The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1742: Bishuidaoren

"It's always troublesome for the Bodhisattva, it's not a way. Let's go to Lishan and ask my master." The white lady frowned, looking at the gradually cooling and stiff corpse, and suddenly frowned, and instantly went to the sky away from the dust.

"Disciple Bai Suzhen, please see the master" Bai Suzhen yelled loudly while standing in Lichendongtian.

"If you want to make people return to the sun, you must have a drop of blood from the sea beast" Li Chen's voice slowly came from the sky in Lichen Cave.

"Master, Master, also ask Master to give some advice to my disciples, where are the sea beasts?" Bai Suzhen said anxiously.

"Tao Yuan Dao, the mount of the Bishui Dao people is a sea beast, you can remember," Li Chen said.

"Tao Yuan Dao?" Bai Suzhen hesitated after hearing this. Tai Yuan Dao was the nine supreme sects, and he was just a snake clan and alien, so he was afraid that others would look down on him.

"Sister, no matter how difficult it is, I have to go through it" Xiaoqing said.

"Chi'er, that Bishui Daoist has already opened a mountain cave, and he doesn't live in Taiyuan Dao. You go three thousand and six hundred miles southwest of Taiyuan Dao, which is the cave of the Bishui Daoist." Li Chen's voice came from the cave. Came out of it.

"Thank you, Master" Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing said goodbye to Dao Chang Lichen, driving the streamer all the way to the Taiyuan Dao.

"Brother, so are you. Back then, you caused the Bishuidao people miserable enough. Now why bother to tease those Bishuidao people again." Wang Chen gave Yu Duxiu angrily with a pair of eyes.

"Some causes and effects should be resolved. This ice soul is nothing more than an ornament for me now." Yu Duxiu smiled faintly.

The five thousand years of the Bishui Daoist is definitely not easy. Because of his defeat in the Central Region, he was thrown away by Yu Duxiu. Even the sea beast was almost lost, making the Bishui Daoist in the Zongmen. Zhong Suffered his brother's eyes, and later simply couldn't stay in the door. His family opened a cave outside the sect, and ended up being quiet.

However, without the Ice Apparition as a dependency, the magical powers of the Jade Water Daoist are advancing by leaps and bounds, and the mana is even more rocket-like, rising steadily. Because of the suppression of the Ice Apparition, his own mana is poured into the Ice Apparition. I still don’t think it is now lost. After Bingappao's cultivation, the mana of this clear water Taoist actually pursued Great Perfection, and Bingappao's divine light even entered the room.

"I heard that Miaoxiu has reincarnated and returned" Bishui Daoist held a popsicle in his hand and gnawed.

"Yes, I have already reincarnated and returned. I heard people say that Miaoxiu was making trouble on the other side of Manghuang. The snake tribe would be punishable by Miaoxiu, and the twelve quasi-monster gods of the snake tribe have been Taoized. The insect **** formed grievances, but the insect **** couldn't help him." It turned out to be the wood green bamboo sitting opposite the clear water road man.

The Bishui Daoist heard the words and acted, and sighed: "Miaoxiu's supernatural powers become stronger, and his cultivation is unfathomable. Even if the quasi-superior powers say that they will become Taoist, I don’t know if there is any hope in this life. After chasing him, I can't take the ice soul back. I thought that this fellow had been sunk in samsara for five thousand years, and had been left behind by me. Now it seems that geniuses are geniuses."

"Don’t even think about that Bingappa, aren’t you doing well now? It’s about to become a great perfection. With the addition of Bingappa's divine light, ordinary quasi-immortals have to be polite to three points when they meet you. "On the contrary, you can make great progress in cultivation and will not waste time" Mu Qingzhu persuaded.

"How many years did the ice soul stay with me? It's like my son. Now my son is taken away. Can you say I can't worry about it?" The Bishui Taoist glanced at the wooden green bamboo: "I really stand and talk. Backache".

When the wood green bamboo heard the words, he smiled, holding a green bamboo stick in his hand, deep in his eyes, a huge bamboo sticking straight into the sky, the mysterious and mysterious runes flowed indefinitely, disillusioned endlessly.

As she was speaking, she suddenly heard a clear and beautiful female voice outside: "I wonder if the Bishui Road is long?".

"Hey, I haven't had a visitor from this cave for more than five thousand years. Today, there have been two monsters. It's so weird." The Taoist man in the clear water was taken aback and stood up and said, "I don't know what these two monsters are. The courage dared to come to the gate of this seat."

After speaking, Bishuidao walked out of the cave house slowly: "That yelling in front of the old man's cave house?"

However, they said that the white snake and the green snake came all the way to the realm of Taiyuan Road. They cautiously circled the surrounding area and suddenly found such a strange place. The area around Taiyuan Road is warm as spring, but here is a piece of ice and snow. , Is the country of ice.

Snakes are most afraid of the cold, but when you think about the characteristics of the people from the clear water road, the white snake concluded that the people from the clear water road live in seclusion here.

"Sister, this is the place where the Taoist people from Clear Water live?" Green Snake said.

"It should be, let me test it." After Bai Snake finished speaking, he shouted: "I wonder if the people from Bishui Dao are here?"

After the words fell, I saw a response from a distance, and then saw that the clear water Taoist slowly walk out of the cave mansion, stepping on the snow without trace: "You two fairies, why are you here in this cave mansion?".

Seeing the cold wave surging in the eyes of the Bishui Taoist, the whole body's chill is catering to the heaven and the earth, the white snake said: "The disciple has seen the fairy master, and I came here today to ask the fairy master for help."

"Help? Save what? Whose life?" The clear water said humanely.

"My husband was conspired by the two ghosts of the Yinsi, the black and the impermanence, and the soul fell into the underworld. My sister has worked so hard to retrieve the soul, but my husband has been stiff, and the soul cannot fit, listen to my master’s guidance, Taoist master The blood of the dancing sea beast can transform into a living body, so I specially came to ask for a drop of the blood of the dancing sea beast" Bai Suzhen respectfully said.

Looking at the two pitiful little ladies, the Taoist Bishui's eyes rolled: "It is possible to ask the black and white impermanence to work together, your husband should not be an ordinary person, I don't know who is the last name?".

"My husband is the master of Baozhi Hall in the Suzhou Mansion of Zhongyu, called: Xu Xian, that's it," Bai Suzhen said.

"Xu Xian?" The Bishui Daoist was taken aback. Now Zhongyu Jade has a unique layout. With such a big thing, Bishui Daoist is neither blind nor deaf. Of course I know, although it is not clear, but I probably know it. .

Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, the Taoist Bishui instantly became alert, watching the two women with a pair of eyes alertly, and then turning his eyes: "Okay, isn't it just a drop of blood from a sea beast? You just wait."

After finishing talking Bishui Dao Ren turned around, and soon took a jade bottle and handed the blood to the white snake: "Take it, take it".

"Thank you predecessor, thank you predecessor" Bai Snake is very grateful.

That Bishui Daoist had one head at this time and two big ones: "You don't want to thank me, don't want to thank me, as long as you don't come to my house in the future and drag me into the water, it will be regarded as kindness."

After speaking, Daoist Bishui instantly returned to the cave, closed the door, and saw the white snake and green snake stunned there, not knowing what to say.

"This old thing is cunning. He actually surrendered his blood directly. This seat is not so good now." At the top of Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu looked at the distant Taiyuan Dao and smiled helplessly: "No matter what, this cause and effect are all It's going to be resolved."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the Three Treasure Ruyi in her hand, took a gentle step, and in a flash, she left the Middle Territory and came to the cave mansion of the clear water Taoist.

"This time it's awful. I didn't expect that Miaoxiu actually calculated the old man's body, relying on the two white snakes to pull the cause and effect, and I don't know what Miaoxiu's plans are. I sent the blood out early, not to Miaoxiu. The excuse for the attack depends on how Miaoxiu came to the door and embarrassed me. Although I have not been taken seriously in these years, I am a disciple of Taiyuan Dao after all, and a powerful figure in the realm of good luck. Miaoxiu can't come to oppress me for no reason. Daoist Bishui scratched his head, with a touch of palpitations on his face.

After hearing this, Mu Qingzhu was silent for a while, and then said: "I'm afraid things may not be as simple as you think."

"How do you say?" Bishui Taoist's heart screamed.

"I'm afraid that Miaoxiu is not willing to give up and come to the door openly. Maybe I want to pass you and involve the entire Taiyuan Dao into the water. The ancestor may not protect you." Mu Qingzhu looked at the clear water Taoist with a meaningful expression. With a wry smile.

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