The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1688: Goku proving the Dao, Buddha head is in heaven

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Looking at the snake god, Amitabha showed a hint of a meaningful smile: "Snake god, you have to think about it, you must know that the boundless sea of ​​suffering is the shore!".

"When I reach the supreme state of waiting, Dao Xin is already strong. Once a decision is made, there is absolutely no reason to change." The snake **** smiled coldly.

"It's good." Amitabha nodded, and looked at Donghai Longjun with a pair of eyes: "I'm afraid it's a Taoist friend who is calculating for nothing, but he will make wedding clothes for others."

"What do you mean by this?" Hearing this Amitabha's words, a kind of anxiety instantly rose from Donghai Longjun's heart.

Amitabha glanced at the East China Sea Dragon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Snake God, and knew that if he didn't want to go to war, he could only stop there.

Now that the road to the sky has just been completed, Amitabha is waiting for his own deity to complete his goal before he can really play a game with the heavens and the world.

Amitabha looked at several powerful men, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his figure had disappeared before his thoughts.

"There seems to be something wrong with this Amitabha." The ghost master froze and scratched his chin.

"It stands to reason that the Buddhist family's luck has been impacted. It shouldn't be a reaction like this. At least there should be a big disturbance. Why is it so peaceful" Donghai Longjun frowned.

The pupil of the snake god's eyes turned into six petals, and a green light slowly bloomed in it: "Amitabha is unfathomable, is there any calculation we don't know?".

When everyone heard the words, look at me and I see you, there was a flash of doubt in their eyes, but without much thought, the ghost master turned around and returned to Yinsi, and the snake **** returned to his own lair. Then Donghai Longjun looked at Prime Minister Turtle: " Prime Minister, let's return to the East China Sea."

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head: "Thank your Majesty for your kindness. The minister has already sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough and is about to find a breakthrough. This time the Buddhist plan is broken. I am afraid that the Buddhist will not forgive me in the future. If I cannot break through as soon as possible, my life will be worrying. ".

Looking at Prime Minister Tortoise, Donghai Longjun's eyes were complicated, after all, he didn't force him, he just said, "Well, it's your own choice, and I don't want to force myself."

After speaking, Donghai Longjun instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Seeing Donghai Longjun walking away, Prime Minister Turtle stretched out his head and looked around in all directions, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "I want me to go back, so I'm a fool."

While speaking, Prime Minister Turtle dived into the ground and disappeared.

In the midst of recklessness, they said that the guardian Jialan was driving the kamikaze and sent the four masters and apprentices all the way. It took only a few days to reach the Dachen realm, and then returned to Dachen’s capital, which immediately attracted Dachen. The emperor personally greeted him, and then the story of learning the scriptures from the west became widespread. For a while, Buddhism began to prosper again and became popular in the Central Region.

In the capital of Chen Kingdom, Yu Duxiu wore a robes and kept teaching the Fa. It took a full month and seven days before he publicized the scriptures from the west, and the road to heaven was finally over.

"Holy monk, now that the road to heaven has been completed, I also invite the holy monk to go to the Great Leiyin Temple to listen to the seal" Nahu Fajialan said.

Yu Duxiu nodded, bid farewell to the Great Emperor Chen, and returned to Lingshan with Wukong and others, only to see that all the Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Jialan had arrived at this time.

Amitabha descended, sitting in the field, with a pair of eyes looking at the four people who came from the scriptures, then Amitabha said: "The way to learn the scriptures, see the nature of the heart, you have gone through forty-nine difficulties, the merits are complete, my Buddhist Dafa , Lay a foundation in Zhongyu, spread widely, and today should be rewarded by meritorious deeds."

Hearing Amitabha’s words, everyone was overjoyed. They looked at Amitabha, but saw that the golden-winged big Peng next to Amitabhas thoughts drooping, wearing a small flower hat on his head, sitting there, in his eyes It was bleak.

Na Amitabha said: "San Zang, now you are named a wonderful Buddha."

"Disciple, thank you Buddha," Yu Duxiu bowed a salute unhurriedly, and then stepped back.

Then Amitabha looked at Wukong:

"Sun Wukong came forward to listen to the seal."

"My old grandson will do this and do this again" Wukong said with a smile on his face.

"Today you learn from the sutras and the merits are consummated, and you are now honoured as a great position and fruitful, and you defeat the Buddha for fighting."

When this word fell, it was considered to be complete with the merits of taking the scriptures. The Wukong's thoughts were clear in an instant, and I saw the immortal horse instantly descended, following the palace, and directly fell on the heart ape, the heart ape turned over and instantly rode on the imitation horse , The dragon and tiger mingled in a moment, the Yin and Yang were perfect, an inexplicable fluctuation instantly escaped from Wukong's body, and a powerful fluctuation rose into the sky, and swept away in all directions. The world swept away, wherever it passed, the sky fell in disorder and the earth surged. Jinlian.

"Hahaha, hahaha, my old grandson has proved it, and my old grandson has proved it."

The sound of Wukong's mad laughter spread throughout the heavens and all realms, and in an instant, countless powerful eyes from the heavens and all realms looked towards the spirit mountain realm.

In the wild, all the demon gods all raised their heads, with joy on their faces: "Now that the explosive ape has returned from the reincarnation, it is really gratifying. This monkey itself is not a peaceful lord. It has caused trouble all day long. It is also proved that the law of supreme power is not weaker than those who transcend the power, and now I have two transcendent powers in my recklessness, overwhelming the human race."

The Fox God’s face is full of smiles, and there is no doubt that Wukong’s reincarnation is, for Manghuang, a key force in determining future race wars.

Terran, the ancestors looked ugly at this time, and Taiyi taught ancestors to fiddle with the power of destiny in hand: "The law of power is proved by the explosion of the ape. The return of reincarnation is not good for my Terran. If there is a race war, my Terran will definitely We are at a disadvantage and we are in decline, but now we are in trouble."

"The general trend has been achieved, and now I want to do something, but it is too late" Taiping taught the ancestors.

In the East China Sea Tanggu, the ten prince was cultivating, but he saw that old ten was surrounded by real fire, and he was holding a yellow gourd in his arms. At this time, the yellow gourd was out of the arms of the ten prince, but saw a white light cut himself. The fairy flying knives flew out, wandering around in the void, a pair of eyes looked in the direction of Da Leiyin Temple: "Good means, good means, Miaoxiu is really a good means, if you are planning something, This kid is the real behind-the-scenes of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Whether it is Taiyi or the fox god, this kid has been tricked by this kid. This kid is so powerful, he actually told me to use the law of strength with my physical identity. Back then, my grandson If the law of power is proved, why should this kid be tricked by this kid and be sacrificed as a flying sword."

After speaking, I saw that the white light transformed by the explosive ape turned inside the Zhanxianfeidao: "But no matter how you say it, this seat has finally found a way to detachment. If I am detached someday, I can return against the sky and escape. The shackles of this Zhanxian Flying Sword".

With the return of Zhan Xian Fei Dao, Tang Gu instantly recovered his calm.

"Hahaha, congratulations to Brother Bao Yuan Dao, who has returned from the catastrophe." The figure of the tiger **** in the wild and wild rose slowly ~ covering the sky and covering the sun, the voice shook the world, and the stars trembled.

It is strange to say that Wukong's certificate is a way of immortality. It does not see the vitality of the heavens and the earth, but directly reaches the place in one step. It can be seen that the mysteriousness of the law of power exceeds everyone's imagination.

"What kind of ape? It's messy, my old grandson is the Buddha who fights and defeats the Buddha. You can also call me Qitian Buddha. It is not necessary to fight and defeat the Buddha. It is better to call Qitian Buddha." Wukong's dissatisfied voice came from Lingshan. It spread out.

This sentence fell, and there was a moment of silence in the wild, and the demon gods looked at me and I looked at you. They were a little confused. What is the situation? .

"Bro Ape Dao" the snake **** called.

"What blast ape? My old grandson is Monkey King Monkey King, it's really inexplicable" Wukong muttered impatiently.

This sentence immediately made all the demon gods in the wildness dumbfounded, what's the situation? .

What about the good blaster? .

"Don't worry, maybe it's that Brother Boss has just returned and has not recovered the previously damaged memory." The rabbit **** chewed the radish quickly in his mouth, his eyes were red as if they were gems, but his voice changed his tone, how he concealed it. Can't help.

"What's the matter?" Fox God frowned.

Human race, all the ancestors, you look at me, I look at you. Before seeing the law of Wukong's proof of power, everyone was quite worried, but now they are inexplicably joyful.

"What's the matter?" Taiyuan Jiaozu grinned.

"Could it be that the memory of Booming Ape has not been restored?" Taiping Teacher Ancestor said in a low voice.

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