The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1704: Mysterious changes, the power of the demon

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Countless heavenly demons roared the mountains and rivers, but just a few breaths, they had already descended on the battlefield in the spirit mountain, and the next moment they saw the countless heavenly demons rushing towards the snake cultivator first.

Nowadays, the race war is facing the great horror of life and death, and the flaws in the mind are infinitely enlarged. The countless demons are basically effortless, they have completed the invasion and instantly controlled the host's mind.


The countless subordinate tribes of the Snake Clan in the entire battlefield suddenly stopped their movements, and then coincidentally, they all killed the Snake Clan's monks together.


The same clan slaughtered each other, never being soft-hearted, and in a blink of an eye, blood was flowing in the spirit mountain realm, and countless snake tribe's Dahaoerlang was killed by his own clan.

Who is a traitor? .

Who is the rape? .

The heavenly demons are in touch with each other, but those monks who have not been invaded and are still stubbornly resist do not have that kind of magical powers, and they do not know who their enemies are and who their friends are.

So just like that, the entire snake clan collapsed inexplicably, and all the army evacuated Lingshan, facing the Buddha's transformation, there was no resistance at all.

In the void, the snake **** is holding the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand at this time, and he is fighting with the fighting Buddha.

"The Three Treasure Ruyi is worthy of Miaoxiu's treasure. Even if this seat does not have control of the tactics, it can only display seven points of power, but it can still face Wukong.

Wukong exquisitely breaks the ten thousand tactics with one stick, suppresses the evil spirits with one stick, and has the only law of power. There are not so many flowers in the intestines, and he does not practice magic skills or supernatural powers. Now he faces the endless layers of the Three Treasures. It was Wukong who found it tricky for a while.

"Is this what you rely on? What a great treasure, I don't know where it was stolen." Wukong looked at the Three Treasure Ruyi in the hands of the snake god, his fiery eyes flowed.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba in the distance was constantly devouring the monks of the snake tribe, always paying attention to the movement in the clouds. Hearing Wukong’s words, the ancestor Zhu Ba said: "Brother Monkey, that is the treasure of the master’s previous life, called the Three Treasures. Ruyi, with infinite mighty power, you must not be merciful, or you will inevitably overturn the boat."

"This fat pig is so insightful." The snake **** glanced at the ancestor Zhu Ba, bluffing that ancestor Zhu Ba shrank his neck, and instantly dived into the crowd, afraid to speak.

"It turned out to be the treasure of my cheap master, how many treasures my cheap master refined back then, and why every treasure is so perverted" Wukong said helplessly.

"Although there are many treasures refined by Miaoxiu, the Three Treasures Ruyi never leave their hands. They are the top existence among all the treasures. How is it now?" The snake **** looked at Wukong, and the Three Treasures Ruyi exuded the khaki brilliance. Wherever he went, everything instantly turned into a stone statue.

Wukong looked ugly: "Huh, my grandson's realm is unstable. Give me thousands of years to crack your Three Treasure Ruyi, but unfortunately, this Three Treasure Ruyi is not yours. If you can take all the power of the Three Treasure Ruyi If you can play it out, I might still be afraid of your two or three points, but if you can’t play it now, it’s a waste of these three treasures to fall into your hands.”

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, then I will let you see the true power of the Three Treasures Ruyi." The snake **** did not keep his hands when he heard the words. Various supernatural powers poured out overwhelmingly. Time is also in a hurry.

When the two were fighting endlessly, they suddenly heard a noise from below. The Fox God and Wukong looked down together, only to see that the snake tribe's men and horses actually started to kill each other, and they were defeated for a time. They were under the attack of the Buddha. Retired.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the serpent tribesmen and horses killing each other below, the snake god's face instantly became gloomy.

"Asshole, don't you stop me?" The snake **** got rid of Wukong and yelled at the chaotic people who were fighting.



Snake cultivators who were not invaded by the demon were indeed obedient. Facing the order of the ancestors, they stopped instantly, but the snake cultivator who was invaded by the demon could not control so much. He acted mercilessly. For a time, the snake clan started inside. A brutal massacre.


The snake **** didn't care about Wukong, the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand instantly turned into a lightsaber and burst out, and instantly penetrated the countless snake cultivators who were still dead.




I don't know how many snake tribe cultivators exploded under the attack of the snake god, but there are still many snake tribe cultivators who continue to fight.

The cultivator who was slain could not let the other side slaughter. He would fight back immediately. Even if he was a snake god, he was still confused at this time, and his eyes were full of confusion, and he didn't know how to kill.


The snake **** cursed. At this time, Wukong shot and hit the snake **** with a stick, and the snake **** angrily said: "Receive the soldiers, all the snake tribes will accept the soldiers."

With an order, the army was defeated like a mountain, and the snake clan didn't know how many more unjust souls had been added, and how many followers had been added to the Buddhist school.

"Why is this?" The snake **** roared up to the sky, shaking the sky, looking at the countless dead and wounded tribesmen, the snake god's eyes were furious.

No one tells the snake god, and no one can tell him that the heavenly demons are invisible and invisible. If the supreme powerhouse such as the snake **** enters the primordial gods of their own tribes to protect them when they are not invaded, they may find out Heavenly demons exist, but there has never been such an example of Heavenly demons in the heavens and all realms. It is normal for everyone not to think about it.

"The snake **** has retreated." Wukong is holding the golden cudgel and wants to pursue it, but think about it and forget it. The snake **** is holding the three treasures, even if it is the law of his own power, but he just proclaimed and wants to defeat The other party is not normal at all.

"This seat guards Lingshan, to prevent the snake **** from being unwilling and killing a carbine" Wukong originally wanted to go to the Yinsi to help, but it was wrong to think about it.

Among the monsters, the demon gods, look at me, and I see you, the snake gods were defeated so inexplicably. The defeat was so strange that they actually killed each other within their own family. It makes people feel funny when they say it. This is more funny.

"All fellow daoists, who can see clearly, what happened to Lingshan before?" Niu Shen said dullly.

The demon gods look at me and I see you, all of them can't touch their heads. This kind of thing, even if you want to break your head, you can't think of something like a demon in this world.

The heavenly demons are invisible and invisible, and the human heart has magical thoughts. Then the heavenly demons will follow their shadows and guard against accidents. Even if the supreme powers know it, it is difficult to think of any good solutions.

"Snake did you set up a soldier in Lingshan for no reason?" The Tiger God said with a gloomy expression as he watched the snake God turn around.

The zombie’s eyes were full of killing intent: "Hmph, Lingshan and I have antagonisms. The ghost master of Yinsi came to my alliance and jointly contain the power of the Buddhist school. Now I don’t know why, it’s inexplicable. The army was defeated and began to kill each other. It is really a jerk. If you ask this seat to find out the truth and know who is doing the trick, you must frustrate it."

Seeing the unlucky look of the snake god, the demon gods decisively shut their mouths and did not ask much. This is the snake clan's own business. As long as it does not affect everyone's plan, you can toss it as you like. It is best to toss your race , That's great.

Among the Yin Division, Yu Duxiu was promoted, and Amitabha felt in his heart. At this time, his eyes were full of joy: "Amitabha Buddha, good is good."

"You monk, what are you going crazy?" The power of the six reincarnations of the ghost master is intertwined and entangled, constantly fighting against Amitabha.

"The six reincarnations of the ghost master have reached the point where they are so perfect. It is impossible to defeat him. At least with my own strength, it is impossible to defeat the ghost master. Even if you want to suppress it, it is impossible. The power of the ghost master It's too mysterious, it's unbelievable." Seeing his own power being continuously obliterated by the six reincarnations, Amitabhas eyes full of emotion.

"Ghost Lord, no one of us can do anything about it, so why bother with such an excitement, wait until you have the ability to win this seat, it will not be too late to make a move" Amitabha said.

"Humph", the ghost master closed his hand and looked at the Taiping ancestor who was slaughtering in the distance. The ghost master stretched out a palm, and a black hole flickered, turning into a whirlpool, and headed towards the suppression of the Taiping ancestor.

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