The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: Arrive at Da Leiyin Temple

After hearing the words of the chicken god, everyone fell silent. ????

After a while, I heard the Tiger God said: "The realm does not represent combat power. There is nothing to be afraid of if there is only an Amitabha. As long as we are united in one mind, the Central Region is ours."

"I said so, but what if the Buddhists take the opportunity to attack?" the snake **** said.

"Hmph, we are never a soft persimmon. As long as Amitabhas dare to pinch, we dare to retaliate wildly and completely uproot the Da Leiyin Temple. You know, the human race has endured the Buddhist school for a long time, but it's just too careless Wild strength, I dare not do it lightly, just provoke the enemy indiscriminately" Tiger God Road.

"Okay, stop arguing. The war is about to begin. We must divide the level between me and the human race. If we want to make a breakthrough, without the support of luck, everything is a delusion. If the Buddhists dare to stretch out our hands, neither are we. "Soft Persimmon" Fox God interrupted everyone's argument.

However, it is said that the four Wukong masters and apprentices walked towards the direction of Da Leiyin Temple along the way. The road was very leisurely, and it was so idle. All the monsters conspired to disappear quickly as they approached Da Leiyin Temple. It is as strong as Taiyi to teach the ancestors. At this time, he did not dare to make a plot. After decades of ups and downs, he finally arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan.

"Master, there is the Great Leiyin Temple in front of you." Wukong pointed to the distant mountain peak, which plunged into the cloud, and the infinite Buddha light lingered. I don't know how many Buddhist monks were discussing the Taoism in it.

"This is the Great Leiyin Temple." The ancestor Zhu Ba stared at the building of the Great Leiyin Temple. He said: "My old pig has only heard of the prestige of the Great Leiyin Temple before. , But I’ve never really seen Da Leiyin Temple, Master, let’s go quickly.”

"Don't worry, don't worry, let's refurbish here for one night, after taking a bath, it will not be too late to go to Da Lei Yin Temple" Yu Duxiu interrupted Zhu Ba.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba nodded when he heard the words: "That's true. Anyway, this night is not bad. After tonight, we can become Buddhas and ancestors, and there will be a power in the future, so we can sleep."

Old ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly sore his nose when he thought of the days when his family was in the wild, the weak and the strong, the fearful days.

The heavens and all realms, unless the proof is allowed to go to the great road, otherwise no one dare to say that he can live without worry.

There are too many dangers in the heavens and myriad worlds, and maybe sometime, there will be unreasonable disasters, and the whole cultivation will be destroyed.

The four masters and apprentices camped here, took a bath silently, and Wukong touched the golden hoop on his head, and then said, "This is indeed a good treasure. If you get to Da Leiyin Temple, Guanshiyin Bodhisattva wants to get it back. How about the slightest?".

Wukong was greedy, and didn't want to return this golden hoop.

Now that Wukong cannot be restrained by this golden hoop, it has become Wukong's help, helping him to surrender his heart, and hold Yima.

"Master, now that you have arrived at the Great Leiyin Temple in Lingshan, it's better for your old man to give me the spell of this tight-knit mantra. This is a treasure and cannot be returned to the Bodhisattva." Wu Kong carried the golden hoop, showing reluctance.

"There is something to do, there is something to do, Amitabha Buddha" Yu Duxiu glanced at Wukong and said with a smile.

Wukong rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "Master speaks uneasy, uneasy, I still think of a way to greedy this golden hoop, and can't return it back."

"Brother Monkey, can Yima ever settle down now?" Old ancestor Zhu Ba came over and said, "If your old man is staying on Yima, when his heart and mind meet each other, then it will be the Supreme Avenue and become the second in the Buddhist school. Buddha, I have to rely on you to cover him."

"I promised my master to go to Da Leiyin Temple in the West to worship Buddha and ask for sutras. As long as I reach Da Leiyin Temple and ask for the scriptures, I can think freely. .

The envious eyes of the ancestor Zhuba were red: "Brother Monkey, that is the law of strength. If you prove the law of strength, even if you don’t get rid of it, then Amitabha and Taiyi’s ancestors may not be your opponents. The law is the most powerful law in the world, there is no one, you really stepped on it, lucky."

Sha Wujing on one side also leaned over and said: "Master brother is really the way of good luck, the heavens and the world, the law of strength is the foundation of all the laws, and the brother has made a lot of money this time, and the proof is the strongest in the heavens and the world. By".

Wukong smiled softly when he heard the words: "It's not worthy of praise, it's not worthy of praise, it's just a rule of power, not worthy of praise."

Looking at Wukong’s appearance, although his mouth was the word ‘trivial’, his face showed a look of pride, as if he was saying: “I’ve proved the law of strength. It’s so awesome. Come and praise me. Ah, come and compliment me".

"This Bi Ma Wen is really shameless" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba pouted and turned around as if he hadn't seen it.

Sha Wujing's face was dark, and he looked at the lake in the distance.

When Wukong heard the words "Bi Ma Wen" in Ba Jie, his face turned black, and he kicked it out, and the ancestor Zhu Ba flew into the lake instantly: "You fool, don't fight for a day, go to the house. Wa, all day is exposing my old grandson’s shortness and impropriety."

The only shameful thing in Wukong's life is known to everyone in the world, and there is a **** by his side who disgusts him by talking about it.

"You, a plague-stricken monkey, dare to bully me, Master, your old man is going to be the master for me," the ancestor Zhu Ba cried towards Yu Duxiu who was bathing in the distance.

Yu Duxiu shook her head when she heard the words. The two guys were used to fooling around and ignored them. They just soaked quietly in the lake, waiting for the metamorphosis of the embryo of the mysterious yellow energy in the body.

The three junior brothers were fighting here, and suddenly saw the divine light flowing from the sky, and the ice in white clothes fell.

"I have seen the Bodhisattva" Wukong and Sha Wujing gave a gentle bow.

Na Bingqin nodded, looked towards the lake, saw Yu Duxiu bathing in the lake, pretending not to see, turned around and looked at Wukong and said, "Tomorrow you will wait for Da Leiyin Temple, maybe you will There are twists and turns".

"What's going on? Could there be calamities in the Great Leiyin Temple?" Wukong was taken aback.

Bingqin shook his head: "Today the Golden Winged Roc ran out of the Buddha's seal and fought against the Buddha and almost demolished the Daleiyin Temple. You monkey has a lot of entanglement with the Golden Winged Roc. The Golden Winged Roc has a noble position in the Great Leiyin Temple, be careful of its secretly stumble you.

On one side, Wukong and Sha Wujing glanced at each other, Wukong chuckled, "It's okay, my grandson will prove the way soon, don't be afraid of any conspiracy."

Bingqin smiled upon hearing the words: "You can be When you meet the Buddha, you will understand how noble the Golden Winged Roc is in Buddhism."

After speaking, Bingqin turned into streamer and went away: "Be careful."

Watching Bingqin leave, Wukong said to Yu Duxiu in the river: "Master, come out quickly, the Bodhisattva is gone."

"Amitabha Buddha" Yu Duxiu walked slowly out of the water.

Wukong joked: "Master, doesn't the Buddhist school pay no attention to the physical body? It's all stinky skins, so what can it be if people see it? Bodhisattva has a way of cultivation, and everything is already empty."

Yu Duxiu's face turned black when he heard the words: "There is a difference between men and women after all, it is better to avoid taboos."

"Master, go to bed early, enter Da Leiyin Temple tomorrow, get the scriptures, you are busy" Wukong turned around and flew on the tree, hanging on the tree to sleep.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba crawled out of the water and sneered, "I am the uncle of the Buddha. I went to Da Leiyin Temple and went home."

On one side, Sha Wujing rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

Yu Duxiu held the scriptures in his hand, and looked at the scriptures in the light of the Buddha's light in the Great Leiyin Temple. Suddenly, his mood calmed down unexpectedly: "Bajie, rest soon."

"Yes, Master" sounded a pig, steamed the water droplets, covered the blanket, and fell asleep next to the white dragon horse.

In the vagueness, Yu Duxiu seemed to dream of returning to her previous life. His previous life and this life were instantly confused. I don't know whether this body was in the previous life or in the present life.

On the second day, the sun was high, Yu Duxiu and the others sat up, looking at the distant Da Leiyin Temple one by one, immediately refreshed, tidying up their clothes, and heading towards Da Leiyin Temple for a while. 8

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