The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1744: Buddha's voice sings, the dragon king comes to the door

Looking at the **** of insects, Yu Duxiu didn't say much, her eyes looked at the distant void, and she turned her body into a monk dressed in a robes and dressed as a family.

"Which drama are you playing?" Looking at Yu Duxiu, Chongshen looked puzzled.

Yu Duxiu stretched out and made a casual move, but saw a wooden fish fly out from below in an instant, and then fell into Yu Duxiu's hands.

"That Xuxian was contaminated by the nature of this relic Buddha, and died in the world in vain. It would be a pity. If it can be transformed, it may be a golden arhat." Yu Duxiu smiled, Muyu gently in his hand Ringing: "Color is not color, emptiness is not emptiness, emptiness is color, color is emptiness, mixing colors in the air, there is emptiness in color, seeing everything as the true self, everything can be empty, and everything can be color".

Yu Duxiu's mouth was sung with the Buddhist sound, and the sky fell in chaos, and the ground surged with golden lotus. This Buddhist sound spread throughout Suzhou City.

In Baozhitang, Xu Xian leaned on the door frame blankly, looking at the void in the distance, speechless for a long time.

"What's wrong with the boss recently? Why is it always standing alone in a daze?" A doctor looked at Xu Xiandao.

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't know what happened. Could it be that the owner suffered domestic violence?".

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense about being heard by the boss, that would be troublesome" someone lowered his throat.

At this moment, a loud sound of Buddha suddenly spread throughout Suzhou City. If ordinary people listened to it, they would not feel anything. They just thought the sound was clear and loud, but it fell in the ears of people with Buddha nature like Xu Xian. , But it was like a drum in the morning and evening, instantly knocking on the haze in my heart, dispelling all the fears and obstacles.

"Who is reciting the scriptures, so profound Buddhist cultivation, has reached the point where Tianyin sings. I didn't expect that there is such an expert in this Jinshan Temple." Xiao Qing looked at the Jinshan Temple with a pair of eyes, showing surprise.

Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing listened quietly to the Buddha's sound, only feeling that the demon energy in their bodies was constantly being washed in this Buddhist law, turning into a pure Buddhist power.

After a quarter or three, the Buddhist sound ceased, and Xiaoqing woke up and exclaimed: "It's so amazing. Listening to this Buddhist sound, you have lost a hundred years of hard work."

"It must be a great virtue and noble monk," Bai Suzhen said.

Bai Suzhen's heart to Buddhism naturally said good things about Buddhism.

"Where did the Buddhist sound come from?"

At the end of the chanting of Buddhism, Xu Xian was clever and woke up suddenly, feeling that his soul was much smoother, and his eyes looked at the surrounding buddies.

A guy chuckled lightly: "The boss, there are only two temples in Suzhou City, one is the Jinshan Temple, and the other is the Guanyin Temple. The Guanyin Temple is all female nuns. If you want me to see, this Buddhist sound should come from Jinshan Temple. of".

"Jinshan Temple?" Xu Xian nodded when he heard the words, turned around and said, "I'll go to the Jinshan Temple for a while."

While speaking, Na Xu Xian went to the back hall to choose a horse, and turned to the Jinshan Temple.

"So profound Buddhism, no wonder you were called a sacred monk of the Buddhist family." After Yu Duxiu finished reciting the scriptures, the insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu with a hint of appreciation.

Yu Duxiu chuckled, just tapping the wooden fish unhurriedly.

"What are you chanting for?" Insect Shinto.

"Waiting for someone destined" Yu Duxiu said.

"But Xu Mansion?"

On this day, a man in a blue robe came from outside the Xu mansion and asked the door boy.

The doorman said: "It's Xu Mansion, I don't know what's going on outside the staff?".

When the door boy saw the man with luxurious clothes, he was obviously extraordinary and vulgar, and he did not dare to be rude and respectful.

"This seat is a distant relative of the white lady. I have come to visit relatives today. Please tell me on behalf of you," the man said.

"Your Excellency," the door boy glanced at the man when he heard the words, then turned and left.

In the backyard, Bai Suzhen looked at the boy, and she was taken aback: "My relatives? Tell him to come in and talk."

The door boy led the man into the backyard. Looking at the man, both Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing's complexion changed, and they became serious in an instant.

"Who is your excellency?" Bai Suzhen asked, a divine light from the dust looming in his hand.

"Don't be nervous lady, this seat is not an enemy" the man smiled softly: "This seat is the Dragon King of the East China Sea, called Ao Guang."

"It turned out to be the Dragon King of the East China Sea" Na Bai Suzhen and Xiao Qing exclaimed, and stood up and saluted Ao Guang: "I have seen the Dragon King."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea sighed after hearing the words: "No need to be polite."

"I don't know if the Dragon King is in the humble house, what is there to do?" Bai Suzhen said carefully.

"Long Jun entrusted me to bring a treasure for the lady." As he said, the East China Sea Dragon King slowly took out a palm-sized wooden box from his sleeve. This wooden box was deep and dark, obviously not a mundane thing.

"I don't know what this is?" Bai Suzhen was stunned when she heard the words: "If you have no merit, you can't afford it, but you dare not accept this treasure."

"This is a reward from Dragon Lord, to help you overcome the catastrophe, you can accept it" Ao Guangdao.

Involuntarily speaking, Ao Guang had already put the treasure in Bai Suzhen's hands, and Bai Suzhen took the wooden box, and the color of doubt flashed in his eyes: "I don't know what the calamity of the little demon is, but I want Longjun to worry about it."

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Bai Suzhen, his complexion tangled, and then he sighed: "I have no choice, Long Jun told me to tell you, I must also tell you, otherwise Long Jun grabs my handle, I would rather have a cause and effect with Miao Xiu , And don’t want to be punished by Long Jun.”

The Donghai Dragon King said, "Does the lady know her life experience?"

"I don't know, I'm just a white snake in the mountain, what life experience will I have?" Bai Suzhen looked at the East China Sea Dragon King suspiciously.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea smiled bitterly: "You were the princess of the Zerg in your previous life, and your mother is the innate beast of Dacheng. You should stand shoulder to shoulder with the supreme and powerful, and you are the jewel in the palm of the Zerg."

"Huh?" Bai Suzhen was taken aback when she heard the words, and seemed to be a little stunned.

"Unfortunately, you have been calculated by the Yinsi, and you have stolen a relic that was said to be the best jade in the world. This relic is the chief culprit for what you are now." Donghai Dragon King said.

"Relic?" The white snake was taken aback.

"Yes, that Yu Duxiu came back from the reincarnation, supernatural powers, boundless magical powers, even your mother can't protect you, and then helplessly, the underworld has made a plan and told you to sneak into the cycle of reincarnation, avoid that Miaoxiu kill in the town, and enter Samsara is as deep as the sea, and something went wrong in that cycle. You were calculated by Yu Duxiu, and you are now in such a state." Donghai Dragon King looked at Bai Suzhen, and said in his heart: "This snake demon is really courageous, Yu Duxiu's thing Does any monk dare to touch it?".

"When I was practicing in the past, I also heard of Yu Duxiu's name. It was like a thunderbolt. I have always admired it very much. I never wanted to have such a causal entanglement with him." Bai Suzhen's eyes flashed with doubts.

East China Sea Dragon King doesn’t care if Bai Suzhen believes it or not, but he just said to himself: “As soon as you enter the cycle of reincarnation, you are now in the overall situation of Miaoxiu. This gem is Dragon King helping you overcome the calamity and kill you. That Miaoxiu used."

Xiaoqing on one side was dumbfounded, and then suddenly said: "Sister has such a background, then what is my previous life?".

The Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Xiaoqing with a complex complexion, then shook his head, without saying much. He glanced at Jinshan Temple with a pair of eyes, then turned and left: "Don’t tell people that this seat has been here. If Miaoxiu discovers this seat’s attack, Must be cramped and peeled."

Seeing the East China Sea Dragon King walking away, Xiaoqing said: "Is the East China Sea Dragon King really before?"

"It should be true" Bai Suzhen said.

"Sister believes what the old dragon king said?" Xiaoqing said.

"The old dragon king doesn't need to lie to me" Bai Suzhen frowned, and she was outstanding. This name is not something anyone would dare to use. The reputation of Jade Duxiu in the heavens and all realms is like Suzhen enters Li. After the mountains, I often hear people talk about its unique name and various legends.

"Sister, if you really have a death feud with that Yu Duxiu, you might as well go find Yu Duxiu to confess your sins and commit suicide. That Yu Duxiu's magical powers are simply not something we can contend with," Xiaoqing blinked.

"Miaoxiu was in my reincarnation, and she had never done anything to me. She must have had some scruples." At this point, Bai Suzhen looked at the wooden box in her hand and said: "If you don't really start, whoever wins or loses It's too early."

After speaking, Bai Suzhen opened the wooden box in her hand.

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