The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1698: The zombie steals the treasure, but it is lost

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After the snake **** heard the words of the Nine-headed Insect, he was immediately moved. Miaoxiu's treasures are famous in the heavens and the worlds. I would like to ask all the monks in the heavens and the worlds, who is not greedy? That's not salivating? .

"There is also some truth. The Three Treasure Ruyi can be selected by Miaoxiu as a magic weapon, and the mystery of it can be foreseen." The snake **** stood up and glanced at the nine-headed insect: "Now Miaoxiu has just reincarnated and is in retreat. For my father, I just went to the sky from the dust cave to take a look."

After speaking, a stray wind blew and the zombie disappeared.

Outside the dust cave, I don’t know when a man in a black robe came. This man looked at the empty void, with green petals in his eyes flowing, and then merged into one. The palm of his hand was gently pulled, and no one was disturbed. In the sky from the dust cave.


But seeing the man open his mouth, a faint green mist drifted across the entire Lichendong sky accompanied by the breeze, and all the creatures fainted instantly.

"Yeah! My ancestor, my poison gas is still as effective as it was before." The snake **** was enveloped in a black robe, and walked through the dusty cave, wherever he passed, watching the countless creatures who fainted, the corners of his mouth With a satisfied smile.

The primordial spirit of the snake **** is so powerful, reflecting the surrounding area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, without delay, has arrived in the cave of Lichendong Tianwangchen.

Seeing the fainted Wangchen, the zombie goddess of 5 long, 5 winds and 5 verses smiled coldly, the green petals in his eyes flowed, and with a stroke of his palm, he saw a crystal clear jade Ruyi in the sleeve of Wangchen’s sleeve. In the hands.

"Nine-headed insects are really good. This treasure has actually returned to this little Nizi's hands again." Looking at Wangchen, the killing intent in the eyes of the snake **** dazzled. This person met Yu Duxiu and was trusted by Yu Duxiu. The three treasures of my own are placed here, which shows that the relationship between the two parties is very close.

"Forget it, it is not suitable to have more twists and turns. If it is caused by a whim, Miaoxiu will feel that it is not beautiful. Now that the treasure is already in hand, I will leave the seat." The snake **** opened his mouth and all escaped. The mist that came out of the body turned back again, and a pair of eyes looked at Lichendongtian: "Hey, there is no trace left in this seat, and the secret is covered. Who of you knows that I did this thing? Since then, this The place where the Three Treasures wish to go is an unsolvable mystery."

As he spoke, the body of the zombie slowly disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? It seems something is wrong?" Lichen Dao Chang wakes up instantly after the snake **** has just left. The poison gas of the zombie **** just fascinates the body of Lichen Dao Chang's body. Under the tactics, he can't move, but the innate immortality is harmless.

I just don’t know what’s going on, whether there is an enemy looking for him, then Dao Lichen dare not really relax his physical body again, the innate immortal aura travels, if the enemy takes the opportunity to destroy the physical body, Dao Lichen There is nowhere to cry.

"Someone has been here?" Dao Chang Lichen looked at the quiet Lichen cave sky, his complexion suddenly became gloomy, and he walked to Wangchen's cave in an instant. Seeing Wangchen sleeping peacefully, his heart sank even more and he shook. Shaking Wangchen's arm: "Sister Wangchen, wake up."

"What's the matter, sister, how did I go to sleep" Wangchen said in a daze.

"Someone has been here, I'm afraid that Lichendongtian was hit by a trick" Lichen said with a gloomy expression.

After listening to Li Chen's words, Wangchen suddenly felt aroused. He subconsciously touched his sleeve, then his face was stagnant, and then he patted his whole body in a panic, his face pale: "It's not good, Brother Miaoxiu's Three Treasures Ruyi is lost".

"What? The Three Treasure Ruyi has already left?" Li Chen was taken aback.

"At that time, it was just the brother who made it blindfolded, for fear that others would be thinking about the Three Treasure Ruyi, and the Three Treasure Ruyi was missing." Wangchen was about to cry, and his small face suddenly collapsed.

"How can this be? You look for it again" Li Chen said.

"No, I've searched it all" Wangchen cried, his eyes flushed, tears dripping down: "Senior brother told me this, I didn't do a good job, I am ashamed of my brother's advice, what should I do now? it is good".

Wangchen's eagerness was helpless, and the fairy scent was gone without a trace.

After all, Li Chen had seen the world, but was the reincarnation of the ancient monster. A pair of eyes scanned the Lichen Cave Heaven and said: "I didn't expect the other party to come specifically for you, or specifically for the Three Treasure Ruyi, but it doesn't matter. We are thinking of a way. Now that Brother Miaoxiu has reincarnated and returned, it is better to notify Brother Miaoxiu as soon as possible and ask Brother Miaoxiu to call the shots. Brother Miaoxiu has vast magical powers and we can definitely find flaws."

Wangchen nodded when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and rummaged among the cupboards on one side, then took out three incense sticks, lit them instantly, inserted them in the incense burner, and whispered: "Brother, little sister Wangchen, yes See you in a hurry."

"Wang Chen?" Yu Duxiu, who was comprehending God's will like a sword, suddenly frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and listened to the anxious call in his ear, using magical powers, and a phantom walked out of Yu Duxiu's body. .

Na Wangchen lit the incense, but saw that the incense didn't float or shake, it rose directly into the sky, and then sank into the Qing Ming in an instant, only to see a figure in the incense slowly walking out.


Looking at the figure, Wangchen couldn't help but start crying.

"What's the matter?" Don't cry. Senior brother is in charge of everything." Yu Duxiu came to Wangchen and wiped the tears on Wangchen's face.

"Senior Brother Three Treasure Ruyi lost" Wangchen snorted again after saying.

Yu Duxiu frowned upon hearing this: "The Three Treasures are lost?"

"Wait for my real body to come here, I'm doing care" The Dharma body heard the news, instantly turned into smoke and dispersed, disappearing.

"Silly girl, don't cry. Your brother will definitely not blame you. Your brother will come here later, you and I will go out to meet you." Li Chen rubbed Wangchen's head.

"Heaven's will is like a knife!" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "This supernatural power is too complicated and profound. Now I only have a glimpse of mystery. If you want to fully grasp it, you have to study it hard.

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu slowly stood up: "Where is the Three Treasures wishful thinking, I haven't come back soon!".

"Huh? There is no movement?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback for a moment: "Where is the Three Treasures wishful thinking! Not coming back soon!".

After the words fell, there was still no half-way feeling, but Yu Duxiu's brows frowned: "Things are a bit big, I don't know that the old immortal will take action and plot my treasure."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure disappeared into the Nine-headed insects watched the snake **** go for a short time, and then turned around and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Have you ever found The Three Treasures wishful".

"A more head is good, it is smart, and reacts faster than the average person." The zombie looked at the nine-headed insect with emotion on his face.

"Congratulations Father God" said Nine-headed insect.

"When I refine the three treasures of Ruyi, let's see what is hidden in the Three Treasures of Ruyi," the snake **** was saying, suddenly his complexion changed, and his sleeves were shaking, and a powerful wave of waves faintly escaped.

"What a powerful treasure, even if it is separated from its owner, it still has such power, no wonder Yu Duxiu can hold the world" The zombie stretched out his palm, holding the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand, firmly suppressing the Three Treasure Ruyi: "But now that you are in the hands of this seat, there is naturally no room for you to resist. Today, you will be sacrificed and turned into a treasure of this seat."

At Lichendongtian, Yu Duxiu's figure appeared outside Lichendongtian. At this time Wangchen and Lichen were already standing and waiting.

"Senior Brother" Na Wangchen saw Yu Duxiu, crying and rushed over: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I have all of this. Sanbao Ruyi will definitely not escape my palm." Yu Duxiu patted Wangchen's scented shoulders. Now Wangchen is not a child. Such closeness is not good. Yu Duxiu stretched out her hand. Pulling Wangchen out of his arms, he said: "Let's go in and have a look. I haven't seen him for five thousand years. My brother is about to recount the old times with you. The Three Treasures cannot be lost."

Seeing Yu Duxiu saying this, Wangchen looked calm, and walked into the Lichen Cave with Yu Duxiu, and said, "Brother Dao might have found clues that the thief had come?".

Yu Duxiu heard the words and said: "Be calm and not impatient."

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