The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1706: Yaozu point soldiers, race war

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Yu Duxiu is gone, just as Yu Duxiu came gently, no one knows where Yu Duxiu has gone, but Chaotian and others know that Yu Duxiu must do something earth-shattering and wait until Yu Duxiu appears. At that time, it was bound to shatter the sky, beyond the expectations of everyone in the heavens and the world.

Yu Duxiu is gone, and Dafengzhou is quiet again, but the Terran is no longer calm. The entire Terran is like a pot of boiling water, surging and rolling constantly.

"Let's talk about it, what to do now".

The nine supreme ancestors gathered together, you see me, I see you, no one can tell.

"The wildness has overwhelmed my human race. Now the wild and wild Tianjiao has risen, and they have proved the quasi-superior great road. But since the migration of the Xuanhuang Qi, my luck has always been in a downturn, plus the Buddhist family Walking the road to heaven, plundering the luck of various families, now my human race is in danger, the younger generation has been completely suppressed by the monster race," Taiping Jiaozu said helplessly.

The teaching ancestors of Taiping rolled their eyes and did not say much.

"Tianjiao must be cultivated wholeheartedly. It can't be suppressed and murdered. My human race occupies a rich middle area. Why is it that we will be compared with the wild and wild? Even if the luck is shifted, this kind of thing shouldn't happen." Tao.

Now Tai Dou Jiao Zu is about to detach himself, his vision has broadened a lot, his mind seemed to open up in an instant: "The various seeds of the human race, Tianjiao, I will cultivate it when I can. The Tianjiao with immortal seedlings must be specially cultivated, otherwise once I The human race and the monster race have started a race war. In the future, this middle domain will not be my human race. I need so much luck to do anything. Even if we give this kind of resources, let our disciples develop, otherwise our human race is really in danger."

"There are a lot of resources, but there are disciples of Immortal Dao seedlings, but it is hard to find" Taiyuan Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "It may be that the previous suppression was too cruel. Now my human race has searched all over Kyushu, looking for immortal seedlings is like a needle in a haystack. There are also some disciples who are addicted to the alchemy and formations. My major sects themselves are in a downturn. Now, coupled with the distraction of the disciples, it is really true."

"Miaoxiu is harmful to people, so it's nothing more than Dan Dao. I have never heard anyone say that this Array Dao has become an immortal with the Array Dao," the Taishi Jiaozu exclaimed angrily.

"By the way, where did Miaoxiu go?" Tai Yi Jiaozu suddenly said.

The ancestors of the teachings look at me and I look at you, looking at each other, and no one knows where Miaoxiu has gone.

"Looking, we must find the traces of Miaoxiu. Miaoxiu, this kid, makes some earth-shattering things from time to time. He must find Miaoxiu. The future race wars and the success or failure of my human race will also fall on Miaoxiu." After a long silence, he said.

"My human race is alive and dead, how could it be in the hands of a vertical man," the Taiping ancestor did not believe it.

"Miaoxiu has accumulated the most powerful force in the heavens and all realms. Amitabha is already detached. Qi Tian Buddha walks through the law of power. As long as the realm is stabilized, he will surely become the strongest existence among the people, plus That Fuyao transcendence is imminent, and there is the Bodhi who is ambiguous with Lingshan. By this calculation, they are already four transcendence realm powerhouses, plus Chaotian, Blood Demon, and Tai Su are supported by them, and it is already seven. A supreme powerhouse, I will only add up to only eight supreme powerhouses. What's more, among the seven supreme powerhouses, four of them are about to transcend or are already transcending. Amitabha and Yuanshi Tianzun are both. They are all the masters who can be against the crowd, really care about it, my human race may not be Miaoxiu's opponent."

After listening to Tai Yi Jiaozu’s calculations, all the supreme powerhouses all took a breath, and Taiping Jiazuo’s eyes flashed with regret. If Yu Duxiu is still in the peace road, wouldn’t it mean, This power must be used by Taipingdao.

Everyone looked at the expression of Taiping Jiaozu and didn't say much. For some things, if you missed it, you missed it. Who would have thought that Yu Duxiu could grow up to the present level.

"Miaoxiu suddenly disappeared, it must be something brewing in the dark, we must guard against it" Tai Dou taught the ancestor.

"Forget it, now I'm still trying to cultivate the rise of the Tianjiao of my human race, and fight for the luck in the dark. For the rest, let's go back in a row." Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

In the wild.

At this time, all the monsters and gods in the wild state had also gathered together.

"The road to the sky is over, and the race war is just around the corner. What do the fellow Taoists think? Should I start the war or just rest and continue lurking" The Fox God took care of the walnuts in his hands.

"This is the best opportunity I have waited for millions of years. The strength of the Human Race has weakened to the apex. The Four Seas Dragon Race is restrained by coldness. If this opportunity is missed, it will be even more impossible to drive the Human Race out of the Central Territory in the future." Hu God is domineering.

"The race war must be rolled up, but the key point is that there are Amitabha, Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu Panghuan besides the human race. If these people are not controlled by anyone, then we will fight the human race to the death and the life, and be given by others. What should I do if I picked it up?" The wolf god's eyes turned green: "Also, have you found the trace of the explosive ape? This **** doesn't know where he went, but he can't find the trace at all."

The fox **** frowned, and his eyes flashed with streamers: "Amitabha and Bodhi can be eliminated. The ghost master and Amitabha do not share the sky. If Bodhi and Amitabha move slightly, they will inevitably be restrained by the Yin Division. Too Su, speaking of it, it is difficult to say, but simple is also simple."

"How to solve it?" Zombie said.

"It's fine to find Miaoxiu." A light of wisdom flashed in the eyes of the fox god: "Human race and Miaoxiu, but there is a grievance. If Miaoxiu is willing to come forward, Fuyao and Miaoxiu will be rebellious. Xiu's face, in this way, all hidden dangers have been removed, and the next step is to fight with all strength to completely drive the human race out of the middle domain."

Hearing what the Fox God said, the rabbit **** said: "I will have little friendship with Miao Xiu, and I have to ask the Fox God to take part in this matter."

"Me? I'm not going!" The Fox God Mao was about to explode.

"Why?" All the demon gods looked at the fox **** together, their eyes full of surprise.

"I'm kidding, I'm going, I'm going" The two walnuts in Fox God's hands instantly turned into powder, gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger.

The demon gods were full of relief when they heard the words: "In this way, I will begin to gather soldiers and horses, and only wait for the Fox God to settle the Miaoxiu, and I will attack the human race."

"Okay" The Fox God silver teeth clenched.


A desolate horn spread across the wild land. In an instant, countless old antiques changed their colors in the sky and the world, and a pair of eyes looked at the wild Seeing skyrocketing, unscrupulous The devilish air showed a frightening color.

"The wild land that has been calm for millions of years is finally beginning to fall into turbulent chaos again?" An old antique with wrinkled faces and a pair of eyes full of vicissitudes are full of desolation.

The human race, the nine supreme ancestors suddenly changed their colors, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Unexpectedly, Manghuang would really fight my human race to the death."

"It's too late to cultivate Tianjiao, and the monks quickly went to the mortal world to spot soldiers and drive to the border and wasteland of Kyushu." The teaching ancestors gave orders one after another.

At Thirty-three Heaven, Qian Tianduan sat on the dragon chair, his eyes looking far away.

"Your Majesty, how are you preparing?" Xi He said.

Qiantian smiled bitterly: "There is no time, I didn't expect the war to come so suddenly".

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this is a race war. The two sides deploy troops and line up troops. It doesn't have to be thousands or hundreds of years. It will not be completed. This time is enough for your Majesty to break through." Xi He said.

Gan Tian shook his head when he heard this, "It may not be enough, I didn't expect that I would rely on the blessing of the Buddhist family."

"Where is Yu Duxiu? If I can find the seal of the emperor, why should I torment and endure so much" Gan Tian hit the table with a punch.

"Miaoxiu disappeared, probably because she was busy preparing for something big," Xi He said.

"The East China Sea Tanggu sent people to do a good job of defense, so that no one would take advantage of the race war and do something outrageous," Gan Tian said suddenly.

"The concubine has already sent someone to make arrangements," Xi He said.

"That's good, that's good, race war, race war again, I don't know how tragic this time should be," Gan Tian whispered.

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