The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1707: Miaoxiu vine

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Recklessly, I saw a young man in a black robe walking slowly in the uncultivated wild land. At a glance, the whole wild land was barren, all untouched by humans, but barren. Ground, one after another tyrannical demon spirits soared into the sky, from the quasi demon god, to the little demon who had just turned on the wisdom, there are countless, not to mention how many countless ganoderma lucidum grasses, all are classified as masters. Things.

The vitality of this young man's body converged to the extreme, wherever he passed, countless plants and trees gently bent over, seeming to be trembling, and something terrible was coming.

"This is the depths of the wilderness. It's hard to imagine that the first ancestor of the past overwhelmed with thorns and thorns, opened up a continent in the vast wilderness, rested and lived for mankind, expelled the wild monsters, and dealt with each other. What a majestic strategy is between the squares.” At this point, the man slowly stopped, the jade-colored brilliance in his eyes flowed, and in the next moment countless demons invaded all directions.

Not long after, this man had already arrived in a tribe of snake tribe, but saw that in this tribe, there were all the fairies with human heads and snake bodies, and there were even countless fairies with small arms and large arms. Among them entangled.

"Snake tribes also have tribes, but they can’t be compared with the prosperous Middle Territory of human beings. They are just the most primitive tribes." Yu Duxiu walked in the tribe expressionlessly. The countless monsters did not see them. After being caught in the demon, the memory has been changed by Yu Duxiu, the lord of the demon. Naturally, he is not surprised at Yu Duxiu, and only as a member of his own tribe.

Passing through the tribe, came to a barren mountain not far away. With a wave of Jade Duxiu's palm, the five elements of the heaven and the earth were all vigorous and vigorous. He instantly built a thatched house, watching the vast aura rising into the sky in the distance, the coercion of the snake **** The entire tribe is flooded.

"Snake God, I will play with you today." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, and took out a gourd vine in his hand. It was the gourd vine that was captured by Yuan Shi Tianzun after the birth of the innate spirit treasure gourd.

Even after millions of years, this gourd vine is still as crisp as before, full of vitality, and full of vitality.

Yu Duxiu's hands formed the seal, but he saw countless talisman seals formed in an instant, and fell into the gourd vine. The sacred purple qi began to swim in the center of Yu Duxiu's eyebrows, and the will of heaven revolved like a knife, countless Mystic power is blessed in the gourd vine.

"The god's will is like a knife, and the snake demon is destined to be killed by the gourd vine sacrifice." Yu Duxiu's mouth sneered as she constantly refined the gourd vine, pouring the mood of the day like a knife into the gourd vine, and at the same time Yu Duxiu's hands A great purple qi flew out, constantly purifying the gourd vine.

Time was long, about three days later, but on this day, Yu Duxiu took back the great purple qi, looked at the gourd vine in his hand, and gently tossed it away, only to see the gourd vine fall to the ground and take root in an instant. The ground veins in a radius of tens of millions of miles are fed by the ground veins in a radius of tens of millions of miles. The mysterious fluctuations in this gourd vine flow, and the surrounding acquired terrain is constantly changing under the power of this gourd vine, and it has gradually formed a large array. , Protect yourself in it.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm and took out the half-yellow half-green gourd, and then slowly stretched out her palm, placing the gourd on the root of the gourd vine.

"Dust returns to dust, soil returns to earth, this gourd vine has completed its mission, and is now relying on your remaining strength to completely activate this gourd vine, so that this innate spiritual root will be revealed in the world from then on" looking at the innate spiritual treasure gourd Gradually dissolving and being absorbed by the gourd vine, Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "A good congenital spirit treasure gourd was actually ruined by Chaotian. Fortunately, there is this seat that can reverse the universe, otherwise it will suffer in the future. Up".

After speaking, watching the gourd vine absorb the innate Lingbao gourd, the whole gourd vine began to grow immature leaves, and countless vines began to spread, Yu Duxiu smiled: "This is also a different world version of the gourd baby. , God’s will is like a knife, this gourd baby is the nemesis of the snake demon, and is about to use the power of the gourd baby to kill the snake demon.

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu frowned and thought about it: "There is still a pill in this seat, which needs to be spread out and fall into the hands of the snake demon. You think that the three treasures of this seat are so good. Is it stolen?".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and waited for the gourd to bloom and bear fruit.

In a certain corner of the wild, Prime Minister Turtle's eyes were full of sighs, languid: "Oh".


However, I saw the woman who was dominated by the inspirational prince appearing next to Prime Minister Kame: "Why is my father so sighing?" My father has already shared the luck of the Buddhist school and broke the dragon's frame to the sight. This is a great joy, why Will frown?".

The Prime Minister Turtle had an urge to hit the wall when he heard this. He would rather continue to be suppressed by the East Sea Dragon Lord, rather than turning into a real puppet as it is today, and everything will be uncontrollable in the future.

"It's okay, for my father, I just thought of the way your mother passed away and sighed in my heart." Prime Minister Kame didn't dare to tell the truth, for fear that his daughter would cause any trouble.

"Father, don't hesitate, just break through the cultivation base quickly, otherwise the East Sea Dragon Lord will come to the door in the future, the father is afraid that there is no parry, and the countless fish and turtles in the East Sea are waiting for my father. The king leads everyone to rise," the princess said.

Hearing what his daughter said, the wrinkles on Prime Minister Tortoise's face trembled: "Being afraid of my father will not only lead my tortoise clan to prosperity, but will lead to destruction."

"How come my father said that, my father is the hope for the rise of my tortoise clan! He is the arrogant of my tortoise clan for ever, and the first person in all ages. How could he lead the tortoise clan to destruction? Father should not hesitate and break through." The princess said.

After listening to the princess’s counsel, the old tortoise looked hesitant, but after all, he sighed, and began to continuously absorb the air transport from the heavens and the earth. The black and yellow energy flowed around him, and only twenty-four pearls were seen all over the old tortoise. Constantly flickering, slowly rising from the turtle shell.

These twenty-four pearls are the essence of the old tortoise. They are replaced by turtle pearls. At this time, they have blessed the black and yellow qi, and when they are instilled with qi, they can see that the twenty-four pearls have undergone qualitative changes in the blink of an eye. In a moment of transformation, the Great Thousand World was surging, and countless stars fell in the nine days. The endless aura of the Great Thousand World rolled up storms, and madly gathered toward the old tortoise, forming a vitality pillar rising into the sky and straight into the cloud.


The world is shaking The world is trembling, the sky is falling in disorder, the ground is rushing with golden lotus, and the auspiciousness is shaking the sky and the earth, soaring into the sky in the wild.

"Is there someone proving the Dao?" In the human race, the ancestors looked in shock. They were still thinking about how to take the luck in the desolation, but they did not expect that at this time there was someone proving the Dao in the desolation. Up.

After that, everyone cast their gazes toward Lixuan, and Tai Yi Jiaozu frowned: "It's the old **** in the East China Sea."

"This old thing is really lucky. The Buddhist family has worked so hard to plan a way to the sky, but this old guy has picked up a bargain. They all say that they are old and good, but that is the case." Taiping taught the ancestors.

The Taidou teacher nodded when he heard the words: "This old tortoise has taken a lot of luck from the Buddhist school. Coupled with the previous savings, it is normal to interrupt Donghai Longjun’s suppression. In the future, the East China Sea will be lively. Looked."

The ancestors of the teachings, you look at me and I look at you, they all move and go to congratulate.

In the wild, the demon gods raised their heads one after another at this time, their eyes looked at the old tortoises who were constantly absorbing the aura between the heavens and the earth in the aura of the storm, and walked forward one by one, congratulating: Tao".

"Congratulations to fellow Daoists for getting rid of the repression of Dragon Lord of the East China Sea.

"Congratulations, fellow daoists, the tortoise clan can become a clan in the world."

The sound of congratulations from all the demon gods in the wild was endless, but it made the smile of Donghai Longjun who originally wanted to come to congratulate him in the East China Sea to freeze.

"Brother, don't think about it so much. Since this old tortoise is proving the truth, it has strengthened my East China Sea's strength and solved the urgent need" Jin Lin persuaded.

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