The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1697: The evolution of Hongmeng, God's will is like a knife

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Yu Duxiu thought of the innate thunder beast. If it hadn't been for taking the innate thunder beast with the Three Treasure Ruyi, it was afraid that the innate thunder beast had been cramped and peeled by the crowd and trained into various treasures.

"Since the Insect God is a congenital beast, why don't everyone be killed?" Yu Duxiu asked in confusion.

"This worm **** is different from ordinary innate gods. The worm god’s abilities are impermanence and impermanence. The body is insecure, and it is impossible to kill it. At the time, everyone was unprepared and told the insect **** to escape. Now it has become a climate. I want to kill again, but it's hard." Chaotian said with a spirit fruit.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words: "So it's so, no wonder that guy actually survived."

"By the way, if you have a conflict with the snake god, you still need to guard against the insect god. The insect **** and the snake **** are husbands and wives. If you work together to calculate you, you are afraid that you can't stop it. When the time comes, please call me and wait. , Move back to the situation for you" Chaotian said.

Yu Duxiu chuckled when he heard the words: "Thank you, everyone, Pang Dao is now back from the catastrophe, and he still needs to retreat for a while. You can talk slowly, and I will find a place to retreat."

With that said, Yu Duxiu unceremoniously walked into Fuyao's hall, searched for a secret room, and began to practice in retreat.

When Yu Duxiu was chatting with Chaotian and the others, she suddenly found that the Hongmeng Ancestral Qi in her body had changed, so she had to find a place to retreat and practice.

Looking inside my own innate primordial spirit, I saw the mysterious waves spread in the huge Hongmeng Ancestral Qi, and I saw that the Hongmeng Ancestral Qi seemed to absorb a certain kind of Qi in the dark, and it actually started. 'Production', I saw each road with only the thickness of the arm, and the miniature Hongmeng ancestors more than one meter long were suspended in Yu Duxiu's mind.

"Hongmeng Ziqi".

Looking at the tiny purple qi that is so small that I don't know how many times it is, Yu Duxiu suddenly realized that this Hongmeng ancestral qi gave birth to the Hongmeng Ziqi.

Seeing Na Hongmeng ancestral qi continuously derives a series of hongmeng purple qi, Yu Duxiu Yuanshen quietly took care of her own ancestral aperture. After a full month, I saw fifty hongmeng purple qi in Yu Duxiu’s mind. Circling.

"The avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine." Looking at the fifty waves of ambivalence and purple qi, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt her heart, and the forty-nine radiances of purple qi suddenly hugged into a ball. This mysterious law was compiled and turned into a cloud of red clouds, while the remaining cosmic purple energy was swimming alone on the edge of Yu Duxiu's ancestral orifice, seeming not to know what to do.

"The avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, but the one that escaped is still full of disasters, endless calamities, and a dead end. There is no way to survive for all the heavens and sentient beings." Look at the one who escaped. One, a cold light flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and the next moment the soul revolved, a black lotus flickered, but the eighth stage of the lotus flower bloomed, slowly descending from the void, and the remaining purple aura at this moment It seems to have met a family member, and instantly plunged into the power source of disaster and calamity, and merged with the power source of disaster and calamity.

"Hahaha, the avenue is fifty, the left hand is forty-nine, the right hand is the one who escaped, all these are fixed numbers, all under my control" Yu Duxiu laughed, but the next moment he smiled slightly Stagnant, because the remaining purple qi was not integrated with the black lotus of his own, but only temporarily lived in the black lotus.


Yu Duxiu frowned: "This Hongmeng ancestral qi contains one-seventh of my innate primordial spirit, and the birth of the cosmopolitan purple qi is naturally marked by the primordial spirit of this seat. This black lotus has also been in contact with me. Gods merge into one, why these two things, which should be the same thing, can’t merge."

Yu Duxiu's brows frowned, looking at the peaceful purple air in the black lotus, a cloud of gloom flashed in his eyes, and things seemed no longer in his calculations.

"No matter how much, I hold the Hongmeng Ancestral Qi, it is the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, I am one, and the Hongmeng Purple Qi evolves into the Dao. This one that escapes is not a big deal. It is still controlled by me." Yu Duxiu's mind Slowly relax: "I don't know how to use these forty-nine purple qi in the future, and I haven't found a suitable way to use it. As for the one who escaped, I can't think of how to deal with it."

At this moment, if someone sits opposite Yu Duxiu, you will find that the red dot formed by the Hongmeng Ancestral Qi at the center of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows slowly fades away, turning into nothingness, and the center of the forehead and the center of the eyebrows is smooth and smooth. , But as the Hongmeng ancestral spirit that represents the avenue disappeared, I saw that the forty-nine Hongmeng purple air at the center of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows turned into tiny silk threads, and the center of the eyebrows continued to entangle, turning into a red thread .

At first glance, I only thought that the red line was just an ordinary red line, but if you look closely, you will find that there are endless small red lines in this red line. Forty-nine red lines are turned into infinite, which is not clear. Forty The nine red lines are constantly intertwined and reorganized, changing endlessly and without definite numbers.

At the same time, a mysterious message came into Yu Duxiu's mind from within those forty-nine radiant auras.

"Supernatural power" Yu Duxiu looked at the inheritance message from the forty-nine grand purple air currents, Yu Duxiu's eyelids jumped.

"Heaven's Will is Like a Sword" message contains a complex innate magical power, which is called God's Will like a Sword.

Under the will of heaven, all beings will bow their heads and turn into lambs to be slaughtered.

"Heaven's will is like a knife, and a god's will is like a knife. Then I become a butcher who maintains the will of heaven, who specializes in slaughtering these lambs" Yu Duxiu's eyelids kept beating.

"If this news is spread, I am afraid that the supreme powers of the heavens and the endless beings will completely kill me, and no future troubles." Yu Duxiu opened her eyes and subconsciously wiped her eyebrows, touching With the majestic power coming from the red line, the infinite power of fixed numbers, Yu Duxiu's mind was a little calm.

The will of heaven is like a sword. It is based on these forty-nine cosmic and purple auras, and uses the power of the endless laws of heaven and earth for their own use, so that the laws of heaven and earth are held in their own hands and used to deal with all beings in the world. .

"With this God's Will as a knife, who will be my opponent in this great world in the future? Under the slaughter of God's Will, even if it was tyrannical and unlucky at the time, it has not fallen for a million years, and now I am thinking of reincarnation and return." Duxiu's brows relaxed: "God's will is like a knife, and a god's will is like a knife. Let me take the snake **** in the wild and open the knife to see if I can kill the lamb and ant."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and slowly began to comprehend the power of this heavenly will like a sword.

In the midst of recklessness, the zombie was a little uneasy at this time, and on a whim: "Oh, why is this seat upset recently? It's really weird, weird, why is upset."

"Father God" Nine-headed insect came in from outside the main You don't go to retreat, what are you doing?" The snake **** looked at the nine-headed insect, his eyes rolled with anger.

"Father, the child suddenly found that he had forgotten a great advantage" Nine Headed Insects approached.

Too Yi Dao, the cold light in Tai Yi Jiaozu’s eyes flickered constantly, innate gossip in his eyes, and fate between fingers: "After Miao Xiu returned from the reincarnation, I can’t see clearly in this seat. Now I must try some magic. The details of the show, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

"What good?" The snake **** said.

"Father God has forgotten, that Miao Xiu holds the Three Treasures of Ruyi that cross the heavens and all realms. The Three Treasures of Ruyi are infinitely powerful, and may not weaken the innate spiritual treasures of the ancestors. If God the Father can hold the Three Treasures of Ruyi, Blessing the Supreme Real Body, even Miaoxiu will definitely not be the opponent of God the Father" said Nine Heads.

"Miaoxiu's Three Treasure Ruyi disappeared and no trace can be found, how to make a plan?" The snake **** said with cold eyes.

"My boy thought about it yesterday, after thinking about it, the three treasures of wishful thinking, from the hands of Wangchen in the Lichendong sky, perhaps this three treasures of wishful thinking quietly returned to where Wangchen, no matter what, while Miaoxiu is still in retreat. , God the Father gave it a try, after all, there is nothing to lose. If you can win the Three Treasures, Father God will surely increase in strength, and Miao Xiu’s strength will fall sharply. If you want to kill Miao Xiu, it will be easier in the future." The blinker looked at the zombie.

The snake **** touched his chin when he heard the words: "That's the truth."

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