The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1721: Buddha Lin Zhongtu Jinshan Temple


Seeing Nine-headed insects rushing towards this side, the insect **** immediately knew that it was not good, his eyes were full of anger, he roared anxiously, and instantly entangled towards Yu Duxiu.


The overwhelming insects swept towards Yu Duxiu, who smiled coldly: "Since you can't kill the white snake, it's not bad to kill the nine-headed insect."

"Want to stop me? Heaven-Intention-Ru-Knife" Yu Duxiu snorted coldly, but the next moment she saw an infinite divine light in her hand, and countless Zerg army died instantly, turning into dead bodies.

"What a powerful trick" in the Yin Division, the ghost master smiled coldly: "I can't make the nine-headed insects die. I have finally erected so many enemies for you. If I don't want to entertain you, how can I do it?"


Seeing Yu Duxiu transforming into a princess and sweeping towards him, Nine-headed insects only felt that their body was numb, and where they were instantly stiff, a pair of eyes stared blankly at the unmatched princess, and the mana could not be gathered.

"Damn it, move, move quickly" Nine-headed insects clearly told themselves that they were about to get out, but they couldn't get out of it.


The nine-headed insect cursed in despair, and the next moment all the pressure disappeared without a trace, six large black holes in the void appeared in the eyes of the nine-headed insect.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation" the ghost master smiled coldly.


It is true that God’s Will Rudao did not kill the nine-headed insects, but it broke through the protective barrier of the ghost master, as if a drop of water fell into the pan, and instantly the laws of the sun world collided with the ghost master. .


The ghost master screamed, his body exploded in an instant, and then disappeared into the sun.


At this time, the nine-headed insects took the opportunity to retreat back to the main hall, a pair of eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu, the insect **** also came to the opposite of Yu Duxiu, a pair of eyes looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes were full of solemnity: "You are ashamed It is unique, with such supernatural powers, it can be regarded as the only one in the world."

"I have tried my best, I have tried my best, but the insect **** has not reached the limit." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly: "I am not taking action. The countless snake tribe army will be buried here today. I don't know what the insect **** wants. How much does it cost to kill all these countless snake tribe army".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu disappeared in the void: "Insect God, you are not the only person in this world who is a wise man. I learned that the white snake has been reincarnated and reborn in the human race. This matter is not over. If you have the ability, you can come to the human race to find me for revenge."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu was nowhere to be seen. Only the snake **** looked at the void in the distance with a solemn expression, with a pair of eyes penetrating the netherworld, as if asking the prince of Yinsi: "Didn't you say that there are no traces after reincarnation?".

"How do I know?" Feeling the gaze coming from across the border, the prince Yin Si was suddenly depressed. Can this kind of thing be controlled by himself? .

"Dao Hongjun, please stay." Just after Yu Duxiu revealed his figure in Zhongyu, a piece of land appeared beside Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked at the land and said, "Which disciple are you? Why do you call me?".

"Master Dao, His Majesty Tiandi has passed the edict. As long as you see Dao Master, please ask Dao Master to go to the Thirty-Three Heavens for a while."

"Ghantian, please me?" Yu Duxiu took the decree handed over by the land, shimmering in contemplation, and then said: "Never mind, this seat will go to the 33rd layer of heaven. What tricks do you play?"

While speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure flashed, and he had already reached the heavenly palace.

"Miaoxiu" looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the palace of Lingxiao, and Gan Tian was taken aback.

"Call me Hongjun" Yu Duxiu walked slowly to Qiantian, looking at the thousands of gods and gods, sitting on the opposite side of Qiantian without hurries, the gods rose, actually higher than Qiantian. grade.

If Qian Tianshi hadn't seen him, he still didn't change his face and said: "I have seen Dao Hongjun."

"Why did you invite me to come?" Yu Duxiu held her stupidly unhurriedly.

Qian Tiandao: "I want to do a business with Brother Dao."

"What kind of business?" Yu Duxiu asked with interest.

"I helped Dao Master find the reincarnation body of the White Snake, and Dao Master returned my seal of the emperor, what do you think?" Qian Tian's body around the real dragon purple Qi Qiqi was uncertain.

"Not very good," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"The white snake swallowed your first lesson relic. You won't be able to reach Consummation in the tenth lifetime. If you don't do anything again, I'm afraid that the white snake will become the climate and you will be in trouble." Gan Tian said.

Yu Duxiu grabbed her stupid ears and shook her back and forth: "So what?".

"The tenth generation to the fruit of humanity, don't you want it?" Gan Tian was taken aback.

"I'm immortal." Yu Duxiu sneered, threw the stupid cute away, and held it in her hand: "It's just a white snake. The strong under this seat is like a cloud. Can't you find a trace of a white snake? You are in charge of the heaven. If the seal of the emperor is given to you to help you prove the way to the emperor, then it will be a big trouble."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stood up: "If it's just this matter, I don't think we have anything to talk about."

"Miaoxiu! You figured it out clearly!" Gantian's words suddenly increased.

"Call me Hongjun, this is the last reminder to you." After finishing speaking, Yu Duxiu stepped out of the 33rd Heaven.

"Asshole" saw Yu Duxiu walking away, and Gantian overturned the case in front of him: "This Miaoxiu is really lawless, and it should be done with all kinds of swordsmanship."

"Husband, I didn't expect Miaoxiu to be so tough. He didn't even have a negotiating attitude. There was no room for maneuver." Xi He walked out slowly.

"Hmph, don’t think that I don’t know. This wonderful show despises me from the bottom of my heart. I always think that I’m just a mundane hillbilly who doesn’t understand things in the spiritual world. Hmph, wait. These **** will have to pay a price someday. "Dan Tian sneered.

"Then what is your majesty's plan now?" Xi He said.

"Miaoxiu has already worshipped Buddhism and has become the real power among Buddhism. This Buddhism is no longer reliable. I want to find allies again." Qian Tiandao.

"Your Majesty can have a favorite candidate?" Xi He said.

"I will personally go to the territory of the insect god, didn't Miaoxiu suppress the snake god? I have to find a way to rescue the snake clan." After speaking, Qiantian turned into a purple dragon and flew out. Thirty-three heavens.

"It's really the emperor's disposition, capricious, and the most ruthless emperor's family" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly, and then a pair of eyes crossed the heavens and worlds, and the next moment his palm stretched out, there was only one in the Buddha's spiritual mountain boundary. Covering the sky with only the palm of his hand, he forcibly pulled the Jinshan Temple out of thin air, and instantly fell into the middle of the human race.

"Snake God! Worm God! Ghost Lord! East China Sea Dragon King! Nanhai Dragon House! Xihai Dragon King! Beihai Dragon King!, Taiping Jiaozu! Taiyuan Jiaozu! Taishi Jiazuo! Taihuang Jiaozu! This great world, our ally Although there are many, there are many enemies." Yu Duxiu touched her eyebrows: "There are also enemies who are staring at me secretly, but I don't know it, it is really troublesome."

The heavenly stupa is not worth mentioning to the spiritual world, but for ordinary people is a great event, but no matter how big it is, after three to five hundred years, It will gradually return to the ordinary, become that distant legend, and become an error.

"The white snake wants to reincarnate in reincarnation, but it is asking for hardships. In the reincarnation, the immortal aura is abolished. This seat is just taking the opportunity to kill you." Yu Duxiu stood outside the Jinshan Temple. At this time, the Jinshan Temple was full of incense. Believers come to worship day and night.

Yu Duxiu stood on the highest tower of Jinshan Temple, followed by a group of monks, large and small, with respectful expressions.

"Have you not found the whereabouts of the snake demon?" Yu Duxiu said dissatisfied.

"Holy monk, even if your old man has determined that the snake demon will reincarnate in reincarnation, he does not know that once the reincarnation is as deep as the sea, there will be deviations in the course of this reincarnation, ranging from four to five years as short as several years. Hundreds of thousands of years ago, even in the unit of 10,000 years, 100,000 years, and millions of years, who knows if the white snake has been reincarnated, holy monk, you have to be reasonable." An old monk stood behind Yu Duxiu and muttered a lot. I am not afraid of Yu Duxiu, and it is funny to say that this old monk is actually the master of Yu Duxiu's tenth cycle of reincarnation, which is also a kind of fate.

"Master, you are the one who saves me. If I can achieve Consummation, you will also get a lot of benefits," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly. (83 Chinese website)

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