The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1755: Invincible

"Hongjun!" The Insect God met Yu Duxiu's gaze, and suddenly became a little bit irritated. Anyone looking at it like this is also upset, not to mention the famous Insect God, which is an innate beast, bred by heaven and earth. arrogant.

"I don't see anything in your body that is worthy of my heart. In addition to this body of flesh and blood that can be used as medicine, there is nothing that the insect **** can handle," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Asshole, are you going to take me as medicine?" Chong God was blue with anger at Yu Duxiu's words.

"Leave White Lady, this Xu Shilin, this seat is very interested, how about the insect **** leaving it to this seat?" Yu Duxiu looked at the Xu Xian family who had just reunited in the distance.

"Hmph, Xu Shilin won't go with you, you should die this heart quickly" Chong Shendao.

Yu Duxiu looked at the snake **** with a look of pity: "I see the light of lewdness in Xu Shilin's eyes, forget it, in order to avoid rebellious sons in your family, this seat will give you a good relationship."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu said, "Since Avalokitesvara has come, he has not shown up yet."

The Buddha's light flickered in the void, but Bingqin saw the Buddha's light flowing around her body, appeared in the field, nodded to Yu Duxiu, and looked at the white lady and Xiaoqing below.

"Lady Bai, now that you have completed your calamity, are you willing to follow me to the Da Lei Yin Temple to meet the Buddha?" Bing Qin said softly.

"The disciple is willing, the disciple has already converted to the Three Jewels in his heart, and he has asked the Bodhisattva to save the disciple." The white snake knelt on the ground and gave a big gift to Bingqin.

"Sister, why do you also want to take refuge in this Buddhism?" Xiaoqing on one side was immediately anxious when she saw the white lady taking refuge.

"Sister Qing'er, you and I are helpless, how about taking refuge in the Three Jewels together?" Bai Suzhen turned and looked at Xiaoqing.

After hearing the words, Xiaoqing hesitated, and then gritted his teeth: "Never mind or not, since my sister has taken refuge, then I will follow my sister to Da Leiyin Temple in the west and ask the Bodhisattva to take it in."

While talking, Na Xiaoqing also knelt on the ground and saluted Bingqin.

"If this is the case, please also go with me to Da Leiyin Temple in the west to meet the Buddha" Bing Qin nodded at the two, and then took them to Da Leiyin Temple in the west.

"The white snake is my young master of the Zerg race. How can I follow you to the Great Leiyin Temple, you can't take this Bai Suzhen away" The insect **** on one side became anxious, and instantly turned into a streamer and blocked Bingqin's body.

"Mother! Are you going to abandon me?" Seeing two beautiful women like flowers and jade, Xu Shilin also began to worry.

Xu Xian on one side was full of guilt in his eyes at this time, thinking that the white lady worshipped into Buddhism because of herself, and then followed herself into the Buddhism.

"Haha, you have to think about the insect gods. This is Buddhism. Although I am out of Buddhism, there is a big cause and effect. You can't watch the insect gods intervene in the Buddhism fight." Yu Duxiu's body flashed with energy. , The quasi-superior powers slowly walked out from behind Yu Duxiu, their eyes were full of helplessness, but they had to follow Yu Duxiu's will.

"If the empress prevents the green snake and the white snake from entering Buddhism, I can't say that Xu Shilin, this seat will be taken away." Yu Duxiu unhurriedly flicked her elastic sleeve.

"Do you want to do it with me?" The insect **** looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and his fighting spirit rose vaguely.

Yu Duxiu smiled lightly, and then waved his hand: "You **** Guanyin Bodhisattva to the Great Leiyin Temple in the west. Today, I took a few tricks with the insect gods. I calculated with me back then. This cause and effect will eventually be resolved."

The dozens of quasi-superior powers escorted Bingqin and Xiaoqing Bai Suzhen away. The insect **** was really not blocking him, and Xiaoqing said, "Sister, where does Fahai belong?"

Bingqin on one side smiled: "Fahai is only the incarnation of Yu Duxiu, who is now the real body of Mianxia. The reason why Mianxia was embarrassed with your sister back then was because your sister was calculated by the Yinsi and stole that jade. A relic under the sole show of the crown makes the tenth generation of the crown unsatisfactory. All these are causal."

Xiaoqing was stunned when he heard the words: "Isn't it Hongjun? How could it have something to do with that unique jade?".

Looking at Xiaoqing in a daze, Bingqin felt funny. After a fight, he couldn't even figure out the identity of his enemy: "Jade Duxiu is Hongjun."

After speaking, the three of them walked towards the Great Leiyin Temple, and a dozen quasi immortals followed quietly.

"Insect God, please use whatever means," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Okay, let's see how powerful the insects in this seat are."

The insect **** was not polite, and in an instant, countless people flew out of the insect god's mouth, overwhelmingly heading towards Yu Duxiu's annihilation.

"Invert Yin and Yang."

Yu Duxiu's body was turned upside down, no matter how powerful the bug was, it fell into the land of upside-down yin and yang. He didn't understand the power of the laws of heaven and earth, but it was useless. At this time, he turned around and turned into a mess.

"Ice Tribulation".

Yu Duxiu shot it out with a palm, and the icy calamity surged and spread towards the group of insects instantly. Wherever it passed, the calamity was approaching, and countless insects were instantly transformed into a large ice lump and fell onto the ground of Jinshan Temple.




The sound of gnawing was heard in the ice, and I saw that the countless insect swarms actually swallowed the ice from within at this time, but it was just a few breaths, and the ice had been swallowed completely.

"What a tenacious vitality" Yu Duxiu frowned, and then slapped it out again: "Drowning."

The group of insects was drowned instantly by Yu Duxiu's palm. There was no way this time. The drowning power was unusual. The group of insects fell into it, drowned instantly, and was quietly immersed in the water.

"It's really unique, there are some doorways." The **** of insects didn't hesitate to see this. "There is a group of insects here, called: Eating insects, even the void can be swallowed by erosion. I don't know if Mianxia can contend. Woodworm".

After speaking, a group of gray worms were held in the hands of the worm god, and then flew out. They were stuck in the void in an instant, constantly gnawing on the space barrier. Numerous wormholes were formed in an instant, the dense wormholes. Yu Duxiu gradually besieged.

"Eroder? It's ridiculous, there is nothing in the world that cannot be restrained by this seat. The world and all things are in a causal cycle, mutually regenerating and restraining each other. Today, let you see the power of this seat."

Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, and took a palm shot in the next moment: "Void Annihilation Tribulation".

With a palm shot, the wind of annihilation was rolled up, wherever it passed, everything returned to the ruins, the void was broken every inch, and it was instantly turned into ashes by the wind of void annihilation.

"What a supernatural power, no wonder it is called a Duxiu." The insect **** frowned as he looked at Yu Duxiu.

"If you continue to play with your bugs, you don't have to continue this battle." Yu Duxiu's expression was indifferent, with a hint of casual contempt on her face.

"I look down on people!" The insect **** smiled coldly: "Well, let me show you the melee of the insects."

After speaking, there appeared a beehive-like insect nest behind the insect god, but this insect nest was different from an ordinary honeycomb, but an oval honeycomb. I saw an overwhelming number of insects covering Suzhou. The city, with howling, swarmed towards Yu Duxiu.

Facing this group of insects, Yu Duxiu said a powerful voice. Such a group of insects, even their own 36 magical powers, cannot be restrained, and they can only retreat. And now the only thing that can deal with the group of insects is their own disaster. The power of robbery.

Yu Duxiu’s calamity and calamity power spread throughout his body. When that calamity power was over, countless calamities surged out of thin air. I don’t know how many worms were instantly turned into ashes by Yu Duxiu’s calamity. Let the worms overwhelm the world, But it's not nearly within three feet of Yu Duxiu's body.

Those insects who are afraid of wind will be annihilated by those who are afraid of fire will be burnt to death by fire, those who are afraid of thunder will be struck to death by thunder, those who are afraid of wind and snow will be frozen to death by wind and snow, etc. If you are close, the calamity will automatically target your weakness and derive your calamity.

"Still relying on your thousands of methods, this seat has only one trick to kill you, and you will be destroyed, and all of them will be returned to the ruins." Yu Duxiu's eyes sneered as he watched the worms that were falling like rain.


Just when Yu Duxiu's mind was relaxed, she suddenly changed.

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