The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1687: Buddha shot, snake **** calculated

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"Put down the scholar?" The old tortoise wandered around his eyes, and shook his head unhurriedly: "Hold this scholar, I might still be able to earn a life for the old tortoise. If I let the monk down, I'm afraid In an instant, the Buddha will take action to crush me. If the Buddha still wants the life of the sutra taker, he will tell me to take the sutra taker out of Lingshan. Otherwise, I will go directly to the sutra taker. The suppression will last for millions of years, but there is only one life to learn from, and the road to heaven can only be walked once."

Looking at the old tortoise, both Sun Chi and Wukong looked pale, but they were scrupulous about the old tortoise’s actions, for fear that the old tortoise would really kill him, so he had to hold back his anger, nodded and said: "Okay, you go. Well, I just hope you don’t do it yourself."

The Turtle Prime Minister smiled, grabbed Yu Duxiu, and slowly moved to the distance, pulling away from everyone.

"Old tortoise, you have to think about it. If you can now take away part of the fortune of my Buddhist path to the sky, you will have no access to the road in the future. Breaking the repression of Donghai Longjun is just a matter of thought. , If you return to the East China Sea like this, Lord Long is afraid that you won’t be tolerated.” Sun Chi did not forget to instigate separation.

The old tortoise nodded: "I would also like to thank the Buddha for reminding me that I will not be on the main road when I pass the old tortoise and when I will come out.

After speaking, the old tortoise wrapped Yu Duxiu and soared into the sky, and in a flash, he left the Lingshan realm. When Sun Chi and Wukong caught up with him, the old tortoise had disappeared and was completely in the heavens and all realms. Countless powerful eyelids disappeared, but Yu Duxiu stood there blankly in a robed robe.

"Master, is it okay?" Wukong leaned over.

Sun Chi gritted his teeth: "You have to cramp this old tortoise to get rid of its bones and dust."

"No need to chase anymore" Yu Duxiu's face was pale.

"Yes" Sun Chi subconsciously said, Wukong scratching his head while watching, without saying a word.

"My memory has been restored. Under such majestic luck, if I can't restore my memory, then he is an idiot." Yu Duxiu glanced at Wu Kong before turning to say: "Continue on the road."

"Master, it's not good. I don't know why the scriptures actually stuck to the bluestone." When Yu Duxiu and others returned, several hours had passed.

Looking at the incomplete scriptures held by the ancestor Zhu Ba, the scriptures glued to the stone, Yu Duxiu's expression suddenly became pale: "Didn't you tell you to be careful?"

"The disciple is indeed already careful, but he can't help the disciple. I don't know why, the scriptures are pasted on," Old Ancestor Zhu Ba said helplessly.

"Asshole" Sun Chi's lips trembled.


There was a thunderbolt on the sunny day, and only a loud noise was heard. The wind and clouds above the Great Leiyin Temple gathered, and the majestic luck that was originally accumulated was split and separated in a hundredth of an instant, facing the life of the old tortoise. Fusion away.

"After all, it broke my Buddhist calculations. It really is a strong middle hand." Yu Duxiu clenched her fists.

That Wukong was holding the stick on one side, looking at the scripture, not knowing what he was thinking.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as we can reach Middle-earth smoothly without any twists and turns, the remaining luck is enough for my Buddhist plan. The key plan has been achieved. The Buddhist Daxing is just taking advantage of the trend." Yu Duxiu turned Turned over to the white horse.

This so-called one percent of the air luck is actually because Yu Duxiu sacrificed the Xuanhuang embryo and swallowed up 70 to 80% of the air luck from the gathering of the heavens and the world, and the remaining 20 to 30% One percent of luck.

Although it is not big on the whole, it is definitely not small to take it out alone. The old tortoise itself also has gas accumulation, and this gas luck is a bargaining chip, which is enough to break the blockade of Donghai Longjun.

"Where is Dharma Protector Jialan?" Sun Chidao.

"The disciple is here" but saw Jialan a dry guardian walking out of the void.

"Although the speed of this white dragon horse is not slow, it is still too slow compared to the way to learn the scriptures. You are driving the sacred wind and sending the holy monk back to the Central Territory" Sun Chidao.

"Yes" everyone Jia Lan responded, casting spells one after another, turning into a violent wind, engulfing Yu Duxiu and others, and flew towards the middle domain.

Seeing the group of people studying the scriptures walking away, Sun Chi was not relieved after all, and instantly turned into golden light to chase him up, for fear of another setback.

In the Pure Land of Lingshan, Amitabha looked into the distance blankly, and the corners of his mouth slightly cocked: "It's just a futile struggle. In the end, he will make a wedding dress for my Buddhist family, but this old turtle dare to move. If this seat does not If you take action, it will arouse people's doubts in life. This time, I just took the opportunity to have a fight with the mud loach from all over the world and did not give him a chance to heal his injuries."

After speaking, I saw a big hand that covered the sky and sun across the void in an instant, passed through the spirit mountain boundary, and headed towards a certain place in the wildness to suppress.

After the old tortoise got rid of Lingshan’s chasing soldiers, he felt the blessing of aura in the dark, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Even Sihai Longjun would not want to suppress me this time, and sacrifice an inspired prince to perfect my old man. Turtle, it's just a good death.

After speaking, the old tortoise looked left and looked again. He was about to think about a place to live in seclusion and break through the supreme realm, but suddenly saw the void solidify, and then saw a big hand covering the sky and the sun suddenly suppressed in the void Next, the golden light of the big hand flickered, exuding unparalleled power, and the endless void of the heavens and the world was still in an instant.

"Amitabha" the old turtle's eyes panicked: "I have already ran here, hiding my energy, how could this old thing find me".


A purple thunder and lightning flashed across the void and instantly turned into a giant net, blocking the old turtle and Amitabha. The thunder and lightning continued to gather and transform into the figure of Donghai Longjun.

"East China Sea, good calculation, I didn't expect to be robbed of a vitality by you." Amitabha's big palm covered the sky with countless mantras, and the unparalleled power all converged to the extreme, not revealing the slightest, not afraid of the punishment of the knife.

"Amitabha, is it possible that you can't afford to lose?" Donghai Longjun chuckled, and countless mantras on the dragon ball also circulated, turning into a giant lightning net, dragging Amitab's palm.

"Can't afford to lose? As long as you kill this fellow, all the auras will be erased by this seat, and all the auras will return to my spirit mountain again. On the contrary, you can't afford to lose from all corners of the world, and you will make calculations again and again." Amitabha Sneered in his eyes.

In the Yinsi Difu, the ghost Lord’s mouth sneered: "Hehe, I really didn’t expect that Amitabha has always been self-sufficient, strong and domineering, but I didn’t expect that he will finally be deflated today. I am so happy to watch, so happy, these four sea dragons. Jun Ke wants to help a group, and finally opened a gap in the aura of the Buddhist school, and can't give up halfway While talking, the ghost master opened the yin and yang channel and descended on the field with a pair of eyes looking at Amitabha's Big hand: "Amitabha, if you lose, you lose. Why do you have such a dead skinny face? There is no demeanor of the supreme strong."

The ghost master had a single palm, the power of the six reincarnations flowed, and he pulled away towards the big hand of Amitabha.

Amituo's face was pale, and he didn't say much, just a pair of eyes looked at the ghost master of Yinsi and the others: "Ghost master, why are you **** everywhere".

"Your Buddhism owes me too much Yin Si, naturally wherever there is Buddhism, there is Yin Si" The ghost master was proud.

In the wild, the zombie's eyes moved: "This is an opportunity for this seat to find allies. If you can take the opportunity to get on the line with the ghost master, why be afraid of Miaoxiu and the Buddha in the future."

Thinking about it this way, I saw the snake **** twisting the void and appearing in the field: "Amitabha, it's time to stop here, is it possible that all the luck of the heavens and the realms will be attributed to the Buddhist school, and I will not be killed."

"Do you mean recklessness?" Amitab lowered his head and looked at the snake god.

"I only represent myself." The snake **** sneered and turned to the ghost master: "I have seen the ghost master and the dragon king."

"Okay, okay, okay, it's really good." The golden hand in the void converged, and saw the Buddha's light, shining on the void, and Amitab slowly walked out of the void. His eyes were full of murderous intent, and countless golden Buddhist mantras were there. Surrounded by the whole body: "It seems that my Buddhist tree is very popular."

"It's fine if you know." The snake **** did not conceal his hostility, and stood on the same front with the ghost master and Longjun.

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