The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Flower 9 grades, mantra derived

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After hearing the threat of the ghost master, Taipingjiao ancestor suddenly became angry from shame, but saw the emperor's picture in his hand shake open, countless talisman seals turned into infinite power, and the endless ocean of talisman seals poured down.

There are endless thunder and lightning, rivers, mountains, stars, sun, moon and everything, instantly rushing towards the countless army in the Yin Division.

At this time, two supreme powerhouses dragged the Gorefiend, and there were still two supreme powerhouses fighting the young Tibetan monk. At this time, seeing the Taipingjiao ancestor make a random move, one of them immediately left the young Tibetan monk. , Towards the Taiping Jiaozu culling: "Taiping, this is the Yin Division, you have to be reckless."


Facing the Taiping ancestor, good and evil were blown away by countless Fuzhuan Rivers in just an instant, the infinite power poured down, and countless ghosts disappeared in an instant.

In the void, no one noticed that a black lotus was blooming.

"What a strong calamity power."

There was a sigh from the black lotus. The 49 difficulties in the road to the sky were still far away. Now, coupled with the battle between Yinsi and Lingshan, it was just used to break through.

"The ghost master is a good person" Yu Duxiu said with emotion.

At this time, Yu Duxiu was sitting in Dafengzhou, her body's strength was still converging in her body, but the lotus technique descended on the Yinsi, constantly absorbing the power from the battlefield.

With the participation of Taiping Jiaozu, the Yinsi battlefield was rewritten in an instant, that karma was restrained by the blood demon's red lotus. When facing the blood demon, his strength was greatly reduced, and he could not even play a point.

"What kind of ghost is this?" The karma monarch looked at the eight-pin red lotus at the feet of the blood demon with a depressed look in his eyes.


The karmic monarch did not wait to answer. He was already split by the blood demon with a sword. The power of filth instantly contaminated the supreme body of the karmic monarch, causing the karmic monarch to constantly howl: "Bastard, what a bastard, actually thinking It's a **** to defile the supreme body of this seat."

While howling, the fire of the karma monarch's whole body burned, instantly turning all the filthy power into ashes.

In the Lingshan realm, Wukong was holding the golden cudgel in his hand, looking at the hideous snake god, the golden cudgel in his hand instantly clicked out: "I have to see what you are capable of, this beast, you dare to embarrass me, Lingshan. Dare to offend my Great Leiyin Temple."

"The law of strength? This seat has been well-known for a long time, and today I am about to teach you how to do it." The snake **** supreme body revolves and instantly transforms into a monster with its upper body as a human body and a snake-tailed lower body. Wukong swept over.


Looking at the neatly arranged Buddhists and soldiers of Da Leiyin Temple, a look of hatred flashed in the eyes of Nine-headed Insects: "Daleiyin Temple will be flattened today, and Da Leiyin Temple will be completely removed from the Great Thousand World."

"Nine-headed insects, you made chaos in the boundary of my Da Leiyin Temple back then. I waited for the sake of the snake god's face. I didn't make a move and spare your life. I didn't expect that your servant is still dead and unrepentant. The remaining few heads should be cut off." Sun Chi's whole body flashed with golden light, and the next moment he had already shot, the magical powers in his hand were flowing, and he went toward the suppression of the nine heads.


Numerous Snake Clan monks, including the affiliated tribes of Snake Clan, slew towards the Great Leiyin Temple.

"Well, good, good calamity, just to help me enlighten."

The Jade Duxiu of Dafengzhou is constantly devouring the countless calamities of the heavens and the world, but at this time, he sees an eighth-rank lotus in Yu Duxiu's eyes continuously rotating. Among the eighth-rank lotus, an illusory petal is slowly Derivatively, with the battle between the two sides and the continuous formation of the killing and robbery on the battlefield, the lotus in Yu Duxiu's body quietly solidified and turned into a nine-tier lotus.

"Flowers bloom with nine ranks, immortal, immortal, immortal, and finally become."

Finally, on this day, I saw a powerful aura rising from behind Yu Duxiu, shaking the Great Thousand World. At that moment, all the calamities of the entire Great Thousand World were swallowed up by Yu Duxiu. Then The rivals of all parties who had fought, looked at their opponents inexplicably for a moment.

"Why doesn't this guy not die if he has his supernatural powers?"

"I've been hit by a sword, why don't I see any damage?".

A tiger looked at the rabbit in its mouth: "I have bitten it down, why is this rabbit not hurt?".

At this moment, the heavens and all realms were in chaos, and the laws were subverted in an instant, exceeding everyone's imagination.


A burst of wild laughter spread throughout the heavens and all realms. When Chaotian and others heard the laughter, they looked towards this place one after another, that Chaotian said: "Looking at the momentum, Miaoxiu is afraid that she has broken through the quasi-superior realm."

"Is this movement too big?" Fu Yao stroked his beard.

Tai Su Jiaozu's eyes flickered when he heard the words, and he didn't say much, just a pair of eyes looked towards Yu Duxiu's retreat.

The ancestors of the human race looked at the aura rising into the sky, and sighed helplessly. Now Yu Duxiu is a general trend after all. From then on, the heavens and the worlds have also been regarded as a place to stand, becoming the most in the worlds. One of the top powerhouses.

"I don't know if my Daohua power and Miaoxiu's Daohua power collide with each other, who is strong and who is weak?" Taiyi Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, who was full of spirits and laughed up to the sky, suddenly a thought came up in his heart.

In the wild, the demon gods look at me, I look at you, the fox **** said: "Miaoxiu has gone through such calamities, and enlightenment is a matter of course. After all, with Miaoxiu's talent, if you can't become enlightened, this seat will be puzzled. What a pity He was supposed to be the leader, but he was ruined by the nine ancestors."

"It's pretty good to be able to prove the Dao, where there are so many requests" Tiger God is also full of emotion.

The wolf **** on one side flickered: "Hey! The aura of this kid Miaoxiu seems to be different, something is wrong."

"Flowers blooming at the ninth rank, even the supreme powerhouse, if you don't use the supreme mantra to bless the innate spirit treasure, you would never want to hurt me." Yu Duxiu's black lotus in his eyes rotates crazily at this time, continuously devouring the heavens and the world. All the power of calamity, whether it is death calamity, natural disaster, military calamity, and all kinds of calamity, were swallowed by Yu Duxiu.

The next moment, I saw that the Dao Dao real seed among the jade duxiu primordial spirit was twisting and growing in an instant, a green leaf slowly stretched out, the supreme mantra in an instant, after all, pierced the mist and revealed in the jade In the eyes of Duxiu.

"This is the supreme mantra of this seat."

Seeing the continuous interweaving of the supreme mantra, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled. The supreme mantra was divided into three volumes.

The lower scroll is the calamity, the middle scroll is purple gas, and the upper scroll is Hongmeng.

There are a total of one thousand and two hundred chapters in each Each chapter has one thousand and two hundred words, each word is surrounded by the supreme fairy, the power of calamity is rampant, it seems that the power of calamity If it is released, the earth will fall apart, bringing infinite calamities, harming all beings, and endless disasters.

When that Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, he saw a black lotus that exuded infinite black light, and the black purple lotus appeared in his hand.

"Unexpectedly, the eighth rank of Huahua, my black lotus has actually completed a qualitative change, from illusion to entity, is this the innate spirit treasure of this seat? But now I only have quasi-immortal cultivation base, how can I have innate spirit? Bao? What does this black lotus count as?" Looking at the black lotus in his hand, even if it is Yu Duxiu, he can't see what this black lotus counts as.

"The virtual reality is transformed, the changes are endless, and the life is amazing." Looking at the black lotus in his hand, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled. The celestial demon world hidden in the black lotus was also completely formed at this time, and the qualitative transformation was completed. It seems that it has turned into a vast world, endless, and there are endless dimensions that derive in the demon world that day. Countless demon in the demon world are like ordinary people, living, marrying wives and having children.

"It's weird, isn't the heavenly demon born from the dark side of the endless gathering of sentient beings in the heavens and the earth? Why are they really like living beings now, marrying a wife and having children?" Yu Duxiu thought of wandering through the heavenly demon world, her eyes full of doubts The color.

After a while, Yu Duxiu restrained the black lotus, and the black lotus in her hand disappeared. Yu Duxiu looked at the Lingshan battlefield with a pair of eyes: "Snake! Now I want you to taste the power of the gods. If you meet the insect **** in the future, look. Are you a swarm of insects, or the demon in this seat is better than the sun."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's hands formed a ring, and the endless demons flew out.

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