The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 745: Wind from Suzhou

"Sister, is this?" Na Xiaoqing looked at the beads in the wooden box, and suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

"Pam" Bai Suzhen instantly covered the wooden box tightly, then tucked it into his sleeve, expressionless as if looking at the distant scenery as usual.

When Na Xiaoqing saw Bai Suzhen's appearance, he immediately seemed to have nothing to do, and said happily: "Sister, sister, let's go out shopping."

"I am pregnant now, how can I go shopping."

"Oh, it's so boring, sister, you said, it's not good to be bored in the yard all day," Xiaoqing said.

After speaking, Bai Suzhen's complexion relaxed, "Go away."

"Where to go?" Xiaoqing was taken aback.

"I haven't noticed it before, but I suddenly had this bead before. I don't know how many times it has been magnified. I vaguely noticed a strong will sweeping through the city of Suzhou," White Snake said slightly anxiously.

"Sister, what is this bead?" Xiaoqing asked curiously.

Bai Suzhen heard what he said: "Before this bead came a will. It was a strange treasure born from the eye of the East China Sea. It was formed at the beginning of the world and has infinite power. The will inside says With this gem, I can compete against Yu Duxiu. I don’t know if it’s true.”

After speaking, she looked at Xiaoqing: "Sister is going to refine the orb, you should be careful, it seems that the East China Sea Dragon King said it is not far from ten."

At Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu suddenly opened her eyes, and a pair of eyes swept across the city of Suzhou: "I felt a powerful force suddenly soaring into the sky before, but it was fleeting, and there was no time to track it. Could it be that there is something in the city of Suzhou? An old monster".

As he was talking, a little novice suddenly came up and interrupted Yu Duxiu's thoughts: "Master, Xu Xian of Baozhitang asked to see Master."

"Bring him up," Yu Duxiu said with a reduced thought.

The insect **** on one side was stunned: "The person you are talking about is probably Xu Xian."

"Exactly" Yu Duxiu said.

But he said that Xu Xian came to the Jinshan Temple, and that Xu Xian opened the Baozhitang. He was considered a celebrity in the local area. After entering the temple, he said to a novice: "Dare to ask the little master, I don't know which master was who chanted before? ".

"It's Zen Master Fahai who recites the scriptures. Zen Master Fahai has been here for a few years since he came to Jinshan Temple. Is there anything to do with the donor?" said the little monk.

"I don't know if the little master can recommend it?" Xu Xian said quickly.

The little monk hesitated when he heard the words: "I have to ask the abbot what he meant, Xu Shizhu later."

The little monk ran to the backyard and turned around a short time later: "Master Fahai has agreed and is willing to see you. It's a good opportunity for the donor."

"I have seen the Zen master" Xu Xian walked into the top pavilion of Jinshan Temple. He was different from the old Zen master with white beard as he imagined. Instead, he was a young monk who was out of character.

Xu Xian was taken aback and quickly rude.

"Get up" Yu Duxiu said, "Sit down, please."

That Xu Xian stood up respectfully when he heard the words, only to see the coquettish and beautiful woman not far from Yu Duxiu, and then immediately lowered his head, not daring to look more.

"Today, I heard that the master preached the Dharma. It was very clever. If the disciple wants to learn the Dharma from the Zen master, I also ask the Zen master for permission." Xu Xian respectfully said.

Yu Duxiu heard the words and nodded: "Xu's benefactor has Buddha nature and is also connected with my Buddhism. If he learns the Buddhism, he can get the golden body and Luohan fruit position at the worst when he enters the Buddhism. Enter the Lingshan Pure Land and live forever."

"Immortality? Is this the mage serious?" Xu Xian's eyes lit up when he heard the words. No matter where or what species, he was full of interest in immortality. At this time, he heard Yu Duxiu's words and his interest suddenly increased.

"As long as Xu Donor is willing to cultivate with heart, it will be true naturally" Yu Duxiu smiled lightly.

The insect **** on one side sighed softly when he heard the words. This is the brilliance of the Buddhism. If you don’t prove it, there will be no fruit of the Tao. It can also make you immortal. Just ask the heavens and all realms, who can withstand this. Temptation.

Yu Duxiu read a piece of scripture casually, and sent that Xu Xian back: "In the future, the donor Xu can come to see me once a day."

"Thank you Master, thank you Master" Xu Xian respectfully said.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it has been three months. Bai Suzhen is about to give birth, but Xiaoqing gritted his teeth and said: "Sister, you said that Xu Xian is not doing business all day, and what is going to the temple? Is it because she wants to abandon her sister. A beauty like a flower and a jade, go to Jinshan Temple to become a monk?".

Bai Suzhen frowned when she heard the words: "I don't know why, there is always a sense of anxiety in my heart, which is getting more and more serious, and I can't breathe under pressure."

Reckless, Tiger God's territory, Tiger God sitting there quietly, Bai Hu's eyes are full of solemnity.

"Father, this is an opportunity, an endless opportunity for the nine supreme ancestors of the human race and Miaoxiu to die." Bai Hu said.

"How shrewd is Miaoxiu, how can you not see through your and my tricks, don't want to intervene indiscriminately, causing disasters, Miaoxiu's methods are now becoming more and more unfathomable, or don't provoke them" Tiger God stared at Baihu.

"Master, the disciple admires the Buddhist school, and asks the master to perfect it, and the disciple is willing to worship Buddhism." On this day, after Yu Duxiu preached the Dharma, he saw Xu Xian plop on his knees and begged bitterly.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly when she heard the words: "You have a beautiful wife in your family who is like a flower like a jade, and has a wealth of wealth. Maybe you abandon that glory and wealth, and abandon everything in the world?".

Yu Duxiu pinpointed the calculation, and then said: "Three days later, you will answer me again, I will consider time with you for three days and settle the family affairs."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, why is it three days later? Because three days later, it was Bai Suzhen's childbirth period, just as her treasure returned, and the catastrophe was cut instantly.

"Yes, three days later, the disciple will come to visit the Master." Xu Xian turned and walked out of the Jinshan Temple with determination on his face.

"Msang Gong, why come back so early today" White Lady said.

Xu Xian sighed softly upon hearing the words: "Lady, if I do something I am sorry for you, might you forgive me?".

After hearing Xu Xian's words, Lady White suddenly felt a sudden change in her heart. Before Lady White could speak, Xiaoqing said, "If you dare to do things that are sorry for my sister, then I will kill you."

"Why does Xiang Gong speak like this?" Bai Suzhen said.

Xu Xian hugged Bai Suzhen's shoulders and touched the delicate belly, showing a slight smile: "It's nothing, just talk."

Three days later, Xu Xian left a letter, turned and walked out of the gate of Xu Mansion.

"Master, today is Madam's delivery date, where are you going?" The doorman was taken aback when he watched Xu Xian go out.

Xu Xian shook his head and said nothing.

"Sister, it's okay, then Xu Xian is going to Jinshan Temple to become a monk?" Xiaoqing accidentally found the letter in the room, and was shocked, and hurried to Bai Suzhen's room.

At this time, Bai Suzhen was holding a book quietly, waiting for production. Hearing this, his expression immediately changed: "No, Xiaoqing, quickly go to Jinshan Temple with me and find the Xianggong."

In the Jinshan Temple, Yu Duxiu's eyes looked at the endless void. At this time, the heaven and the earth were filled with calamities, and the tyrannical and decayed auras continued to interweave.

"Today, all monks and spirits who enter Suzhou will not be amnesty." Yu Duxiu's voice was indifferent, but through layers of void, it spread all over the world.

The countless powerhouses on the horizon faltered but then they became firm again, still moving around Suzhou City.

"Hey, there are always people who do not believe in evil in this world. I think there are many people with great power. I can't help them, but I don't know that this seat specializes in all kinds of unbelievers." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, holding a wooden fish in his hand. He hurriedly beat the fishing drum, and then his eyes were full of lightness, and there was no sense of tension in the coming war.

"What on earth do you want to do?" The insect **** came to Yu Duxiu, his eyes looked at the sky in the distance.

"What do you do? It's just to cross the catastrophe, not only Bai Suzhen wants to cross the catastrophe, but also the highest status of this seat, but also to cross the catastrophe," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"With so many powerful people, don't you worry about it if you don't take action in advance?" Insect God's eyes are full of weird colors: "The will of heaven is like a knife, if you don't make advance preparations, who knows what will happen then? thing".

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