The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1753: Xu Shilin, dry the sky

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"After all, the snake **** is the supreme power. Even if he falls into reincarnation, it should not take long to restore his memory. I have waited for a million years, or else I have to wait for decades to see what the snake **** can Do you want to restore your memory?" Wolf God said: "One more person is always more power."

"There is some truth to what I said, so wait, the wolf **** may recover his memory sometime," Fox God said.

In the human race, Suzhou Mansion, life is only more than a hundred years, and more than 20 years have passed since the last war in a blink of an eye. With the passing of years, the war of that year has become a legend. .

The owner of Baozhitang Xu Xian became a monk, but he did not decline. On the contrary, he became more prosperous under the unreasonable monsters like Xiaoqing. Now it is not only the boundary of Suzhou, but also the whole country. Baozhitang is quite famous. .

"Auntie Qing".

In Xu's mansion, a young man in his twenties was handsome, but he looked a bit like a Xu Xian, and he also had the attributes of a small white face.

"Your grandmother said that you don't need to run Baozhitang in the future, but to get fame. Now you have passed the Juren exam. This year, in Shangjing, you got the top prize. That would be great. But also find a way to rescue your mother." Xiaoqing sorted out the green silk in her ear, with a touch of melancholy in her eyes.

"Auntie Qing, I'll meet my father first, I haven't seen my father for more than ten years," the young man said pitifully.

"What are you going to do to see that ungrateful person" Xiaoqing gritted her teeth with hatred: "If it wasn't for your father, how could your mother be locked up by Fahai".

Xiaoqing wanted to talk about Hongjun, but he didn't dare to say it. For someone as strong as Yu Duxiu, as long as he speaks his real name, there must be causal induction.

"Aunt Qing, where did my mother go, why didn't you take me to see my mother" Xu Shilin's eyes were full of puzzled.

"Your mother--" Xiaoqing looked at Xu Shilin, and then sighed helplessly: "Well, I'll tell you, if you can get fame and fame this year, and get the emperor's appreciation, you may be able to save your mother." .

"Where is my mother" Xu Shilin said eagerly.

"Your mother was locked up in the Leifeng Pagoda of Jinshan Temple, and suffered from the thunderstorm that day and night." Xiaoqing looked at the Leifeng Pagoda in the distance. A few years ago, he could still hear the Leifeng Pagoda. There were screams, and now even the screams are gone, and I don’t know what happened to Bai Suzhen inside.

"Aunt Qing, how mortals can withstand the power of thunder and lightning, let's go to the Jinshan Temple to find my mother" Xu Shilin was angry.

"The monks in the Jinshan Temple are fierce. You are weak. How can you beat that group of monks" Xiaoqing said.

Xu Shilin clenched his fists tightly upon hearing the words: "Then go and sue the officials. Isn't this world impossible without the king's law".

After speaking, Xu Shilin turned and walked outside the gate.

Seeing Xu Shilin's actions, Xiaoqing did not stop him, but saw that Xu Shilin had come all the way to the Suzhou government. After meeting with the officials, they all said hello: "I have seen Mr. Xu".

"I don't know if Master Juren came to the Yamen today, what's the matter?" The official said politely.

"I'll file a complaint, quickly pass it on to me," Xu Shilin said.

"I don't know who the Master Juren is accusing?" The officer invited Xu Shilin into the lobby while walking towards the back hall.

"You go and invite the prefect," Xu Shilin said.

Not long after, I saw the white and fat prefect of Suzhou coming out: "Oh, Xu Shilin, I heard that you are going to sue? This unopened Suzhou guy, dare to offend Baozhitang."

This prefect is just in his fifties.

"My lord, the students have to sue the Jinshan Temple" Xu Shilin said.


The prefect almost staggered and fell to the ground, and his voice became sharp: "Who is it to tell?"

"Master, the students want to sue the monk of Jinshan Temple and forcibly detain the people" Xu Shilin said.

The prefect suddenly jumped up when he heard the words and covered Xu Shilin's mouth: "Shut up, shut up, and quickly shut up. Could it be that you are bored with life, do you dare to sue the master of Jinshan Temple?".

"Why can't you tell me?" Xu Shilin said.

After hearing that Xu Shilin's words, the prefect smiled bitterly: "Anyway, I can't tell you. If you want to know, go home and ask your auntie."

Speaking of this, the prefect said: "If you sue someone, no matter who it is, I can write for you as a son in the book, but this Jinshan Temple is indeed dead."

Xu Shilin was depressed when he heard the words, glanced at the prefect, turned and left.

Looking at Xu Shilin's back, the prefect sighed helplessly: "Don't say you can't say it, even today's emperor, Jinshan Temple may not sell face."

That Xu Shilin went home bored, Xiaoqing didn't say much, just said: "You hurry up and take the big exam this year. When you pass the exam and rescue your mother, you can know the truth.

"Really?" Xu Shilin said.

"Really, when did I lie to you" Xiao Qing said helplessly.

After hearing this, Xu Shilin turned and walked towards the backyard: "I will pack up my things and prepare to go to the capital to test for fame."

In the High Heaven Hall, Qian Tian and Xi He can see the matter of the lower realm clearly, and Qian Tian said: "This Xu Shilin is also interesting."

"What's your majesty's idea?" Xihe smiled.

"It's better to make a good relationship and help Xu Shilin to release the white snake. Then maybe the mother and son will meet, the calamity will be complete, the memory of the snake **** will wake up, such a big cause and effect, I will see how the snake **** returns me" said After that, Qian Tian went to the lower realm in an instant, came to the kingdom where Xu Shilin was in an instant, and entered the emperor's dream.

The country where Xu Shilin is located is called: Great Song Dynasty, Song Dynasty.

Na Qiantian riding a real dragon straight into the Song Emperor’s dream, the Emperor Song emperor’s misty sight, saw the man in the emperor’s suit descending into the void, and was shocked: “Who are you?”

"I am the Emperor of Heaven" Qiantian said with a domineering face.

"The Emperor of Heaven? Have seen the Emperor of Heaven!" The Emperor Song made a respectful salute.

Seeing this, Qian Tian nodded: "You can teach you. I entered your dream. There is something to remind you. This year's big exam, there is a call to do: Xu Shilin's Juren, you must select him as the champion. A wisp of true dragon purple qi will give you body protection."

After speaking, Qiantian disappeared in an instant, and the Emperor Song awakened immediately.

"Niangniang, how are I doing?" Gan Tian left the Song Dynasty and did not return to the Heavenly Palace but came to the territory of the Insect God.

Chongshen smiled at the words: "You do have a heart."

"The mother may have thought of how to seek the seal of the emperor for me." Qiantiandao ~ The insect **** frowned upon hearing this: "You didn't see the strength of Yu Duxiu. I am alone and may not be Miaoxiu’s opponent. Now Miaoxiu’s magical powers have reached an unfathomable level, and extraordinary people can figure it out. Even this seat can’t see Miaoxiu’s details.”

Speaking of this, the insect **** said: "If your majesty wants to seize the seal of the emperor, he still needs to find allies, and I can do it alone.

Qiantian frowned upon hearing this, "I can't do this by myself, what if the ghost master is added?".

"Can you please move the ghost master?" The insect **** was taken aback, looking at Qiantian in surprise.

"The price is a bit high," Qiantian said unhurriedly.

"That's it. If the snake **** can reincarnate and return, then it would be the best" Insect God said.

"Mother, don’t worry, with the wisp of my true dragon purple aura, coupled with the full blow of the entire Song Dynasty, I used mystery to gather the three thousand years of Song Dynasty’s national fortune into a single blow, which is enough to be broken and wiped out. The prohibition on the Leifeng Pagoda rescued the White Lady."

"Good! Good! Good, when the time comes, Miaoxiu will definitely show up. If the ghost master can join hands with me, it is the best time to suppress Miaoxiu," Insect Shinto.

"That's it when I went to trade with the ghost master." Qian Tian turned into a mass of anger when he heard this, and disappeared instantly.

Seeing Qiantian walking away, the insect said: "It's really weird, weird, Gantian can actually trade with the ghost master. It seems that there are a lot of ways to stay together. No wonder he has been able to hold the position of the Emperor for more than five thousand years. , Really has some means."

While speaking, the insect **** slowly fell into contemplation, not knowing what he was thinking.

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