The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1743: Long Jun presents treasure

Just after Mu Qingzhu's words fell, he heard a chuckle from outside the cave: "You still understand me."

"Jade Duxiu!" Hearing this voice, both the wood green bamboo and the clear water road all had their scalp numb for an instant, and their eyes were full of horror. I just said it, but I didn't expect that Cao Cao would be here.

"Jade Duxiu" Bishui Taoist opened the door of the cave in an instant, but saw a black silk-clad Yu Duxiu with his hands on his back, looking at the snowy scenery in the distance: "What are you here, this cave does not welcome you".

"Oh~~~" Diao Hai Beast didn't know where it came out, staring at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, grinning, and constantly making threats.

"Don't welcome me? You don't want that ice soul anymore?" Yu Duxiu smiled.

"Ice Soul? It's only blame for you to return it to me kindly" Bishui Daoist smiled contemptuously.

Yu Duxiu looked at the Taoist man in the blue water, and looked at the Dongfu: "Isn't the wood and green bamboo also there? I just don't want to see this seat?".

"We'd better not meet each other," Mu Qingzhu said dullly.

Yu Duxiu nodded when she heard the words, stretched her palm, but saw the cold in the sky gathering, the will of heaven is like a knife, and the rotation of good fortune, unexpectedly created an ice soul out of thin air, exactly the same as the ice soul that was taken away by her back then.

Looking at the ice soul, Daoist Bishui's eyes stuck to the ice soul, his eyes couldn't move away.

"Return the ice soul to you" Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and instantly threw the ice soul in his hand into the hands of the Bishui Daoist.

The Bishuidao people hurriedly took Bingappao, and looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "You really don't greet the Bingappa of Mozu? Would you be so kind?".

Looking at the cautious Taoist man in the clear water, Yu Duxiu turned and left with a weird smile on the corners of her mouth.

"Just left?" Bishui Daoist stared at the direction Yu Duxiu was going, not knowing what to say.

"What does Miaoxiu think now? Suddenly want to return your ice soul?" Mu Qingzhu's eyes revealed incomprehension.

"Miaoxiu's cultivation base is already a meritocracy, probably because I think this ice soul is of no use to it, right?" There was a mocking smile in Bishui Taoist's eyes.

"Hey, I really don’t know why Miaoxiu’s cultivation base has progressed so quickly. After only a few thousand years, others can only reach it in a lifetime, and even a state that cannot be touched by reincarnation in several lifetimes. No wonder all the ancestors back then. I was jealous, and suppressed Miaoxiu in every possible way.

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense, if it is heard by the ancestors, it would be a great event" Bishui Taoist laughed bitterly.

"Tell him to guess, he will never guess the purpose of this seat" Yu Duxiu actually laughed at the nervous look of the Taoist Bishui.

"Lady, snake! Snake! Snake! Don't come over, don't come over!" As soon as Xu Xian opened his eyes, he instantly saw his lady close at hand, and his eyes were full of panic.

"Msang Gong, you woke up, did you have a nightmare?" Bai Suzhen said with a gentle face.

"Nightmare?" Xu Xian was taken aback when he heard the words.

"Yes, did the grandfather have a nightmare? Where is there a snake" White Lady said.

After hearing what the white lady said, Xu Xian looked at the house with a pair of eyes, and then looked at the white lady, his mind slowly said, "It must be a nightmare."

After speaking, Xu Xian pushed the white lady away and staggered towards the gate.

"Sang Gong, Xiang Gong, where are you going?" Seeing Xu Xian running towards the gate, the white lady shouted from behind.

"Leave me alone, there are still some things in Baozhitang," Xu Xiandao said.

After the toad spirit escaped, he came all the way to Baozhitang, took away his realgar, and then swayed away.

When Xu Xian returned to Baozhitang, he came to the backyard and opened the cabinet. There was no realgar, and he was taken aback: "It was indeed a nightmare. The lady is so beautiful as a flower. How could she be a snake monster? I am indeed a nightmare. Up".

After speaking, Xu Xian went all the way back to the Xu mansion, grabbed the white lady's hand, looked at the white lady's worried eyes, and said warmly: "I'm sorry, lady."

"It's okay, as long as Xiang Gong is okay, we drank a bowl of realgar wine before, Xiang Gong suddenly fainted, thinking it was too tired recently," said the white lady.

"Yes, yes, it's because I am not good. I will have more time to accompany the lady in the future" Xu Xiandao.

Even though he thought so, Xu Xian was cast a shadow in his heart. The memories of the previous events were still fresh, and they were simply too real. Looking at his beautiful and beautiful wife, Xu Xian couldn't help but a cloud of clouds rose in his heart.

The Yin Division, the Yin Division Prince looked at the black and white impermanence with a gloomy expression: "This seat is closed and ready to condense Yama's true body. I leave it to you, can you all do it well? What do you want? How do you ask this seat to go with the insects? God explain?".

"Prince prince, it's no wonder I waited. It is true that there is Buddha nature in the soul of the Xuxian, which has inspired Naiheqiao to cast the light of enlightenment. No matter how powerful I wait, I can't handle Amitabha's methods." Hei Wuchang said boredly. .

Looking at his own subordinates, the prince of Yinsi waved helplessly: "Go down, keep an eye on the movement of Suzhou, there is always an ominous feeling in my heart."

Donghai Dragon Palace, Donghai Longjun’s eyes flashed a dark cloud: "No matter what Miao Xiu does, we have to secretly kick together. We broke Miao Xiu’s calculations, and now Miao Xiu wants to get back her tenth reincarnation to human fruit. We don’t allow it. There is a gem here in this seat, which is a different treasure from heaven and earth. Ao Guang, you secretly give this orb to the white lady to defend yourself, telling him to guard against the monks of Jinshan Temple. Others are afraid of cause and effect, but this seat is I'm not afraid, I have already forged a feud with Miaoxiu, what else is there to be afraid of".

"Yes" Na Ao Guang replied, and then said: "But Na Miaoxiu said that Suzhou is temporarily blocked, and all the strong who come to Suzhou will be killed. The minister is afraid that Miaoxiu's opponent is not."

"That's why I sent you there. You must know that your third prince and Miaoxiu go all the way to the west. It is considered to have some friendship. If you are someone else, you may be suppressed by Miaoxiu, but you are different. I believe you. "Ability" Donghai Dragon King looked at Donghai Dragon King brilliantly in his eyes.

"Chen Zunzhi" The East Sea Dragon King lowered his head and responded to the words of the East Sea Dragon Lord, and instantly rose to the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

In the Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu returned to the Jinshan Temple and looked at the void in the distance: "This white lady is about to fall to the ground when she is pregnant in October."

"I don't know what plan is under Mian?" The insect **** slowly appeared in the void.

"Why are you here?" Looking at the insect god, Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

The insect **** smiled softly: "My daughter gave birth to a grandson, can't I be a grandmother come and see it?" It is really overbearing. This is the human relationship in the world. You should understand me as a mother. mood".

"Really?" Yu Duxiu looked at the insect **** with a pair of eyes that looked like a smile but not a smile: "The insect **** has already proven the status of immortality. Isn't he interested in the most humane fruit of this seat? You know that there are only nine in his belly. A relic, the tenth relic is myself, this relic is only useful to me, for others, it is nothing more than a magic weapon."

"Oh, there is such a thing, then why don't you say it, lest those old guys come to make troubles?" The insect **** was obviously taken aback when he heard Yu Duxiu's words. According to Yu Duxiu's statement, he wanted the tenth fruit. You still need to kill Yu Duxiu to the town. If Yu Duxiu can be killed by someone else, how can he rush to this day, and still be so powerful and domineering.

"It's okay, just take the opportunity to transform some strong people, and see which old immortals dare to embarrass me. Now they are about to kill the chicken and the to demonstrate the majesty of this seat" Yu Duxiu said without hesitation.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu's eyes for a moment: "It's a big evil spirit."

"I'm no longer in Buddhism, so the evil spirit is natural." Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked at the scenery of the West Lake in the distance, with a pair of eyes looking towards Xukong: "There are not many people here this time, as long as it is not the supreme power. For me, the rest are nothing more than chickens and dogs. I am not afraid of not coming, because I am afraid that there will not be enough."

"I will wait and see, just don't let my daughter in," Chong Shindao.

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