The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1679: Fight

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"Jin Peng, your cultivation is great, and you can't stop Amitabha's blow. Don't let yourself go wrong. Follow me to the Buddha's head in Da Lei Yin Temple to plead your sins and ask the Buddha to forgive you." Wukong saw this gold The winged roc actually blocked his stick effortlessly. Although he didn't take it seriously, it was enough to show that the golden winged roc had an amazing level of cultivation, to the point where it was earth-shattering.

"It's no wonder that Lingshan has been so late and can't help this guy. It turns out that this guy's cultivation has reached the point where he is good for good. Even Sun Chi's guy wouldn't dare to say to the Golden Wing Dapeng that he would win," Wu Kong secretly said in his heart.

"You Hohen, you don't know how the sky is high and the earth is thick. Even if you get to the Buddha, I just don't submit to the Buddha's control. The Buddha will not punish me. You Hohen you missed a great advantage for nothing. If you stay here, with I ruled the king and ruled, split from the Great Leiyin Temple, and claimed to be the king. Wouldn't it be happy? Fortunately, Sun Chi bowed down in front of Sun Chi.

Wukong chuckled: "My old grandson is used to ease. Only when I reach Lingshan and my thoughts are clear, the mind can come and subdue the heart ape. Then he can prove that there is no law, become the supreme strong, and sit on an equal footing with the Buddha. Wouldn't it be better than you, a wild king."

"Are you going to prove Dao?" The Golden Winged Dapeng was taken aback when he heard the words. He looked at Wukong with a pair of eyes. The movement in his hand was stagnant, and it instantly turned into two qi of Yin and Yang, dissipating in the void, and then reorganized in the distance with a pair of eyes. Looking up and down Wukong, he said, "I'm actually going to prove Dao, no wonder I can't look down on my little temple."

"My brother, don't mess around. Amitabha has unparalleled mighty powers. He is known as the number one power in the heavens and all realms. Even Taiyi taught the ancestor's path of fate, but it can't suppress the mighty power of Amitabha. How can you be Amitab's opponent? If Amitabh gets serious, I won't be able to support you." Wukong bitterly comforted.

At that time, the Golden Winged Roc became worshipped with himself, and later entered the 33rd Heaven. If he wanted to overthrow the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, all my brothers would be the birds and beasts. Only this Golden-winged Roc will accompany him to the end, no matter what. Said, I owe him, if it weren't for myself, the golden-winged big Peng would not be looted by Sun Chi, confined in the spirit mountain, and would not be free.

Wu Kong didn’t know that the Lao Tzu of the Golden Winged Dapeng was the boss of the Lingshan realm. In other words, the Lao Tzu of the Golden Winged Dapeng was the emperor of the Lingshan Dynasty, and Sun Chi was just a prime minister of Lingshan. Dapeng is the prince of Lingshan. Sun Chi naturally did not dare to abuse the Golden Wing Dapeng. Not only did he dare not to abuse, but he had to give up like his ancestors all day long. In recent years, the Golden Wing Dapeng has gone away, and Sun Chi has not seen it. It's not annoying, half is acquiescence, and the other half is true.

As a congenital god, Golden Wing Roc has grown in strength after he was born, and constantly adapts to his own laws. There will be a blowout period in strength, beyond which Sun Chi does not dare to say, but it is easy to avoid Sun Chi's suppression.

"Hmph, you Hussein, since you want to prove the Dao, you can go to Da Leiyin Temple. This monk is here and I am going to sacrifice the elixir of immortality. The king wanted to take concubines a few days ago. The elixir of immortality is counted as a gift." The Golden Wing Dapeng stretched his muscles and bones.

"You are stubborn and stubborn, I will wake you today, lest you do a big mistake in the future and be turned to ashes by the Buddha" Wukong immediately became angry when he saw this, and his heart was mobilized, and all his strengths were converged to the stick. Middle: "Be careful, my grandson has used all my strength."

Said it was all the power, but it was just seven or eight points, for fear that he would accidentally kill the only brother.

The Golden Winged Roc laughed wildly: "Look at your monkey's methods. You dare to speak wildly and speak about the way of proof."

As he spoke, the golden winged Dapeng's body was congenital yin and yang, and all the powers of the two sides converged to the extreme in every move. The punishment guillotine in the dark is not a joke. The two sides are fighting on the wild land. If the force accidentally escaped, and the punishment guillotine was alarmed, it was considered a loss.

In this battle, it is you and me. Wukong’s club breaks through ten thousand magics. The golden winged roc’s innate yin and yang qi wipes out everything. No matter what magical powers or pros and cons, it will be affected by that innate yin and yang. Qi is extinguished and turned into powder.

"Awesome, really amazing" Jin Wing Dapeng praised it, yin and yang two qi in his hand turned into a Tai Chi diagram, and rolled towards that Wukong.

"You are not bad." Wukong avoided the strangulation of Yin and Yang. The two sides fought endlessly. After seven or eight hundred rounds of battle, no one could do anything else. Wukong helplessly stopped his hands and went on like this. He could not win until he was old. , On the contrary, it has delayed the major events of learning.

"Do you really refuse to give way and tell me to take the truth?" Wukong said helplessly.

"I'm doing it for your own good. The Buddhist precepts are clear. Nowhere is it worth the roaring mountains and rivers. If you enter the Buddhist school and exterminate the six thieves, are you still you?" The Golden Wing Roc said.

"Who said I eat Zhai Nian Buddhism? Who said that I exterminated the six thieves, just surrendered to the heart, the proof is the supreme way, and many things are seen open. For the supreme realm, everything is like a passing moment." Wukong bitterly Persuade.

The Golden Wing Roc speaks plausibly: "How do you know that your current thinking has not been affected by the Buddhist scriptures? Your current thinking is your nature."

Wukong was taken aback when he heard the words, and then smiled bitterly. Of course, he could not say that he had never read Buddhist scriptures at all, and he had no idea about the Laoshizi Dharma. Now this change is just surrendering the mind and suppressing all the distracting thoughts. , Understood the meaning of the word'rules' and realized the existence of rules, so I started to act in accordance with the rules.

But this is the realm of Lingshan, God knows where the Buddhist people are hidden, so I can't say it like this.

Wukong rolled his eyes and looked at the Golden Winged Roc and said, "You wait, my grandson has a way to surrender you after all."

After speaking, he disappeared without a trace, and flew towards Da Leiyin Temple.

"Hmph, you monkey must move to rescue the soldiers as soon as possible. If it is too late, this monk has already been refined into a pill" Jin Wing Dapeng shouted and turned back to the palace. Monk Sha has been restrained by the full house of monsters.

Seeing the Golden Wing Roc coming in, the eighth ancestor Zhu knew the identity of the Golden Wing Roc and immediately said: "Dapeng, my old pig is still your brother, you quickly let me go."

"Are you my brother? Why don't I remember you as a brother?" The Golden Wing Dapeng came to the front of the old ancestor and grabbed the ears of the old ancestor Zhuba.

Old ancestor Zhu Ba said: "I know that you had a quarrel with Brother Monkey in the Heavenly Palace back then. I was the marshal of the Tianhe navy in the sky. Now I worship with Monkey Brother under the Buddhist gate. You quickly let go of me. Let's have a good idea. Say".

"Huh, nonsense, no one in the sky is a good thing" Jin Wing Dapeng snorted coldly, turned and walked onto the throne: "Come on, prepare the steamer, let's put the fat head and big ears first. The monk was steamed, to pay homage to the internal organs, and then the furnace was opened for alchemy, and the monk was refined into the elixir of immortality."

"Okay, you bastard, you actually want to use my old pig to make alchemy. In the future, your Buddha will definitely not spare you lightly," the old ancestor Zhu Ba cursed.

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba only knew that the Golden Winged Roc was the uncle of the Buddha, but he didn't know that the Golden-Winged Roc was Amitabha. If he knew, he didn't know what his expression would be.

Tathagata Buddha has an extra mother-in-law. It is not a secret in the heavens and all realms. After all, Kong Xuan swallowed the Tathagata back then, and this matter cannot be hidden from everyone's eyeliner.

"Humph, wash this pig demon for me," Golden Wing Dapeng said.

A group of little demons immediately gathered around, held down the pig eight ancestor, and then dragged it out.

With his hands on his back, the Golden Winged Roc turned around a few times and said: "The great cause of learning the scriptures is appointed by the Buddha, but it can't be delayed. Then the Buddhist masters will come soon, and I still need to be prepared to deal with it. It's okay, otherwise you will be caught off guard."

At Da Leiyin Temple, the Buddha of Tathagata is in *, but seeing a golden light in the main hall, revealing his figure, he grinned at Sun Chi on the throne, and shouted angrily: "Tathagata, your relatives committed a crime. Up".

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