The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1708: Tortoise Proof, 1 pile of Lingbao

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After hearing Jinlin's words, Donghai Longjun took a deep breath: "Brother Xian said well, we should go over to celebrate. Anyway, Prime Minister Turtle is a member of my sea clan. This seat has a small belly and chicken intestines, narrow-minded, and plainly ridiculed by others." ????????·

After speaking, Donghai Longjun looked at the other Sanhai with a pair of eyes, and when he saw the other Sanhai Longjun leaving, Donghai Longjun suddenly stood up: "Okay, let's go together."

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, Prime Minister Turtle is now in the highest realm." Donghai Longjun led the powerhouses of the East China Sea, came to the sky over the wild, and looked at Prime Minister Turtle in the storm with a smile on his face.

"The blessings of your Majesty, the old turtle, are now finally proving, and you will have to take care of your majesty in the future." Prime Minister Turtle was shining at the bullfight, shining the sky full of stars.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say, in the future, the prime minister can lead the sea turtle clan in the East China Sea" Na Donghai Longjun smiled.

"Oh, Lord Long, the color on your face is not so pretty." The fox **** looked at Donghai Longjun with a pair of wonderful eyes, his eyes were full of playful abuse: "Dog the East China Sea for so many years, after all, it can't match God's will. The monopoly will be broken, and the East China Sea will not be your family in the future."

"The Fox God is joking, this seat is not the kind of person who has no room for others. Now Prime Minister Kameari proves that he has strengthened my strength in the East China Sea. It is too late for this seat to be happy. Why would I think about suppressing it? The four seas are facing the persecution of your reckless and human races, but have been unable to breathe. This seat hopes that the more supreme powers in the East China Sea, the better, and I can share a part of the pressure for this seat." With the fight, it resolved the provocation in the fox's words. ?·

The Prime Minister on one side also hurriedly interjected, and did not give the powerful men a chance to instigate: "Although the old tortoise proves, he is still the prime minister of the East China Sea. He obeys your Majesty’s leadership. Everything about the East China Sea is governed by your Majesty. The turtle dare not violate."

"What is the prime minister, this Donghai should be governed by you and me" Donghai Longjun quickly said.

At this time, the ancestors of the human race have also rushed over to join in the fun. Tai Yi Jiao looked at the old tortoise with a pair of eyes, and suddenly his pupils shrank: "The prime minister's background is too deep, and he actually produced twenty spiritual treasures at a time, and this Every spirit treasure can increase the resonance and turn into an innate formation. It is truly incredible. The prime minister's combat power is already in the worlds of today, one of a few, and even this seat dare not win."

Seeing the ancestor of Tai Yi teach, Prime Minister tortoise secretly said: "It's bad."

Originally, Prime Minister Tortoise wanted to develop the sea turtle family quietly, and did not want to get the attention of Donghai Longjun. He even hid 20 turtle beads in his turtle shell in advance, but at this time Prime Minister Tortoise was in a breakthrough state. There was a trace of vitality that couldn't be hidden, and it was discovered by the old fox Tai Yi Jiaozu.

"The ancestor is joking, although there are many innate spiritual treasures in this seat, but the power is scattered, it is not worth mentioning, and I dare not compare with the ancestor," Prime Minister Turtle said helplessly.

After listening to Taiyi Jiaozu's words, everyone looked at Prime Minister Tortoise together, and there was a smell of scrutiny and doubt in their eyes. This old thing is not simple. Since Taiyi Jiaozu said this in front of everyone, it is by no means intentional to brag. It's true. ??want·

"The prime minister might as well open my eyes to me. I don't know what it is like to give birth to twenty-four innate spirit treasures at a time. No one has seen such a scene." Tiger God snarled.

The face of Donghai Longjun changed slightly, a pair of eyes looked at Donghai Longjun, and he felt the gaze cast by Donghai Longjun. Prime Minister Turtle couldn't wait to devour Taiyijiao ancestor and Tiger God.

"The congenital spirit treasure of this seat is still stable now. It should not be shaken. It can only disappoint the fellow Taoists." Prime Minister Turtle rejected everyone's thoughts, and made them even more suspicious.

In the wild, Yu Duxiu looked at the void and touched her chin: "It looks like she really earned it this time. It turns out to be twenty-four innate spirit treasures, and she also carries a natural innate array, this turtle The prime minister’s deep background is a bit outrageous. This old thing is lucky, but it’s been heard that even if it’s an ordinary tortoise, if you live long enough, things like turtle beads will be born. This thing is priceless, this old tortoise. After living for a million years, I don’t know how many tortoise beads were born in the body, but they were turned into twenty-four tortoise beads. It’s really amazing, ,,, eh? Nothing, this old thing is actually inside There are also twelve turtle beads hidden. This guy is not twenty-four innate spiritual treasures, but 36 innate spiritual treasures. This old thing is vicious enough. Daohua, I'm afraid it's been fooled by this old thing."

Thirty-six tortoise beads, thirty-six innate spirit treasures, and they can also form a large innate formation. What is this concept? .

Opposing others, you don't need any tricks, if you smash the innate spirit treasure, you will be asked to accept it! .

Yu Duxiu’s eyebrows turned and the purple air flowed and deduced. After a long time, he said: "The tortoise is born with a different species and bears a divine picture. The old tortoise has understood the pattern on his turtle shell and imprinted it on his turtle bead. On the way, it's a crooked hit, just right, and it actually completes my own innate spiritual treasure."

"This old tortoise is really good luck." Yu Duxiu clapped her hands. "But the luck of this seat is better. It actually transformed the old tortoise. This old tortoise is amazing. The whole turtle shell plus 36 divine beads are all Xiantian Lingbao, this old tortoise is almost a treasure all over, even if Amitabhas face the old tortoise, it is estimated that he will lose more and win less. If the old tortoise masters the law of opening up the world and opening up a small world of 36 squares, then When the 36-square small world is embedded in the turtle back, the turtle shell is also an innate spiritual treasure. It is blessed by the power of the 36-square small world, and it is enough to open up a small world, even a middle-thousand world, and a large-thousand world. , This old thing is amazing, if the world is in formation, this old thing will be invincible".

Thinking of this, Yu Duxiu subconsciously wiped her forehead, as if there was a drop of cold sweat on Yu Duxiu's forehead at this moment: "Fortunately, I didn't hesitate at the time. I didn't wait until the fall of the fall, otherwise it would be really troublesome this time. Now that he has such a super beater under his team, I need to cultivate it well."

Yu Duxiu's thoughts on the old tortoise can understand the details of the old tortoise clearly, and even the future development of the old tortoise has been calculated, and the old tortoise who is arguing with the supreme powers is instantly introduced. In my mind, the old tortoise soul flew away: "Mother, I wanted to leave some back-hands to greet that to take the opportunity to kill him and gain freedom. People have seen through the details, and is this the direction of future development of this seat? Is it really strong? What is the level of Miaoxiu's cultivation is simply unfathomable."

At this moment, the scruples of Yu Duxiu in Old Turtle's heart reached the highest point.

"There is an old tortoise in the palm of the universe to suppress it. Even the supreme powerhouse is not impossible to try." Yu Duxiu then shook his head again: "Forget it, the supreme powerhouse is already detached and can penetrate the world at any time. It is simply unrealistic to want to transform the supreme power into Taoism."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stepped to Da Leiyin Temple and looked at the ancestor Zhu Ba who was sleeping, Yu Duxiu said: "Ba Jie, my teacher is here to give you benefits."

"Benefits? What are the benefits?" Hearing the words, the ancestor Zhu Ba turned over, his eyes blooming, and his eyes stared at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Let's take a look at this benefit."

With a wave of Yu Duxiu's big sleeves, the void instantly shifted, bringing the Eighth Ancestor Zhu to Manghuang.



Old Ancestor Zhu Ba raised his neck, swallowed a few mouthfuls, and looked at the gourd vine and said: "Master, don't lie to me, this is really innate spiritual root?".

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "Yes, it is the innate spiritual root."

Looking at the innate spiritual root, Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was about to step forward, and Yu Duxiu said: "There is a large innate formation around this innate spiritual root. If you are not afraid of being refined by the innate large array, just go in."

"Master, don't play with me, your old man, just tell me if you have any words." Old ancestor Zhu Ba suddenly paused and turned to look at Yu Duxiu.

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