The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1709: Calabash 7 brothers

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"If you want to harvest, you have to pay." Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestor Zhu Ba and smiled softly: "This seat has designed a catastrophe, and you still need to act for me. I wonder if you are willing?" . ????·

"Hey, what the master said, what my old pig is, there is no reason to refute," said Zhu Ba.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words: "Okay, it's rare that you are interested."

After speaking, I saw Yu Duxiu point out a finger and instantly landed on Old Ancestor Zhu Ba. The body of the Old Ancestor Zhu Ba was twisted and turned into an old-faced peasant old man, his whole body mana and bloodline power. Under Yu Duxiu's finger, it disappeared instantly.

Feeling the disappearance of his own cultivation base, the eighth ancestor Zhu was shocked: "Master, Master, my old pig is wrong, don't abolish my cultivation base."

"You idiot, just rant about it, it's just to make you do things safer. I don't hide it from you. The one that this seat has to deal with is the snake god. As long as you follow the instructions of this seat, help this seat refine With that snake god, it will give you a part of the snake god's golden body ancestral blood, helping you break through the bloodline and completely return to the ancestor" Yu Duxiu said.

"My lord, I don’t want to be able to do it? The snake **** is the supreme power, how easy it is to deal with, Master, you can let me go, I beg you "Ancestor Zhu Ba ran over and hugged Yu Duxiu's thigh.

"Idiot, I didn’t tell you to deal with it personally. It’s just your small body. It’s not that this seat looks down on you. You are not enough for the snake **** to crush you with a finger. Besides, you planted the black lotus of this seat, immortal. , I can bring you back to life at any time, what are you afraid of," Yu Duxiu said.

The old ancestor Zhuba was taken aback when he heard the words: "Yes, you can bring me back to life at any time, Master, what am I afraid of? What am I afraid of?"

"Master, if you have anything to do, please tell me, Old Pig will never say a word." Old Patriarch Zhu Ba promised.

Yu Duxiu was speechless, and after a while, he said: "Well, I will tell you the story of this matter. You only need to act according to my plan."

As he said, Yu Duxiu whispered to the ancestor Zhu Ba, but he heard the ancestor Zhu Ba said in amazement: "Master, is the gourd formed from the innate spiritual roots so powerful?".

"Originally, the innate gourd didn't have that great power, but this seat gave the gourd the power, and the gourd naturally has that power." Yu Duxiu said impatiently: "Have you remembered?"

"Remember, remember" Old Ancestor Zhu Ba nodded repeatedly: "Master, the golden body of the snake god, you have to remember to leave a little for me."

Yu Duxiu was helpless when he heard the words: "If you are too long, see if I won't beat you."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned and walked towards the outside world: "Now he is seduce the snake **** to get the bait."

However, Prime Minister Tortoise testified that the snake **** went to celebrate, and everyone was over. The snake **** returned to his own territory. Seeing that he was about to fall into his bedroom, his eyes swept away at random, and then his eyes stopped: "There seems to be something wrong over there. ".

After speaking, the snake **** quietly turned into a yin wind and descended in the valley. He looked at the center of the valley with a pair of eyes, but saw the chaos and haziness of the valley center, and the snake **** almost jumped up: "Innate Array".

When the gourd was born, everyone witnessed it with their own eyes, and it was not unusual for the snake **** to recognize the chaotic array formed by this innate spiritual root. ??want·

"There is a congenital formation, there must be a congenital spiritual root. Is it possible that this seat has hit the Grand Fortune and actually encountered a congenital spiritual root?" The snake **** rubbed his hands, his eyes looked at the congenital formation, and there was a light in his eyes. Circulation, but suddenly saw a little demon walk out in a daze, "Who is this? Why can I come out in the congenital formation?".

The snake **** was taken aback for a moment, and his mana was taken in instantly, and the little demon was taken in: "Who are you?"

"Grandpa Zombie please spare your life, grandpa Zombie please spare your life" The little demon suddenly fell to his knees and kept kowtow.

"How did you get out of this innate formation?" the snake **** said.

"Innate formation?" The little demon was taken aback.

Seeing the little demon's expression, the zombie pointed to his back and said, "How did you get out of this valley?"

The little demon heard the words: "Lord Serpent, you don’t know when there was a human in this mountain. Before, the little demon was greedy and wanted to capture that human. As the human entered the valley, he saw the valley. There was a gourd vine growing in it, and seven gourds grew on the gourd vine. These seven gourds are so weird that they can still talk. The little demon saw the weirdness inside, so he didn't dare to stay longer, so he wanted to turn around and turn back. When I walked, I stumbled, and I didn't distinguish north and south, so I walked out."

"Can the gourd speak?" The snake **** rolled his eyes: "Do you remember the way before?"

The little demon shook his head: "I don't remember the road, but every time the old man has to go up the mountain to chop wood, as long as the Lord Zombie holds the old man, he can naturally enter the valley."

The snake **** heard the words and glanced at the little demon: "If this is the case, you can wait with me."

After speaking, the snake **** and the little demon came to a hidden place, and began to silently calculate the information of the innate spiritual roots in the valley.

However, in the valley, the old man transformed by the eighth ancestor of the pig was diligent in watering and fertilizing all day long. What he poured was innate divine water, and the fertilizer was sludge from ancient battlefields.

I saw that the innate spiritual roots benefited and grew up quickly, but within a few months of work, they have grown up, and they have produced seven gourds in red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple. Haha's voice, strange to say, this gourd seemed to be known by birth, and he could actually talk to Old Ancestor Zhu Ba.

The old ancestor Zhu Ba stretched out his finger, gently pushed the gourd, and listened to the big baby: "Grandpa, don't delay my sleep, I have to sleep as soon as possible to grow up so that I can escape the gourd vine."

The ancestor Zhu Ba heard this strangely, and he sneered at the second baby with a finger, but heard the second baby dissatisfied: "Grandpa don't want to scratch me, itching to death, itching to death".

The old ancestor Zhu Ba looked at the other calabashes, and immediately caused the others to laugh and yell non-stop.

The ancestor Zhu Ba scratched his head at this time, and his brain was not enough: "It's really weird, the innate spiritual roots actually opened up the spiritual wisdom, and actually turned into form, can absorb the essence of the heavens and the world for cultivation, weird Oh, weird, my old pig has lived for tens of thousands of years and has never encountered such a fun thing."

With that said, the ancestor Zhu Ba poured innate divine water on the gourd vine, turned and walked towards the thatched cottage.

But in the valley, the snake **** said: "The little demon, why didn't you see the old man come out".

"Adults don't worry, don't worry, even the young ones have a hundred and dare not deceive you" the little demon shivered.

The snake **** looked at the valley with his eyes: "This is an undiscovered innate spiritual root. If I can get it, my strength will definitely increase in the future. If I overcome the fox god, it is just around the corner. When the time comes, you will be a king. It's not impossible to sit."

"Thank you sir, thank you sir, the little demon will definitely do his best for the king in the future, never dare to neglect the slightest, and serve the king loyally."

Hearing this, the zombie was noncommittal and looked towards the valley.

Before the snake **** waited long, he saw an old man staggering out, and after casually hitting some firewood in the mountain, he carried the firewood on his back and walked along the original road towards the big formation.

"Following up" the snake **** wrapped around the little demon, and instantly turned into a breeze, following the old man.

After walking around in this innate array, there was a moment of clarity in front of him. The snake **** and the little demon had already arrived in a certain valley.

With just a glance, the snake **** saw the bright gourd vines rising into the sky in the distance.

Ignoring the old man, the snake **** walked slowly to the gourd vine, looked at the gourd vine, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It's really an innate spiritual root."

"Who are you?" said one of the gourds.

"Yes, that is, who are you and how did you come here" there was another gourd road.

"No one has been here."

"Grandpa, grandpa, there are guests here" said a gourd.

"Who are you?" The old man heard the gourd baby yelling, walked out of the house, looked at the snake god, and was taken aback.

ps: Happy New Year's Day, everyone who supports this book.

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