The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1720: Molesting the zombie

The prince of Yinsi patted: "The lady is joking, if she is not sure, how dare my nephew act like this".

After speaking, I saw that the prince of Yinsi stretched out his palm, the life and death thin appeared in his hand, and then a projection flew out, suspended in front of the insect god: "Just put this life and death thin projection into the innate immortal body of the white snake sister. , Guarantee that Sister White Snake will keep the memory."

"You know, if there is an accident in the reincarnation, what is the end?" The insect **** glanced at the Crown Prince Yinsi unhurriedly.

"I know, I know, you don't need to worry about it." The prince Yinsi respectfully saluted the insect god.


The **** of insects hummed coldly, turned and left, looking at the back of the **** of insects, the ghost master appeared beside the prince of Yinsi: "The reincarnation of the white snake is also a chance for you. Yamada Dao does not experience reincarnation. After all, it’s not consummation. You can use the thin projection of life and death to feel the power of the white snake's reincarnation and perfect your Yama's true body.

"Father, the insect **** said that Miaoxiu suppressed the snake god, is this true?" The prince of Yin Si grasped life and death, with an inexplicable color in his eyes.

"I'm afraid it's true. The rise of Miaoxiu is really fast and terrible. Even if it is delayed for five thousand years in the reincarnation, it still throws the same generation behind, no less than the older generation. "The ghost master sighed with emotion.

The prince of Yinsi said: "Na Deming's soul should be useless, or we should let it go, lest he and Miaoxiu continue to feud."

"Don't let go, the hatred between my Yinsi and Miaoxiu can't be solved, I can only walk one way to the black" after the ghost master finished speaking, his body disappeared into the void.

Seeing the disappearance of the ghost master, Prince Yin Si sighed softly, his eyes full of fighting spirit: "Miaoxiu, Miaoxiu, wait, when I form the body of Yama, I will be the real one in charge of the life and death of the heavens and all the people. The strongest of the younger generation".


Countless Zerg armies and snake tribe armies fought fiercely. This battle shocked the wild world, and countless powerful men cast their eyes down. Yu Duxiu did not count the casualties and fight with the Zerg. This sturdy atmosphere is somewhat The qi of the turbulent years of ancient times.

At this time, the heavenly demon showed its power, with the inspiration of the heavenly demon, countless snake tribes feared death, and the Zerg tribe was invaded by the demon, and the whole battlefield became chaotic.

"Miaoxiu, you have to be careful and be prepared. If you want to consume the dead Zerg, this kind of approach is not acceptable." Chaotian figure appeared beside Yu Duxiu.

"Why?" Yu Duxiu said.

"The snake race has a long growth cycle and grows slowly, while the Zerg race is different. It is reborn while dying. It is like a large training ground. The rest are elites." He pointed his palm towards the sky and saw that the dead Zerg planted countless in an instant. The fetal egg, and then the fetal egg uses the snake tribe's body as nourishment, quickly grows and reproduces, and then joins the battlefield. This swarm of insects is like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger.

"Sure enough, what a terrifying race" Yu Duxiu said, and the next moment a finger flicked, a little innate sacred fire popped out in an instant.


The innate sacred fire spread instantly, and the countless zergs behind the zerg were forged to death in an instant, and any zerg was vulnerable to the innate sacred fire.

"This is the innate sacred fire, even if it is the worm god, you must be afraid of three points," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

While talking, Yu Duxiu looked at the battlefield with a pair of eyes, and cast an innate sacred fire at the place where there were so many Zerg tribes. In an instant, the countless races suffered heavy losses.

"Isn't that the ancestor Zhu Ba? This servant is really the best!" Chaotian suddenly pointed to the battlefield.

Following the guidance from the sky, Yu Duxiu saw the ancestor Zhu Ba at a glance, and then he was taken aback: "What a bastard."

The ancestor Zhu Ba was in the crowd, his body was full of blood, carefully devouring the dead snake and zerg corpses.

"You are so easy to deal with, the insect **** is not as easy to deal with as you think. If you can't deal with it, say hello, the Chaotian fault in this constellation is the nemesis of these insects." After Chaotian finished speaking, he turned and left.

Old Ancestor Zhu Ba quietly swallowed corpses one after another among the countless corpses, turning his eyes steadily, crushing the bug that hadn't died completely with one finger.

Yu Duxiu shook his head, if it is the best, no one in the heavens and the world can match this fellow.


A group of innate sacred fire landed next to Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, and suddenly bluffed Old Ancestor Zhu Ba cried and jumped up, crying constantly: "Master, save me, save me, you can see clearly, it's me. It's me".

Stupid biting Yu Duxiu's finger, Yu Duxiu unhurriedly pinched that stupid cute, looking at the funny look of Old Ancestor Zhu Ba, about to make fun, but the next moment he became serious and looked towards him. far away.


Countless insects gathered in the void in an instant, turned into insect gods, and came to the opposite side of Yu Duxiu lightly: "Hong Jun, you have done it like this, but it's too much."

"Is it too much? I don't feel that the first relic of this seat is related to the Dzogchen, if you don't hand over the relic of the first lesson, I will never let it go." Yu Duxiu carried her hands, stupid. Meng consciously climbed into Yu Duxiu's sleeves and grasped firmly.

"Why do you say that the white snake stole the relic?" Insect God said blankly.

"This matter was personally said by the snake god, and I definitely can't do it," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.


After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the insect gods all wanted to get **** on the snake god's curse. Are you kidding me? Can you tell me this kind of thing? .

At that time, the snake **** was too complacent, thinking that Yu Duxiu could hardly escape from the palm of his house, and committed the same problem as Yu Duxiu. He talked about it endlessly, and finally put himself in the hole.

"Hand over the white snake, the accounts between us are settled" Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm.

"Clear the accounts? My Zerg has died so many Erlangs, how do I clear the accounts? Is my Zerg's Erlangs dead for nothing?" The cold light in the eyes of the insect **** flickered: "And I clearly tell you that the white snake is not in my cave. If you have the ability, even if you look for the white snake, Xiu is going to be smashed in my cave. Although I am a woman, I am not afraid of you."

"The white snake isn't there?" Yu Duxiu looked at the snake god's cave, the light of good fortune in his eyes flickered, and it took a while to frown, "Sure enough, the causal induction is gone."

"Hmph, the cause and effect between the white snake and you, that is the cause and effect between you, you came to this place to run wild, but it is unreasonable. Even if this seat is a woman, you can't bear this bad breath" Chong Shen said coldly~ Yu Duxiu frowned upon hearing this, and then rolled her eyes: "What are you going to do?".

"I will give you a great look today, so that everyone in the heavens and the world will not be regarded as a good bully" Chong Shen said, and patted Yu Duxiu with his palm.

Yu Duxiu did not evade, letting the insect **** hit it.


Yu Duxiu dissipated as the power of calamity, but in a flash, he condensed in a short distance. A pair of eyes looked at the insect **** indifferently: "This seat is standing there, and you can't help me."

Seeing this, the "jerk" insect **** grabbed Yu Duxiu again with a palm.

"Bang" The palm of the jade solo show spread out, reborn in place, stood in front of the insect god, and gently stroked the arm of the insect **** who had not had time to take it back: "Good white and tender skin, cheaper than the snake god. That old guy, the snake **** has good eyes, but he is so Yanfu."


Being so teased and teased in the presence of the great power of the heavens and ten thousand realms, the insect **** suddenly became angry, and once again came to suppress Yu Duxiu.


Yu Duxiu was reborn directly behind the snake **** and blew a breath of heat at the back of the insect **** Xuenen's neck.



The insect **** dispersed instantly and turned into countless insects, biting towards Yu Duxiu.


The countless insects did not hold on to one breath, they were blown to death by the wind, their flesh and blood melted.

The insect **** stood still in the distance. At this time, the face of the nine-headed insect on one side turned red, and from a distance he took a three-stranded fork and killed it: "Yu Duxiu, you bastard, after daring to molest my mother, I fight with you." .

Seeing the rushing Nine-headed Insect, Yu Duxiu finally smiled: "It's you who are waiting."

Regarding the issue of adding more, some time ago, the ski was turned down from a high place, and the wrist was twisted. It is not good. I will try my best. Thank you for your support. (To be continued.)

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