flatly refused. This westward road is the road to heaven, the road of merit. He plunders the luck of all the major races. With one more woman, one more person will benefit. How can Yu Duxiu promise.

"You might as well go to the place of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea to find the immortal way. I am about to reach Lingshan and worship the Buddha, but it is not suitable to take in female relatives" Yu Duxiu said.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the woman was helpless, her eyes turned towards the ancestor Zhu Ba, Zhu laughed: "The master is hard-hearted, you see it's no use to me, it's better to go to the South China Sea early and go to Guanyin Bodhisattva."

After speaking, the ancestor Zhu Ba stepped forward to support Yu Duxiu: "Master, let's go out."

The master and apprentice ignored the woman, and flew out and landed on the shore. Just when they heard the conversation between Prince Longsan and Nine-headed insects, the ancestor Zhuba interrupted and said, "Nine-headed insects, you can’t do it. Your wife was stunned by my monkey brother’s stick. I have eaten the stick. I don’t know how many sticks you have.

"You dead pig, see if I won't tear your mouth" Nine-headed insects heard the words and opened the third prince, and instantly stabbed at the ancestor Zhuba.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba raised his rake and greeted him. The two sides made a collision. Old ancestor Zhu Ba retreated ten feet. The nine-headed insects slowed down and Prince Long San flew up.

"This princess Wansheng has already proved that she is quasi-supplied. It is so difficult to obliterate it. I don't know how to suppress it." Wukong looked at Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

The pig turned, turned around and said: "Master, I can only use your rosary for a while."

While talking, without giving Yu Duxiu a chance to answer, the ancestor Zhu Ba directly stepped forward and grabbed Yu Duxiu's arm, slammed the rosary down with a faceless expression, glanced greedily, and then threw it into the air: "Monkey Brother, this is the eight relics left by the ninth reincarnation of Miaoxiu. There are eight small worlds inside, and the power is endless. It is more than enough to suppress this Wansheng"

Wukong smiled and rolled the stick in his hand, instantly knocking out Princess Wansheng out of the prototype, entrenched on the golden hoop stick, Wukong's golden hoop stick stretched out, sending Princess Wansheng near the rosary, only one of the rosary beads was seen The light of the Buddha circulates, and the void world is like fantasy colored glaze.

"No!" Princess Wansheng screamed in horror, but Wukong was still poking into the relic.


The rosary flew back automatically and fell into Yu Duxiu's hands.

Looking at the eight crystal clear prayer beads, the ancestor Zhu Ba on one side rushed over and said: "The master is the great power of the Buddha. Every day he recites the scriptures and refines the dragon girl. In the future, a mount is indispensable."

"Uh", Yu Duxiu was taken aback as he looked at the wretched eyes of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

At this time, Wukong came to Yu Duxiu, looking at the eight crystal clear relics, his eyes showed admiration: "What a good baby."

Pig sighed: "It's a pity."

"What a pity?" Wukong said.

"Unfortunately, one is missing. Otherwise, if the nine relics are connected, it will be a reincarnation. If the master arrives at the Da Leiyin Temple in this life, the Tao fruit is consummated, and one relic is condensed, then it will be ten relics. Consummation, these ten small worlds will inevitably evolve into small thousand worlds or mid-thousand worlds. After all, since ancient times to the present, the tenth reincarnation has not yet existed. What is the mystery of the master himself Experience in detail".

"One missing? Could it be stolen?" Wukong was taken aback.

Old Ancestor Zhuba nodded, Wukong grinned suddenly and scratched his ears.

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