The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1702: The snake **** fights against Lingshan

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Here, Amitabha wanted to send his army to Yinsi, but he heard the report from outside Sun Chi: "Buddha, the snake **** actually set up his army in the Pure Land, drove countless snake warriors, and killed him towards the Great Leiyin Temple."

Amituo was taken aback when he heard the words: "How many demons?"

"Only the snake god" Sun Chidao: "Is there a hidden monster in secret, but it is not clear."

Hearing Sun Chi's words, Amituo was taken aback: "Is the snake **** crazy?"

Looking at the countless believers in the pure land of Lingshan, Amitabha said: "Qitian Buddha, this Lingshan is handed over to you, I will go to the Yinsi Difu and stay here."

"You can rest assured, I am now looking for someone to practice the law of strength. I didn't expect that the snake **** would actually send it to the door." Wukong's robes instantly turned into golden chain mail, and he strode out. Lingshan Pure Land.

In the Yin Division, the battle was rolled out at this time, and countless blood sea monsters had just come ashore, they were turned into powder by the four supreme powerhouses in the Yin Division.

The countless Yinsi ghosts roared and rushed towards the sea of ​​blood, consuming the water of the sea of ​​blood, completing their transformation.

"Damn bastard" the two long swords of the blood demon flew, entangled with the ghost master of the Yinsi, watching the four supreme powers slaughter their soldiers, but there was no way.

The young Tibetan monk traveled through time and space at this time, avoided the attacks of the four supreme powers, and descended into the army of the Yinsi ghost tribe. The light of the Buddha was shrouded, and countless believers ascended to heaven in an instant, entered the extremely pure land, and became Buddhist believers.

"It's terrible." Looking at the battle below, the Gorefiend looked at the ghost master: "Ghost master, do you want to die with me?".

"To die together? You value yourself too much. This seat is just trying to drive you out of the underworld mansion." The ghost master flickered, avoiding the attack of the blood demon, and the blood demon Abi Yuantu's two divine swords turned at this time. Being one body, the power is boundless, and the smell of stench escapes. Even the ghost master dare not really call these two long swords to cut himself. These two long swords are the most filthy things in the world. This is definitely not Just kidding, even if the real body of the ghost master is cut by these two long swords, it will be filthy instantly, which is very troublesome.

"What a ghost lord, you are trying to disagree with me." The blood demon sneered, drawing countless blood **** sons and flew out of the sea of ​​blood in an instant, avoiding the four supreme powerhouses, and toward the countless yins The ghost rushed over.

The four supreme powerhouses watched the countless blood gods constantly shuttle among their own army, devouring their own soldiers, and wanted to simply suppress the blood gods, but it was unrealistic. In order to avoid greater casualties, He simply turned to ashes with his own soldiers, which immediately caused countless ghosts in the yin to scream, and a riot of turmoil sprang up slightly.

"Bold, all rushed forward for me, consumed the power of the sea of ​​blood, and completely swallowed the sea of ​​blood for me." A supreme powerhouse looked at the ghost of the turmoil, suppressed by the supreme air machine, and calmed down instantly. All the riots.

"This sea of ​​blood is the place where the filthy gatherings have been formed since the beginning of the ancient times. Do you think that the suicidal consumption of these ghosts alone can ruin my sea of ​​blood?" The blood demon smiled coldly: "It's just that. Give me nourishment for the sea of ​​blood. Every time a soul is swallowed, the power of my sea of ​​blood becomes stronger."

"This seat knows that this seat is not a fool." A black hole in the hand of the ghost master moved towards the suppression of the gorefiend.

"Since you know, then you still have to attack my blood sea like this suicide." The blood demon was taken aback.

"I just want to train an army that can withstand the erosion of the blood sea, as long as one can be born from all people, it can be considered as no sacrifice in vain" the ghost master said without hesitation.

Hearing the words of the ghost master, the blood demon's complexion suddenly became gloomy: "You are in vain as the master of the underworld, and you are actually ignoring the survival of the souls of these endless beings. It is really a sin to die."

"Yes, I deserve to die, but I am in charge of the Yinsi Avenue, and no one can punish me," the Yinsi Ghost Lord said unhurriedly.


At this moment, I saw the boundless Buddha's light blooming on the other shore, and then I saw a golden body standing on top of the sky, straddling the other shore, and descending on the field. I didn't see this huge Buddha taking action, just standing there, a place covered by boundless Buddha light. , Countless ghosts were instantly saved, willing to return, enter the pure land of Lingshan, and bless Amitabha.

"Amitabha, you are here, I don't know if your Lingshan will be able to guard this time." The ghost master sneered and split the blood demon with a palm. Hand it over to this seat".

After speaking, the ghost master stretched out his palms, but saw two whirlpools forming in the ghost master's body. The two whirlpools echoed each other and tore away towards Amitabha's golden body: "Amitab, this is my Yin Division The site, today we have to see if you can save the field."

"Amitabha Buddha" Amitabha didn't say much. After making a noise of the Buddha's horn, the Buddha kingdom opened in his palm and came to suppress the six reincarnations of the ghost master.

In the sun world, at this moment, all the supreme experts in the heavens and ten thousand realms are looking at Lingshan and the snake god.

"The snake **** is not crazy? Why did you suddenly rise up to attack Da Leiyin Temple? If Da Leiyin Temple is really so easy to defeat, how can you wait until you do it, the eight old fellows of the human race have already taken action" Fox God Seeing that the snake **** suddenly sent troops and rubbed his eyes, it seemed that he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Crazy, the snake **** is really crazy this time, it's incorrigible, really crazy, that's the Great Leiyin Temple, where does he get his confidence?" Tiger God clutched his head, even if he was Scratching his head, he couldn't figure out where the zombie spirit was.

"If the snake **** is defeated later, shall we go to help?" Rabbit **** dumbly asked.

"Regardless of him, this guy is tossing around and making calculations all day long, and he doesn't say hello to us at all. Did Da Leiyin Temple provoke it casually? This is enough to change the key force of race wars. This snake **** does not know the sky and the earth. "The Fox God gritted his teeth.

"Yes, I was just about to see where this snake god's confidence is, so he dared to do anything casually" the lion **** said coldly, looking at Lingshan with his eyes.

"I'm not mistaken, right?" Tai Yi Jiaozu put down the tortoise shell in his hand, eyes full of consternation.

"Did the snake **** break through the realm of transcendence? Otherwise, where is the courage to make such a move and send an army to the Great Leiyin Temple?" Tai Dou Jiaozu was stunned.

"Snake gods have always been insidious and cunning, this time they will send troops, they must rely on them, but I don't know where the snake gods rely on" Taiyi taught the ancestors ~ ~ snake god, why did you commit crimes against my Lingshan Pure Land for no reason" Wukong took Holding the golden cudgel, looked at the snake god.

The zombie just smiled coldly and revealed his golden body: "I heard that you have the law of strength for the hozen, and I am about to learn it today."

"Hmph, your snake clan is a traitor to my Yang world. You actually helped Yin Si to conquer my Lingshan. In the future, Amitabha will return from the Yin Si, and he will definitely settle accounts with you" Wukong pointed at the snake god.

Taiping Dao, the Taiping ancestor suddenly moved his eyelids. Hearing Wukong’s words, his thoughts turned, and he suddenly broke the Yin-Yang channel: "Listen to Wukong's meaning, there is a war in the Yin Division at this time. Great time".

"Taiping, you old thing dare to come to my Yinsi" but seeing the cold light flashing in the eyes of the ghost master, a part of the attention was drawn from Amitabha, and he looked at the Taiping patriarch.


The Taiping ancestor’s emperor's picture was swept away, and the millions of ghost tribes were turned into powder, and their souls were scattered in an instant: "Ghost Lord, return the innate spiritual treasure fragments of this seat, or you will definitely fail today."

"Hahaha, Taiping, this seat has already calculated that you are going to come here. The imperial map fragment has been suppressed by me in the deepest part of reincarnation. Unless it is my own hands, no one can take out the imperial map fragment. You helped me to severely inflict Amitabha today and pull out the sea of ​​blood. This seat may consider giving you the fragments of the royal map, otherwise you will be stuck in this realm and wait for death."

"Damn" Taiping ancestor clenched his fists: "No one can threaten this seat in the heavens and all realms. Today, this seat helped Amitabha and suppressed you bastard. This seat personally took out this seat from your six reincarnations. The Emperor's Picture".

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