The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1681: The last one

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After listening to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's words, Wukong scratched his head. After all, his brain was not enough. This monkey focused on studying and comprehending the great path, but he was not interested in all the conspiracies and tricks in the world.

"Forget it, I told you it is just for nothing. Go and save your master. Now the forty-nine hardships have finally completed the merits. The great sage's distance to the Dao is only between thoughts and movements, only waiting for the inexhaustible luck of the heavens. If you go down, you can prove that there is no way to go.” Bing Qin looked at Wukong, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Seeing that Bingqin, Wukong grinned, and was about to jump off the cloud head. Suddenly, he felt his head buzzing, his eyes turned black and he fell straight down.

"Bang" the earth rolled up smoke and dust.

In the clouds, the Lingyu boy looked at the great sage below, and said to Qing Niu: "Brother Qing Niu, smash the monkey for me to let him know how good we are."

Hearing the words, the green cow didn't ask about the cause and effect, and flew down in a circle. The eyes of the sage turned black, the mana in the body was lost, and the cloud head was planted.

Bingqin was shocked when he saw this scene, and then let out a sigh of relief: "It's okay to teach this monkey a lesson."

"Who is it? Who is attacking my old grandson" Wukong swayed to his feet, as if he was drunk, watching everything spin around.

Na Bingqin and the others smiled softly, turned and left, returning to Lingshan, leaving Wu Kong roaring in place.


In a certain palace, Yu Duxiu was placed under house arrest, feeling the last breath of Xuanhuang Qi entering the body, instantly blending into the embryo of Xuanhuang Qi, Yu Duxiu instantly burst into tears, and an innate soul cut instantly, It was one-seventh the size, submerged in the Xuanhuang embryo: "My way is complete."

Yu Duxiu's complexion was excited, and the endless light flowed in her eyes. A round of jade-colored discs continued to rotate rapidly, and various avenues of magical powers were quickly deduced. It was just a few breaths, the endless general trend in the nine days, and the infinite air luck , Qi Shu all poured in, entered Yu Duxiu's body, and sank into the Xuanhuang embryo.


The endless world was half swallowed by the Xuanhuang embryo before it stopped. Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of tears. The journey was hard, humiliated, trembling, and conscientious. Who knows? .

No one can understand Yu Duxiu's mood at this time, and that feeling is an inexplicable joy that ordinary people cannot experience.

"My way is right, my way is right" Yu Duxiu just sat there blankly, muttering to herself.

"Master, master, my grandson is here, my grandson is here, where are you, where are you" Wukong shouted outside.

After hearing the words, Yu Duxiu sorted her mood, became expressionless again, and walked out of the door and said, "Wukong! Here is my teacher."

"Master" Wukong leaned over and looked up and down Yu Duxiu for a while before he said: "Master, are you okay?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Duxiu said.

"It feels like the master is different," Wukong said.

"How is it different?" Yu Duxiu patted his sleeves.

"The temperament of the master has changed, and there is some sharp taste" Wukong circled around Yu Duxiu: "This is by no means the temperament that a monk should have."

"You Hohen, what are you talking about indiscriminately, has the demon ever been surrendered?" Yu Duxiu changed the subject.

"I have surrendered, I surrendered, it was the Buddha who came to surrender himself, Master, the Da Leiyin Temple is in front of you, we can go to Da Leiyin Temple for another half month, meet the Buddha, and ask for the truth." Wukong Tao.

After hearing Wukong's words, Yu Duxiu nodded: "So, let's rest for a while and get on the road."

Yu Duxiu regained his silence, and all his mind was immersed in the Xuanhuang embryo in his body. As the forty-nine Xuanhuang Qi was melted into one body with the boundless heaven and earth air transport, the Xuanhuang embryo finally had a qualitative change.

Endless information was produced out of thin air in the Xuanhuang embryo. At this time, Yu Duxiu's mind was constantly running, accepting the endless information that cracked Xuanhuang's breath.

Just like an innate god, he automatically receives his own bloodline information. At this time, Yu Duxiu is also constantly receiving his own bloodline information.

"Master, Brother Monkey, you are finally here. If you don't come again, I really want to enter the belly of the monster." But when I saw the steamer in the backyard, I heard the cry of the old ancestor Zhu.

How long did it take to enter the steamer twice, and put it on whose body, that would be unbearable.

Yu Duxiu looked at Wukong: "Hurry up and rescue Bajie."

Wukong heard the words and patted the steaming pot and lifted it into the air. Old Ancestor Zhu Ba crawled out of the steaming pot and said, "Below is Junior Sha, and Sha is also inside."

"Oh" Wukong was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly stepped forward and rescued Nasha Wujing.

"Master, although the group of demons in Yunmeng has been killed, it is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave early. The monarch and ministers of Yunmeng have been eaten, and there will be great chaos soon. If it is involved, it will be fettered. The speed of the trip to Da Leiyin Temple was delayed, but it was not good, not to mention the eyes of everyone in the heavens and worlds were red. If it is delayed, it will give everyone time to react, I am afraid that there will be a lot of disasters on the road." Wukong said.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words: "If this is the case, then everything is up to you."

The old ancestor Zhu Ba searched in the kitchen, carrying a big package, bursts of aroma came out of the package, Wukong said: "Bajie, your desire to speak is too strong, if this continues, why You can become a Buddha in a day."

Ba Jie smiled: "If you can return to your ancestors by blood, even if you don't become a Buddha, it doesn't matter."

After speaking, the ancestor Zhu Ba took out the unknown pastry from the package, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed.

"The merits have been completed" Amitabha sighed lightly in Lingshan Pure Land.

"Teacher, since he has completed his merits, has the teacher's deity returned?" Kong Xuan said.

Amitabha shook his head: "The deity has always been there, how can I talk about the word "return"."

Kong Xuan was stunned and puzzled, but Amitabha did not explain to Kong Xuan. He turned around and looked at the channel of the Yin Division. After a long time, he sighed slightly: "There are too many causes and effects. I don't know when I can get one. Clues".

After speaking, Amitab closed his eyes and continued to preach the Great Way.

"The general trend of the Buddhism has come." In the wild, the snake **** sat opposite the fox god, and the wolf god, the fox **** and all the wild monster gods gathered together.

"The Buddhism has plundered at least half of the luck of the heavens and all realms. In the future, the Buddhism’s luck is unstoppable. Even if we defeat the human race, we are afraid that it will be difficult to compete with the Buddhism." The snake god’s eyes are Now that he has already forged a death feud with the Buddhism, it is natural to spare no effort to bring hatred to the Buddhism.

The demon gods, look at me, I look at you, after a while, I listened to the Tiger God's way: "If we defeat the human race in the future, we need to contain the power of the Buddha."

"The Buddhism and the four seas are like fire and water, why do we need to contain it" the Rabbit God said unhurriedly.

"It's difficult, as Amitabha is the number one power in the heavens and all realms, only Taiyi teaches the ancestor and the fox **** to contend with it. I don't know if the cold 缡 has made a breakthrough."

"Human race is the biggest threat. Taiyi Jiaozu has already broken through, and Taidou Jiaozu is not far away from the breakthrough. He has found a way, and Fuyao's attitude is ambiguous, but after all, he is also a human race, so it can't be guarded." Fox God stretched out three fingers: "Not Amitabha, there are three supreme powers in the human race."

As he said, the Fox God broke off a finger: "After going to Fuyao, there are still two people in the human race. It is only a matter of time for the Taidou breakthrough. Therefore, there are two supreme powers in the human race, if not the Taiping ancestors The ghost owner took the opportunity to take away his innate Lingbao, I'm afraid I am in trouble now."

"There is also an unlucky ghost who is waiting to see everyone's jokes hidden in nowhere, everyone must guard against it" Niu Shen said boredly.

"Now the power of the heavens and the world is complex, and it affects the whole body. Although I am the biggest power, I still have opponents. I don't know if it is the best time to start a race war." Fox God lowered Head, the words are low.

"Procrastination, after procrastinating for a while, look at the actions of the Buddhist school after gaining the power of the heavens. We can't fight for both losses and benefit from the Buddha." The chicken **** on one side is holding a feather fan, not hurriedly. Slowly swaying, purple light flowing in his eyes.

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