The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1700: Reappearing Taoism

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"Brother, don't be arrogant. Even these seniors are enough. After all, seniors are not truly quasi-superpowers. Even if the seniors are highly skilled, they can be killed as long as they are hit hard. "Ming Wei said helplessly.

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu looked at Mingyu, and then said after a while: "It's really easy for people. I didn't expect to see you for five thousand years, and you have changed."

"Brother, don't be obsessed with understanding, everyone is changing, and the constant can only be eliminated." Ming Wei looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, full of vicissitudes of life.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "You can do it yourself, I don't mind how many more puppets you have."

Hearing Yu Duxiu's words, Ming Wei shook his head, turned and walked away: "Brother, I am ruthless to teach the ancestors."

"The cultivator should be ruthless at first, and don't call me brother, call me Hongjun in the future. If you are listening to you call me brother, I will kill you." Yu Duxiu glanced indifferently at the audience. Everyone glanced at: "Taipingjiao ancestor, too far away from me."

"Brother Hongjun, I am offended." The four elders saluted Yu Duxiu: "Brother Dao, please be merciful."

"You don't need to be merciful, I've never been merciless when I start," Yu Duxiu sneered.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the elders suddenly changed their colors. You look at me, I see you, instantly turned into innate immortal auras, and slashed towards Yu Duxiu with the momentum of thunder.

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "The universe is in the palm."


Chaos tumbling in Yu Duxiu's palm, instantly the world divided into turbidity, and went to suppress all the quasi immortals.

"I have come back from the reincarnation now. It's rare to have time. I have to play with you today, or else I will disappoint some people." Yu Duxiu's unparalleled force began to pull in the palm of her hand, forming a mighty breath between several breaths. The vortex kept pulling the four innate immortal auras towards the universe in his palm.

"Four Elephants".

The four quasi-superpowers saw that the opportunity was not good, and they showed their bodies, and then twisted their bodies, and they actually reacted with the power of the void to form a large array of four elephants, and they had such a few degrees of heaven and earth. The strength of the four people joined hands to form a large array, and the strength has increased by several times.

"Formation? Is this your support? Don't you know that I am the ancestor of formation."

Looking at the formation composed of the four quasi-immortals, Yu Duxiu smiled, and the magical power in her hand surged, and a finger pointed out, no more, no less, just at the joints of the formation, the whole formation immediately Falling apart.


The formation backlash did not wait for a few strong men who presided over the formation to react, and Yu Duxiu had already received it in the hands of the universe.





"Brother, be merciful," Ming Wei called out anxiously.

In the next moment, four magnificent rainbow lights rose into the sky, shining across the world, and countless spectators suddenly sweated in their hearts. Unexpectedly, that Daohua mad demon would come back again, and it was even more brutal. Daohua has four quasi-superpowers.


An angry voice of the Taiping ancestor sounded in the void: "Miaoxiu, don't you really talk about love?".

"Please call me Hongjun" Yu Duxiu said blankly.

"Okay, okay, okay" Taiping Jiaozu's emperor's picture flickered, and he wanted to suppress it, but when he saw a burst of divine light from Dafengzhou on one side, he locked the Taiping Jiaozu far away. A shocking battle broke out.

"Very good, Hongjun! I remember you," Taiping Teacher Angrily said.

Yu Duxiu shook her head when she heard the words, did not look at the Mingyuan, turned around and led Wangchen, stepped forward and landed in Dafengzhou.

Too Yi Dao, Tai Yi taught his ancestor to hold the tortoise shell in his hand: "Finally understand."

"Brother Dao understand what?" Tai Dou Jiaozu appeared in front of Taiping Jiaozu.

"I finally know why Miaoxiu has so many quasi immortals in Taoism" Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly.

"Why?" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"Miaoxiu has opened up the universe by itself, and we can also open up the universe now, does it mean that we can also Taoize those quasi immortals, and the quasi immortals have cultivated their own laws, which are extremely stable, if they can be transformed into their own world Not only does it add a puppet, it can also promote the maturity of a certain law and promote the growth of its own world."

After hearing the words of Tai Yi Jiao Zu, the Tai Dou Jiao Zu on one side suddenly changed his expression: "If everyone is Taoist and quasi-superior, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos."

"You can’t arbitrarily discern the quasi-superior, but if there is a quasi-superior who takes the initiative to provoke life and death? Will it not kill two birds with one stone at that time? Miao Xiu is really a great talent, creating an era, an era of division. From today onwards, all the quasi-superior powers of the heavens and the world must remain respectful when facing the transcendence, or they will face the fate of being Taoized." The voice of Taiyi taught the ancestors has not been suppressed. The strong and even the quasi-superior can hear clearly.

Hearing the horrified remarks made by the ancestor of Taiyi, the supreme powerhouses look at me, and I see you, their eyes are full of horror. If it is true as the ancestor Taiyi said, the situation in the heavens and all realms will definitely change in the future. The root cause of all these changes all began with Miaoxiu.

"You have caused a serious disaster. Now the transcendent realm cultivator has the means to check and balance the quasi-superior cultivator, I am afraid that the quasi-superior will hate you into the bone." Fu Yao looked at Yu Duxiu, his mouth cocked.

"This is not my trouble, but the inevitable result of the times. As the world of the transcendent realm matures, they will eventually find this big killer move." Yu Duxiu walked in unhurriedly, facing everyone. : "This is my junior sister Wangchen."

"Girl Wangchen is so blessed that there is actually such a senior brother taking care of her. In my opinion, it shouldn't be a problem to be the supreme being" Tai Su Jiaozu said with a smile.

Na Fuyao said, "Girl Wangchen might as well establish Beppu in Dafengzhou."

"I have seen all the immortals" Wangchen stood beside Yu Duxiu, and all the fairy opportunities that escaped by everyone inadvertently were blocked by Yu Duxiu.

The immortal is no longer with the world, transcends the world, that is, the immortal machine that escapes unintentionally. It is earth-shaking, and it can be resisted by the quasi-superior. That is to say, Yu Duxiu appears in the heavens and the world. A weird thing that broke all the rules.

Seeing this, Wangchen turned and retired. Fufeng looked at Yu Duxiu: "This seat has found the threshold of detachment. What do you think of my current state? When will I be completely detached?".

Looking at Fuyao, Yu Duxiu’s eyes flashed with jade-colored brilliance The eyes of good fortune flickered, and after a while, he said: "Opening the world, paying attention to all things is the Hunyuan, what you are developing now is the Hunyuan of the wind , If the Hunyuan of the wind is successfully conceived, it can open up the world and create the world of the wind, and then it will naturally be detached."

One side moved towards the sky: "Then tell me, I have been practicing for so long now, and I still can't find my own way of detachment."

Looking at the sky, Yu Duxiu was speechless, and after a while, he said, "You are a swordsman who goes slant, if you want to be super, you must have great cause and effect with the world."

"Regardless of the so-called cause and effect, how to transcend is the right principle" looked at Yu Duxiu with eyes open.

"You have to plunder the vitality of sentient beings, create your own world of life, the Hunyuan of life, or the Hunyuan of'heaven', and give birth to a clan of heaven and human who will live forever and plunder the lives of all beings for your own longevity." Yu Duxiu smiled. If Chaotian really created such a race, it would be great fun, and it would definitely become the public enemy of the heavens and the world.

When he heard the words, his eyelids twitched, and he seemed to think of which kind of consequence, and shuddered for a moment: "Is there no other way?".

"This is the price of the sword going slant, but it's."

"But what?" Chaotian said.

"Look at the powerful transcendence realm, which small world is mature and sneaks into it quietly, plundering the vitality of one world, and it is not without the opportunity to become enlightened." Yu Duxiu looked at Chaotian, and felt that something was wrong with him. If it is a breakthrough, then it will become the harvester of the lives of all beings in the heaven and the earth, and will be assimilated by the laws of heaven and earth, and become the grasping teeth of the heaven and earth, dedicated to the act of destroying the world and benefiting others.

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