The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1699: Ming? M blocking the way

Yu Duxiu's eyes looked at the sky from the dusty cave, and the gleaming gleaming across his eyes. At this time, Yu Duxiu's eyes were covered with a blue color, and a vast and mighty mood came from his eyes. Passing through, illuminating the void, reflecting all things like candlelight. August 1 Chinese? =≤

"Huh? There's no trace of it?" Yu Duxiu's eyes scanned the entire Lichendongtian, and her brows suddenly gathered, and Wangchen on one side became nervous when she saw this.

"What's wrong?" Li Chen said while watching Yu Duxiu closing his eyes.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and walked in place three times before saying, "The other party must have come prepared, otherwise it will not clean up all the clues so clean."

"Brother, I'm sorry," the teardrops in Wangchen's eyes kept spinning.

"It's okay, I really think that after removing all the traces, I can hide the eyes of this seat?" Yu Duxiu's mouth and a slight sneer: "I will ask the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for this matter."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stood there quietly, tracing a mysterious track in his hand, and instantly blasted the pure land of Yinsi, the immeasurable divine light in his eyes shining on the entire Yin and Yang channel, descending on the other shore: "Please also Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva comes".

The "Amitabha Buddha" Ksitigarbha made a noise, sat up in the pure land, and walked out of the pure land of Lingshan, his eyes were brilliant: "I have seen the layman Miaoxiu."

"The Three Treasures Ruyi in this seat were stolen, and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was asked to use his supernatural powers to reverse time and pursue the real murderer."

The little monk of the Ksitigarbha king didn’t say much when he heard the words, the infinite Buddha light flickered behind his head, and the next moment he disappeared into the void, facing the long river of time, going upstream. Not long afterwards, he saw the little Ksitigarbha monk walking slowly. Come out: "Snake God".

"Thank you, I got it." Yu Duxiu's expression became solemn, and cold light gathered in her eyes. She was thinking about the trouble with the snake god, but she didn't expect the other party to come first.

"Snake gods are not easy people, be careful," the little monk of the Ksitigarbha king bowed to Yu Duxiu, turned and walked back into the Yin Division.

"Brother, this treasure was stolen by the snake god, what should I do?" Wangchen looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, full of gloom.

For Wangchen, the supreme powerhouse is a mountain, and no matter how powerful his brother is, he can't move that mountain.

"This matter is my own consideration. Now that the other party came to the door, it is obvious that Lichendongtian is not safe. Why don't you follow me to Dafengzhou? I and Fuyao and Chaotian are close friends. In that Dafengzhou, I can definitely Protect you well, I see you are now full of magic power, not far from perfect fortune, for my brother just to show you how to break through the condensed Dao fruit." Yu Duxiu's forty-nine purple energy is constantly flowing and intertwined. The changes are endless, and people dare not look directly.

"Little girl listens to brother" Wangchen nodded obediently.

Yu Duxiu looked at Lichen with a pair of eyes. It was complicated and difficult to understand. After a while, he said, "Let's cherish the life of Lichen Dao. I hope that in the next big catastrophe, you can see Dao Master have the opportunity to escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

"Hmph, you mean I don't have any hope of preaching this time" Li Chen was immediately unhappy after hearing this.

"No, it's just that the chances are slim. I don't even dare to prove it, let alone you." Yu Duxiu smiled complacently.

This sentence, but he heard the long silver teeth clenching away from the dust: "Huh, you seem to have a better talent than this seat, but I don't know that the talent of this seat is not weaker than you."

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu did not make this meaningless argument, but turned around and walked straight to the outside of the dusty cave: "I say goodbye, the Taoist master cherishes it."

"Sister Lichen, or you follow me to Dafengzhou to practice." Wangchen looked at Lichen with a look of reluctance.

Li Chen shook his head when he heard the words: "Your brother didn't invite me, how can I take the initiative to go, rather than send someone under the fence, it's better to stay in my comfort zone comfortably".

The words sounded a bit sour, but Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly and stopped: "Okay, then I invite you to practice in Dafengzhou."

"Hmph, you only invited me after I said it, but it was not sincere. You go, I don't bother to see you."

After speaking, Na Lichen turned and walked into the cave, closing the door of the cave.

"Brother, let's just throw Sister Lichen here, okay," Wang Chen said timidly.

"What's wrong, that Lichen is a quasi-immortal, who can live for hundreds of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years, the vicissitudes of life, who knows what will happen after tens of thousands of years, let alone hundreds of thousands of years later" Yu Duxiu held the corner of Wangchen's clothes and took a step forward. He was already beyond the dusty cave sky, and was about to head to Dafengzhou, but suddenly heard a gentle voice: "I have met Brother Miaoxiu."

"Ming Yu" Yu Duxiu stopped when she heard the words, and looked at Ming Yu. Behind Ming Yu, there were four quasi-superpowers standing.

"Meet Brother Miaoxiu" Ming Wei respectfully saluted.

"Senior brother, no need, you can call me: Hongjun" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

Mingxu smiled bitterly: "Why do brothers get angry with the ancestors, because the future is simply delayed. If the brothers are willing to return to Taipingdao, the ancestors will definitely support you in preaching."

"Support me to prove the truth? I'm afraid it is to support the supreme power to chase me down and count me. As soon as I enter the cycle of reincarnation, it is as deep as the sea. The past and the present are all strangers. What else is there to say" Yu Duxiu shook her head.

Mingyu smiled bitterly when he heard the words. It was true that the ancestor of Taiping taught that he was not authentic at the time. But as the head of Taiping, Mingyu did not dare to comment on his patron, and looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Brother, the ancestor actually treated you back then. Not thin, in order to fight against the enemy, and even marry the Sihailong clan, but I never thought that the ambition of the Sihailong clan’s wolf son would completely crippled the seniors, and the ancestors were also quite heartache, but you should know that a crippled tianjiao is for the clan. As far as the family is concerned, it is just abandoning the son. The brother was abolished that year and will fall into reincarnation sooner or later. It is not worth teaching the ancestors to cultivate. It is right to teach the ancestors to abandon you. Who knows that the brothers actually rose up and went upstream and refined With the elixir of immortality, the ancestor at that time actually had regrets in his heart, but he could not pull the skin."

"It's like a clever tongue. I haven't seen it for more than five thousand years. It's a lot of clean lips." Yu Duxiu looked at Mingxu with a pair of eyes: "You came here to talk about these nonsense?".

"Brother, please forgive me, the ancestors have orders, please go back to Taipingdao and take charge of Bixiufeng" Mingwei smiled bitterly and saluted Yu Duxiu.

With her hands on her back, Yu Duxiu looked at Mingyu and the four quasi-superior masters behind him, and sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, does the ancestor really want to completely tear the last skin with me?".

"Brother, it is also a kind of good intention to teach ancestors. Girl Wangchen returns to Bi Xiufeng to take over the power of Bi Xiufeng. The road of practice will definitely advance by leaps and bounds." Ming Wei smiled bitterly.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "Wangchen is now a perfect fortune. Only after comprehending the Tao fruit, you can condense the innate immortal aura. For Wangchen, Bi Xiufeng has no gain, but is a burden. That's it. Please come back. Wangchen wants to follow me to Dafengzhou to seek the truth, but Taipingdao doesn’t have to go Brother joked, brother can once remember the vows when he worshipped Taipingdao." Mingyuan Road.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Too many years old, tenth reincarnation, can't remember."

"Taking a knock in front of the ancestor, he will be a Taiping from now on. As the supreme master, Taiping Dao has its own laws, and no disciple of the disciple can violate it. Moreover, teaching the ancestor is also a kind of good intention. The brother should think for Miss Wangchen "Thinking" Ming Wei said unhurriedly.

"Really?" Yu Duxiu looked at that Mingyu: "Don't you want to do something with me?".

Mingxiu glanced at Yu Duxiu, stepped back slowly, and backed behind the four quasi immortals: "Since the brother has separated from my peace path, he naturally can't control my peace path. If the brother is not reasonable, he can only do it. It's been a game, after all, the teacher is watching."

While speaking, Mingyu pointed to the void: "Teach the ancestor but look down here, brothers should not mistake themselves, the power of teaching ancestors is unimaginable."

Yu Duxiu loosened Wangchen's sleeves and looked at the four quasi immortals with her hands on her back: "Do you rely on them?" (To be continued.)

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