The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1678: Yin Yang Avenue

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"I have no choice, Da Leiyin Temple is right in front of my eyes. There is no other way but to walk. I have to bite my head and break this calamity." Yu Duxiu twirled the rosary in his hand. This matter in the spirit mountain realm is indeed nothing compared to He knew better.

The four masters and apprentices came to this country of Yunmeng. Looking at the imperial palace from a distance, Wukong said: "It's terrifying, I didn't expect that there would be such demons in the pure land of Lingshan."

"Boldly, this is the forbidden area of ​​the Yunmeng State Palace. The idlers and other people retreat as quickly as possible." A guard watched the group slowly approaching, and immediately stood up and scolded.

"It's actually a bull demon standing guard here under human skin." Wukong's eyes were golden, and he instantly saw the guard's roots and feet clearly.

"In this imperial palace, there are all monsters, it is actually a monster den. No wonder the merchant advised us not to enter Yunmeng Kingdom," Wu Kong said.

As Wukong's words fell, a cold air emerged out of thin air, and the pig eight ancestor and Sha Wujing immediately stood up with their hairs, their faces in horror.

Wukong chuckled: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, there is my grandson, I will surely keep you safe and sound."

After speaking, Wukong stepped forward and came to the gate of the imperial city: "My old grandson is a monk who went to Da Leiyin Temple from the Central Region to worship the Buddha and pray for sutras. He traveled through Yunmeng Kingdom and came to replace the customs clearance document."

"A monk from the Middle Territory? Going to Da Leiyin Temple to worship Buddha and ask for sutras?" The bull demon looked up and down Wukong and the others, and then nodded: "If this is the case, then you can stay here for the time being. This general will go in. Tongbing for you".

Watching the guards go away, the ancestor Zhu Ba said: "Brother Monkey, this is too dangerous. This is a monster den. If we go in, wouldn't it mean that the sheep will enter the tiger's mouth."

"It's okay, in this palace, my old grandson has a close friend, and it's a good time to meet him," Wukong said.

Not long after hearing the sound of footsteps, the guard said, "Your Majesty, please go in."

The four masters and apprentices entered the palace and entered the Palace of Golden Luang. Wukong stared at the palace, and he was taken aback. Heh, it was really all monsters, not a single human being.

This Manchu civil and military, all dressed in beasts and beasts, draped in human skins, at this moment, seeing the four masters and apprentices walking in, they all looked over with green eyes.

"Monk Zhongyu, since you have entered the temple, why don't you worship?" A civil official stood up and yelled.

"Amitabha, I'm a stranger. We sincerely worship the Buddha and don't accept worldly rituals. Please don't blame the king," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Look at that great king, with a black dragon robe all over his body and a diadem on his head. He can't see his face clearly. Just where he sits, he creates a sense of harmony between heaven and earth.

"The monk from the Middle Territory?" The king said.

"Exactly" Yu Duxiu said.

The king looked at Yu Duxiu up and down, and clicked his lips: "I heard people say that after eating the monk in the middle domain, you can live forever, and I don't know if it is true."

"Devil King Peng, you guy actually ran to Lingshan to make trouble. When we meet with brothers, you don't want to serve me tea. Instead, you want to eat my master. It makes no sense." Wukong stood up and pointed at the Demon King.

Peng Demon King laughed and said, "Seventh brother, you came here by yourself. I finally started a career in Lingshan, and I was about to fight against the Buddhism. It just happened that you came here. With my virtuous brother's ability, I will be with me. To be in charge of Yunmeng Kingdom and to fight against that Lingshan, I am willing to share the country with you."

Wukong was taken aback when he heard the words and looked at the Peng Demon King, but he smiled angrily: "I don't know how to be ashamed, how powerful Amitab is, my grandson is not a rival, let alone your three-legged cat's kung fu, you quickly let me go The master and apprentice went to Da Leiyin Temple to ask for the truth. After I return, I will tell you the old times."

"Huh, please ask for some truth, seventh brother, you are depraved, when you made a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, how was your pride? Now it is really shameful to be a dog leg for the Buddha," the Demon King Peng exclaimed. The smell of gunpowder between the brothers is very strong: "I have just established the kingdom not long ago, and it is enough to contend with Lingshan, and call Lingshan to cast a rat avoidance device. If this monk can be reversed and turned into a medicine for immortality, an immortal will be born in this kingdom. Holy, it is completely rooted in Lingshan, you say you, why go to Lingshan to worship Buddha, you have lost your identity, I have hatred with that Tathagata, if you are my brother, just let me build the country here, and we will work together. It’s good for you to break into Lingshan and suppress the Tathagata Buddha."

"Crazy, really crazy" Wukong looked at the Golden Wing Roc, but didn't know what to say.

"Don’t daydream about it. The Buddhist school is the sole overlord of Lingshan. How to be overthrown, I don’t care how you go against Lingshan, but my master and disciple want to go to Da Leiyin Temple to worship Buddha and ask for sutras, you Just let it go quickly," Wukong said.

Seeing Wu Kong saying this, Demon King Peng suddenly became gloomy: "You monkey, you really have a hard mind. Didn't you want to be the emperor of heaven back then? Now that I have established a kingdom in Lingshan, it is more prestigious than the emperor of the day. I If you are willing to share the world with you, you don't know whether it is good or bad. If you go to Da Leiyin Temple to worship the Buddha and ask for sutras, it will be fine, but you need to keep this monk for me." King Peng said.

"No, my master is appointed by a Bodhisattva, how to stay with you" Wukong shook his head and vetoed it.

Demon King Peng said helplessly: "If this is the case, then I can only leave you here, and wait until I reverse your master into the elixir of immortality, depending on what you say."

After speaking, King Peng Demon said: "There are both left and right. Give me these monks."

"Hmph, Demon King Peng, do you really want to do it?" Wukong took out the golden cudgel in his hand, and the golden light saw through the void.

"For hundreds of years, I don't know if you have been under the Five Elements Mountain for a hundred years, whether your skills have deteriorated, and this seat has not moved your hands and feet for hundreds of years. Now that you have a chance to meet today, how about stretching your muscles?".

As the Peng Demon King said, the emperor’s costume converged and turned into a heroic warrior costume. His whole body was black and white, and the two airs turned around: "If you can beat me, what can you do? If you can’t beat me, you can only stay Give me a drink here".

As he spoke, Dapeng transformed into yin and yang qi, and in a flash came to the wilderness not far from Yunmeng State.

"I really don't know what Da Leiyin Temple thinks, and actually tells you to do evil here again, to cause disaster." Looking at Demon King Peng, Wu Kong waved the golden hoop in his hand.

Demon King Peng said coldly after hearing the words: "The Buddhist family is strong and domineering. I can take root here, which naturally shows that they can't help me."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it." Wukong looked at Demon King Peng, and the golden cudgel in his hand was wrapped in Qianjun's power, and went to suppress Demon King Peng.

The yin and yang of the Peng Demon King's body turned into the shape of a Tai Chi diagram: "In the past few hundred years, I have completely mastered my own skills, and I am about to see if you monkey has improved."

Facing Wukong's stick, Peng Demon King just shot it with one palm, the yin and yang are intertwined in a vertical and horizontal direction, constantly circulating, Wukong's stick seems to be hitting cotton, and all the strength is instantly removed by that Peng Demon King.


The power of Yin and Yang in the other palm of Demon King Peng flowed towards Wukong's suppression: "You have to be careful, my innate law of Yin and Yang changes mystery, unparalleled in the world, heavy as a mountain, light as a feather, unpredictable Weili".

As he spoke, Demon King Peng's palm melted the void silently, and came to Wukong's chest.


Wukong flew out, only feeling that the golden body was in pain. The palm of Demon King Peng seemed to be an ancient mountain, and it was too heavy for people to breathe.

"Good skill, I didn't expect to see you in five hundred years, your skill has actually increased so much" Wukong rubbed his chest with appreciation.

Peng Demon King raised his chin proudly: "This seat is an innate god. Even if you don’t practice, your own strength is constantly growing. It’s just a matter of time to preach the Dao. What this seat needs to do is to continuously absorb blood inheritance information. If you thoroughly control the power of your own laws, then you can naturally reach the height of the supreme power."

Looking at the Demon King Peng, Wukong showed an expression of envy, jealousy, and hatred. He had to work hard to cultivate himself before he could surrender his mind and settle down on his mind. This would be good. As long as he stayed asleep, he could prove it. No matter who you are, dissatisfaction will arise in your heart, and you will feel resentful.

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