The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1752: Congenital Mantra Flag Hata

Yu Duxiu has never dared to underestimate any supreme powerhouse. There may be many quasi-powerful people in the heavens and worlds, but the supreme powerhouses are always one of the few.

There are trillions of human beings in the human race, but before Yu Duxiu, there were only nine supreme powers, knowing how difficult it is to prove the supreme realm.

"Snake God, Snake God" Yu Duxiu muttered a few words. Although she had left behind, she was still unwilling to be taken off by others.

"Forget it, I'll retreat to improve my strength, and then talk about other things" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, leaving the gourd world, and began to comprehend the Pangu flag technique.

Speaking of the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven, the chaos clock master suppresses the three thousand Hongmeng worlds, the Pangu banners are the main attack, and the yin and yang laws of the taiji diagram master are the root of all things taiji, representing the avenues and mysterious doors.

Yu Duxiu comprehends the innate mantra in the green lotus. With every move of this ancient flag, it can exert the power of chaos, making everything return to chaos, and the law of passing through is annihilated, and all things in the world return to the original, with unparalleled power. , The special master is the duty of destruction.

Yu Duxiu kept deducing and comprehending the countless innate mantras, and the forty-nine magnificent purple qi at the center of his brows revolved rapidly, helping Yu Duxiu to deduct and simulate the composition and how to outline the countless mantras in the ancient flag technique.

Outside, among the Yin Division, the ghost master sat there with a gloomy face, black and white impermanence standing around the ghost master.

"This time, I thought I was calculating the insect god, but I didn't expect to be played around by the insect **** to help the insect **** act. It's really unreasonable! You two idiots, you still say that you are in charge of the power of reincarnation. Is the fetus in the abdomen strange?" The ghost master scolded.

Hearing the words of the ghost master, black and white impermanence was immediately wronged, and that Miaoxiu had been staring at Jinshan Temple. How could they have time to go to Xu Mansion?

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a swarm of insects in the distance spreading across the sky, and they were combined in the void in an instant, turning into the figure of an insect god.

"Insect God, what are you doing?" The ghost master was expressionless, and his whole body was enveloped in his robe.

"Ghost Lord, we are all supremely powerful, so we don't need to talk about it anymore. This seat will only ask you, how can we unlock the fetus in the abdomen." The insect **** walked slowly to the ghost master: "The past Needless to say, you will calculate the white snake first, and this seat will follow the boat. After all, my daughter is still suppressing under the Leifeng Pagoda, isn't it?".

"Hehe, after the calculation, it's not a emptiness. The snake **** is too greedy. How can he win the tenth reincarnation status of Miaoxiu? What is it now? It's not enough to catch himself." Ghost Lord Leng Cold road.

"There have been too many changes in this matter. If it hadn't been for the unlucky ghost to make a random move, the snake **** would have already refined Hongjun's ninth reincarnation status, and gave him a lesson, how could it fall to the present level" The insect **** gritted his teeth.

Hearing the worm **** mentioning the unlucky ghost, the smile on the ghost master's face suddenly disappeared, and then his face solemnly said: "Speaking of which, the snake **** created a precedent for the heavens and the world. The heavens and the world have never been There is no example of the supreme being falling into reincarnation, your husband is still a precedent."

Speaking of this, the ghost master said: "The supreme power has already transcended the laws of the world. It stands to reason that even if it is reincarnation, the memory strength will not be lost, but your husband wants to calculate Miaoxiu's round orbit status and suffers backlash. Being calculated by the unlucky ghost to end up like this is simply a bitter pill."

"How can I restore my memory?" The Worm God said helplessly.

The ghost master looked gloomy, and after a while, he said: "The dragon energy of the dynasty can destroy all laws, and maybe it can suppress the power of the unlucky ghost. The power of the unlucky ghost must be in your husband's body. You can find a way to get the dragon energy of the dynasty. After suppressing the power of the unlucky ghost, your husband may not be disturbed by bad luck and can restore his own power."

"Thanks a lot" Chongshen glanced at the ghost master and immediately turned and left.

In a blink of an eye, Yu Duxiu didn't know how many years she had been in retreat, but saw that Yu Duxiu had a seal in his hand, and saw a series of innate talisman seals in the void in front of him. After a long time, he saw a shot. Chaos-colored flag banners appeared in front of Yu Duxiu, and the countless mantras were deduced and deciphered by Yu Duxiu, and another Pangu banner, a heaven-defying treasure, was made.

Although the Pangu flag is composed of innate runes, it has no real body, but it is condensed as if it is substantive. Yu Duxiu looked at the Pangu flag in front of him, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes. Black, there seems to be a chaos in this flag, which can swallow and contain the broken heavens and all things. The flagpole is blue and black, and there are many mysterious artistic realms on it from time to time, and its power is endless.

"Wh," the Pangu banner was instantly submerged in the soul of Yu Duxiu: "Although the Pangu banner was successfully refined, it still needs to be nurtured."

The Pangu banner was born, and the jade was alone in the 33rd heaven. I didn’t notice it, but the outside world had already started the pot. I don’t know why, but I saw that the endless chaos outside the fetal membrane of the great world began to roll, the air of chaos. Constantly boiling, rolling up the stormy waves, even if the fetal membranes of the entire world are bumping, causing the laws of the world to be turbulent, I don’t know how many monks vomit blood in an instant, and are backlashed by the turbulent world’s vitality and laws, and suffer Hit hard.

Taiyi teaches that the hexagrams on the turtle shell in Taiyi teaches the ancestors to flip, but he sees that the brows of Taiyi teaches ancestors frown: "The hexagrams seem to be unknown. There are treasures in the heavens and worlds, but I don’t know that the treasures follow the foot. Covered by chaos, hazy and indistinct."

That Taidou taught the ancestors said: "I don't know who it is. After such a big movement, even the endless chaos outside the chaos resonates with it, and I don't know what kind of treasure was born."

Look at me, I look at you, I look at you, scan Zhou Tian, ​​it is still difficult to find the traces of treasures, there seems to be a mysterious resonance in the heavens and the world, and the demon gods in the wild are also at this time. He opened his eyes in amazement and scanned the entire world.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Jinlin glanced at Daqian World with a gloomy expression: "Damn variable."

"How are the preparations for the race war now?" The Fox God looked at the monster gods, retracted his will, and slowly looked at the monster gods.

"All the troops of my tiger clan have been assembled and are ready to be in place." The tiger **** has a terrifying fighting spirit.

The Tigers are inherently stronger than the Humans. When facing the Tigers, the Humans are basically defeated.

"The countless tribes of my wolf tribe are all ready to be in place" the wolf **** smiled coldly ~ you are all ready, my lion clan is naturally not to be left behind," the lion **** said slowly.

The rabbit **** frowned: "My rabbit clan is inherently weak. If it is okay to do logistics, it is just cannon fodder if it is said to be charged and trapped."

"Hahaha, you little bunnies will prepare the logistics for everyone. If a war breaks out, my elephant clan will charge forward." Xiangshen said, this seems to be the first time that Xiangshen has spoken in thousands of years. The elephant's head is dull. , I don’t know what I’m thinking, it always seems like a normal person.

"My crocodile family is not far behind. All the waters of the human race have been given to my crocodile family." The crocodile smiled coldly.

After listening to the God of Crocodile, the demon gods reported their situation one after another.

"There seems to be something wrong with the human race" The Wolf God looked at the human race's direction with a pair of eyes.

The fox **** frowned: "I will wait for the demon **** to join forces, and then push it horizontally, no matter what conspiracy it is, the demon flag is here, immortal and immortal, it's a big deal to start again."

"Where did Miaoxiu go?" Shinto rabbit on one side.

"I don’t know, after the last war, this kid seemed to disappear suddenly. In this battle, I didn’t expect another bug **** to pop up. This bug **** is very troublesome. You still need to find Miaoxiu and ask him to contain the bug god. That’s right, otherwise the insect **** will come at a critical moment, and all our efforts will be cheaper than the insect god" Tiger God said.

"The race war began to deploy troops and prepare for the final investigation" Tiger God said.

After hearing this, the demon gods began to send their own subordinates to check continuously, and the chicken **** said: "What did the snake **** say? Now the snake **** is so miserable by people. This kind of clan war, shouldn't wait for the snake **** to return?" .

Hearing the words of the chicken god, everyone was silent for a while, you look at me and I look at you, silent.

Cough, sooner or later, we will change together. (To be continued.)

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