The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1754: Zombie awakens

With Qiantian's care, Xu Shilin has no reason to fail the top pick.

"Congratulations to Mr. Xu, congratulations to Mr. Xu."

"Congratulations to Mr. Xu for the top three in high school."

"Xu Gongzi's great talent is the literary and musical star of the sky."

But after listening to the neighbors on the street celebrating constantly and the sound of firecrackers, Xu Shilin, dressed in red, returned to the city of Suzhou in spring breeze.

Xu Shilin got the top prize in the exam, it was naturally to drink the three great whites, set up a banquet of flowing water, three days and three nights.

In the backyard, Xu Shilin looked at Xiao Qing, a flash of obsession flashed in his eyes, and slowly leaned over: "Aunt Qing, you should tell me how to rescue my mother."

Xiaoqing didn’t notice Xu Shilin’s strangeness at all, and nodded, “Well, today you and I went to Jinshan Temple for a while. With the emperor’s dragon spirit, coupled with the secular imperial power, it can be said that the monks in the Jinshan Temple are worried. Some.

While speaking, Na Xiaoqing pushed Xu Shilin away, turned and walked outside.

Seeing this, Xu Shilin could only follow Zhe Xiaoqing closely, leading Jiading to the outside world.

A group of people rushed to the Jinshan Temple a short time, but saw that the Jinshan Temple was crowded with people and the incense was flourishing. Looking at the Leifeng Pagoda not far from the Jinshan Temple, Xu Shilin sighed: "My mother was locked in this thunder by these monks. Is it in the tower?".

"Let's go" Xu Xian and Xiaoqing led the subordinates, Qi Qi Qiqi to the Leifeng Tower, but it is strange to say that although Leifeng Tower is a tower, but there is no way out.

Xiaoqing said: "Kow your head to your mother. Although we can't see your mother, your mother can see us."

In the Leifeng Pagoda, sky thunders slashed across and struck the white lady. At this time, the white lady was sitting still, if she didn't see the countless thunder TVs.

"This Leifeng Pagoda can't hold you down anymore, why don't you escape?" A figure fluctuated in the void, but saw a man's figure condensed year by year, wearing a soap-colored robes, his face like a crown jade, sitting The opposite of Bai Suzhen.

"How about escape? I can escape from Leifeng Tower, but I can't escape from the palm of your hand." Bai Suzhen looked at the young man in front of him with a complex expression.

"That's right, the sky has been thundered in the past 20 years, and it has been reborn, and the mortal fetus has been faded. The blood of the Zerg has begun to derive in the body, which is amazing" Yu Duxiu said with a smile.

"Your magical powers are even more incredible. With a mere projection, they are no different from real people, very powerful" Bai Suzhen sighed slightly.

Yu Duxiu said: "The race war is about to explode. If I were you, I should hurry up and find a quiet place to hide. Now that the insect **** has walked out of the wilderness, he will naturally not go back again. The insect **** is an ambitious person. She can't protect you."

Bai Suzhen sighed slightly after hearing the words: "After I go out, I will worship Buddhism."

"Fortunately, Buddhism is vast. It is not difficult for you to restore the quasi-superior state. As long as you walk through the pool of eight treasures and use Amitabha's mana to bless your past and present lives, you can instantly help you find your previous cultivation. "Yu Duxiu didn't rush, came to the window and looked at the scenery in the distance.

"Thank you Mianxia for your guidance." Bai Suzhen came to Yu Duxiu. Following Yu Duxiu, she happened to see Xu Shilin who was kneeling on the ground bursting out of her body. The fortune of the Song Dynasty was torn towards Jinshan Temple. , Constantly obliterating the mark of Yu Duxiu.

If Yu Duxiu doesn’t see this, she just slowly disappears into the void: "You go quickly, a big explosion is inevitable. This seat has already sensed the spirit of the ghost master, and it seems not very safe here." .

"Thank you for your mercy, Mian." Bai Snake looked at Yu Duxiu's disappearing back, and said thank you.

"Don't thank me, but I was in a good mood at that time" Yu Duxiu chuckled.

At Thirty-three Heaven, Yu Duxiu slowly opened her eyes, and the countless qi of chaos around her body instantly fell into the soul. After a while, Yu Duxiu wore a black Taoist robe, stepped out slowly, and descended to Jinshan Temple.


Seeing that Leifeng Pagoda’s prohibition was wiped out, all the monks in Jinshan Temple watched silently, did not stop them, not just a monk who had the courage to intervene in the cause and effect of Yu Duxiu and the powers of the heavens and the world. middle.

The prohibition of the Jinshan Temple was wiped out, and a door in the Jinshan Temple was slowly opened, and the white lady walked out like a spring breeze dressed in white.


"My son" Bai Suzhen stepped forward and hugged the man of Yingwu Kishi, with tears in his eyes, and the tears of Xiaoqing on one side kept falling: "Sister, you can be regarded as coming out now."

"Thank you sister for taking care of this child and growing up." Bai She let go of Xu Shilin and looked at Xiaoqing.

"Sister's words can be ignored." Xiao Qing smiled lightly, and said slightly dissatisfied.

The movement of Lei Feng here attracted the attention of countless people. Then Xiaoqing said, "Sister, now that he has come out, it is considered to be a complete meritorious service. You still need to find Xu Xian, a grievant man, to have a theory and see how face he faces his sister, if not. How can Xu Xian, a sorrowful man, have suffered thunderstorms for twenty years."

"Forget it, sister has already seen through some things" Bai She sighed slightly.

"No, the elder sister can swallow this breath, but the younger sister can't swallow this breath, so I have to argue with Xu Xian. You can't be superior or inferior." Xiaoqing stubbornly gritted his teeth and shouted at the distant Jinshan Temple. Said: "Xu Xian, you grumpy man, come out for me."

"Amitabha Buddha" saw a young monk with a bald head and a wry smile on his face came out. A pair of eyes looked at Bai Suzhen: "Congratulations."

"It wasn't you who caused it." Xiaoqing mentioned the sword, and wanted to stab that Xu Xian to death.

However, Xu Xian's Buddha's light surrounded Xu Xian's body, avoiding Xiao Qing's sword, Xiao Qing was stunned: "You actually practiced supernatural powers, but I didn't expect you to be a monk by nature. If you don't want a wife, you have to go. As a monk, if my sister remarries in the future and asks you to wear a green hat, you must not regret it."

After hearing that Xiaoqing's words, Xu Xian's face turned green, and his eyes turned to Xu Shilin: "Oh, I'm sorry for my father."

"I would also like to thank my father for perfection. In the future, my father will be able to practice in the temple. Aunt Qing and my mother will be taken care of by me." Xu Shilin looked at Xu Xian with indifferent eyes.

Seeing that Xu Shilin's gaze, Xu Xian frowned suddenly: "Something is wrong."

I don't know when it will start, Xu Xian's eyes began to show a layer of green oil, gleaming with the shadow of six petals.

"Friend Hongjun, let's meet again." The insect **** wandered through the void and came to Yu Duxiu.

Looking at the crowd below, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "Unexpectedly, the snake **** was still running out."

"It's the superior skill of this seat" Chong Shen's face is full of contented smile.

"Really? I don't think it is necessary. Since I can suppress the snake **** for the first time, naturally I can suppress it the second time. Now the consciousness of the snake **** has only just gradually recovered. The snake is instinctive, I see this The snake **** has unconsciously thought about Xiaoqing and White Lady, the noble family is really messed up," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly, holding her hands on her back.

"Bastard", the insect **** was choked by Yu Duxiu's words, only a pair of eyes looked at Xu Shilin subconsciously, only to see that the true dragon purple qi and imperial qi of Xu Shilin's body was gradually wiped out by a gloomy aura, and The frivolous color in Xu Shilin's eyes made waves in the heart of Chongshen: "Is it really as Hongjun said?".

"I met fellow Daoists today and wanted to ask Dao friends for something" Chong Shendao.

"What? Worm God might as well talk about it" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"I heard that the true monarch took the seal of the emperor of heaven, this seat is very interested in the seal of the emperor. I don't know if the true monarch can send me the seal of the emperor to play for millions of years." The **** of insects said unhurriedly This seal of the emperor is just an ornament for this seat. After all, it has been cultivated to the point where this seat is now. The seal of the emperor is indeed a waste, but it cannot be given to others casually. "You can’t rely on your red mouth and white teeth to pass the seal of my emperor." Yu Duxiu is not hurried, it seems that he doesn't care about the seal of the emperor.

"Let's talk about it, what do you have?" Insect God said.

After hearing the words, Yu Duxiu looked up and down the insect god, and then smiled inexplicably, but it was called insect god's face blue.

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