The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1677: Fairy Kingdom under Lingshan

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Since Princess Wansheng has surrendered, only the nine-headed worms are fighting alone. The nine-headed worms are watching from all directions and seeing Princess Wansheng being recovered and Yu Duxiu rescued, they already know that the trend is over.


Seeing the opportunity, the nine-headed insects instantly avoided Longsan's blow and turned and dived into the lake.

"Hmph, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, there is no way to hell, you cast yourself, this water is the place of my dragon clan, you cast yourself into the trap".

Prince Long San let out a sneer, split the water wave instantly, and killed him towards the water.

But seeing the water in the lake fluctuating, the battle hit the unity hour from noon, and then saw that the lake was stained with blood, the third Prince Long came out from the lake with a head: "Nine-headed insects have been given the lead."

"Be careful".

Wukong yelled violently, and the stick in his hand smashed his head and face, but he heard a corpse crash in the void, and then he saw a stream of light flying at an unabated speed, instantly flying towards the wild land.

"It's a nine-headed worm, the corpse of a nine-headed worm" Long San leaned over, his eyes full of puzzlement.

"Unfortunately, I was taken off by him. This nine-headed worm has nine heads and nine lives. Before the little white dragon left one of the nine-headed worm's life, the monkey brother left the nine-headed worm with the first life. The head worm still has seven lives. If you can’t suppress it and kill it nine times in a row, it’s so difficult to kill it.” The ancestor Zhu Ba squatted down and looked at the body of the nine head worms, mouthed, A black hole was formed, and the nine-headed worms were swallowed instantly: "These nine-headed worms have the blood of the wild snake god. If I can completely digest it, I can return to my ancestors three to four points and enter the eighth of the Great Leiyin Temple. There is nothing wrong with returning to the ancestors of the Pond of Merit and Virtue. My old pig will also be the supreme powerhouse by then."

"Bajie, you are becoming less and less taboo now. You dare to eat anything. This bug is too disgusting." Wu Kong showed disgust on the side.

"You Hohen, I don't eat the nine worms, but the power of the blood. I told you that you don't understand it. It's like playing the piano to the cow." Old Zu Ba rolled his eyes.

At this time, Yu Duxiu watched his nose, nose, and heart, and continued to sacrifice the Xuanhuang Qi embryo in his body. As he got closer and closer to Da Leiyin Temple, he got closer and closer to Dzogchen. The Xuanhuang Qi embryos in the body were refined in front of the temple, I'm afraid there will be variables.

Yu Duxiu has one mind and two purposes. Most of the spirit is used to sacrifice the embryos that are bred in the body of the black and yellow qi. The remaining part of the energy is used to deal with emergencies from the outside world, and some spiritual power is used to look at the relics Among the princess Wansheng, who looked terrified, Yu Duxiu suddenly lost her mind: "My relic, but there is a woman who has unlocked all the positions."

"Amitabha Buddha, there is a demon barrier." Yu Duxiu ran the wisdom sword and cut off the nasty in his heart instantly. Then he looked at the sky and said: "It's not early now. Let's rush early and go to the Lingshan realm as soon as possible to obtain the truth. ".

Wukong nodded, and the little white dragon turned into a white horse. The four masters and apprentices rode the white horses and continued to move towards the direction of Da Leiyin Temple.


In the wild, in the realm of the snake god, a black shadow in the void fell on the square in front of the main hall of the snake god.

"Cough cough" Nine-headed insect stood up pale, and walked towards the hall staggeringly.

"Father God" nine-headed insects knelt on the ground with a'plop': "Please also God Father to save Wansheng".

The snake god's face was pale, this time he didn't get the benefits, but he forged a big feud, and he didn't get any benefits. It was really useless.

"Wansheng? Even if the matter of Wansheng is over, it’s just a woman. The path to the heavens of Miaoxiu is about to be completed. There are at most three kalpas before you can reincarnate and return. Then we will have to deal with Miaoxiu’s revenge. I know what level of cultivation Miaoxiu will reach after her reincarnation and return." The snake **** tapped on the case with one palm, and his eyes were a little uneasy. Miaoxiu spent so much mental energy calculating the way to the sky, it would never be that simple. After the reincarnation return, even the snake **** suspects that Miao Xiu will become the supreme strong when he returns.

"Father God is a demon god, everything can set things right away, why should he be so timid, even if Miaoxiu is reincarnated, at most he is the supreme powerhouse, how can he take us?" Nine-headed insect said dissatisfied.

The zombie shook his head: "Miaoxiu is different, he is different".

"Princess Wansheng's matter, just forget it. You are not allowed to mention it in the future. Now you have lost two lives. You are in trouble like this. I don't know how long the remaining seven lives will be enough for you to squander it. Only the supremely strong can get out of this hall, otherwise, instead of going out and being beaten to death, it would be better to die here all the time" Snake God said.

"Father God" the nine-headed insect cried out sadly.

"Needless to say, this seat has decided." The snake **** waved his hand and looked at the void: "There is an urgent anxiety in this seat. We need to find some allies in this matter. The loach in the world is not the same as Miaoxiu. To deal with this matter, we still need to ventilate all over the world and explore the bottom line.

While speaking, the snake **** disappeared and disappeared.

Watching the snake **** leave, the nine-headed insects knelt on the ground, speechless for a long time, and their body shivered. After a long time, they looked up to the sky and roared: "Wukong! Third Prince Long! Pig Eight! And that wonderful show, I must It will cost you, and it will definitely cost you."

After speaking, the nine-headed insect staggered out of the hall.

"Master, not far ahead is the country of Yunmeng." The four masters and apprentices ran along the way. Since the nine-headed insects were solved, the Longsan Prince seemed to be happier and his fur began to shine.

"This country of Yunmeng is a country of Buddhists. There are Buddhist temples in the country, and believers from all directions are waiting in this country of Yunmeng for the Buddha of Lingshan to teach the Fa." Wukong is telling Yu Duxiu about Yunmeng. The customs of the country, and then he was taken aback: "How could this be?".

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba came over and said: "Brother Monkey, is there anything wrong?" .

"Master, brother, this Yunmeng country is afraid that there will be variables. I see that Yunmeng country's demons are soaring to the sky, misty, and the wisdom of the Buddha has been completely covered. I don't know what happened. Is there any demon strong Can you make trouble here?" Wukong scratched his ears.

Hearing Wukong’s words, it’s rare for the ancestor Zhu Ba to refute it. If I changed it to the past, the ancestor Zhu Ba would definitely be a cynicism, and then laughed at the monkey making a fuss. This is a Buddhist holy land, how can there be monsters infested, but since the last nine days After the chaos of the head worms and the chaos of inspiration, the birth of the pig eight ancestors was vented, and it was completely wiped out.

"Several elders ~ the country in front, can't go, can't go".

Just as Wukong and his group were hesitating, they saw a caravan coming from a distance, leaning over, and persuading them.

Yu Duxiu smiled upon hearing the words, got off the white dragon horse, and then walked over and said: "This donor has asked, why can't I go?".

The person in charge of the team looked left and looked again, and then whispered: "There are monsters in Yunmeng Country."

"Monsters? This is the sacred place of the Buddhist family. How can there be monsters?" Wukong said.

The messenger of the caravan said, "The elders don’t know. According to the circulation, all the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty in the dynasty are all fairies in human skins, walking in the dynasty, ruling the world, and they are in the spirit mountain The Buddha has no way."

Wukong sneered when he heard the words: "The Buddha's servant is a big liar, cheated and deceived. He also lied to my old grandson back then. This old monk has some skills, but he is not enough."

"The elders don't want to talk nonsense. The Buddha has great magical powers, so he can sense it by holding his name. Be careful that the Buddha will bring disasters." After a hastily said the caravan chief, he turned around and refused to talk to others. Leave.

"Hey, the road ahead, I'm afraid it's not easy to walk, and I don't know what kind of monster it is. I can't even do anything about the Tathagata. This Yunmeng country is our only way to the west. If it is blocked, how can we go west? , Arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple," Wukong said with a frown.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba touched his ears: "Amitabha's power is boundless, is there a monster in the heavens and all realms that he can't subdue? It's really strange."

"Master, brother, there is a fairy blocking the way, what should I do now?" Sha Wujing said.

PS: Enter Lingshan tomorrow! .

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