The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1757: Guarding Pangu Banner

Everyone in the field clashed, rolling up the stormy waves, trembling in the void, and the laws faintly flickering, but it was shocking the countless powers of the heavens and the world to pay attention to this place.

Everyone can't see what Yu Duxiu's punch is, but at this time, watching the ghost master eat the child to death, she knows how entangled the ghost master is at this time.

Yu Duxiu’s magical powers are too disgusting. At this time, Yu Duxiu is fighting with the insect gods in the field, and no one can do anything for a while. The insect **** has a magic sword in his hand, making Yu Duxiu extremely jealous. I dare not call Fajian close, but the insect **** is concerned about Yu Duxiu's supernatural powers. Yu Duxiu's supernatural powers are too overbearing. Didn't you see the ghost master still being uncomfortable? .


After all, there are more and more calamities, and the ghost master can't suppress it, his body bursts open, and then the real body reorganizes, and the calamity derives in the body again.

"Miaoxiu, you bastard, what kind of supernatural power is this?" The six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master flashed, and the reincarnation was threefold in an instant, and came to suppress Yu Duxiu.


Facing the combined blow of the ghost master and the insect god, Yu Duxiu's body flickered in an instant, reorganizing his real body in the distance, and then appeared in front of Xu Shilin the next moment, the miracles gathered in a palm, and shot towards the snake **** Past: "Snake God, since this seat can suppress you the first time, it can suppress you the second time."

"Quack, hey, it's really boring. I was trying to play with you for a while, but I didn't expect you to kill you directly. This body can't be ruined by you." Seeing Yu Duxiu suppressed with a palm, Xu Shilin was weird. With a smile, the next moment he retreated three feet away, avoiding Yu Duxiu’s palm, and saw that Xu Shilin’s whole body was twisted, not enough for a few breaths, and Xu Shilin had already turned into the original appearance of a snake god. .

"Snake God, have you recovered your memory?" The insect **** in the sky said in surprise.

The snake **** nodded when he heard the words: "Thank you, otherwise I will really be suppressed by this kid. This kid is very vicious. Be careful. Everyone is deceived by this kid. Then... ,,".


The snake god’s words didn’t finish, and the body exploded in an instant. The snake **** wanted to shake out Yu Duxiu’s greatest secret, shaking out the secrets of Yu Duxiu’s past and present life. How could Yu Duxiu allow such things? occur.

Seeing the snake **** explode, Yu Duxiu's eyes sneered: "It seems that if you don't show your true ability today, you can't think about suppressing you again. Now that you know the secret of this seat, this seat will definitely not allow you to live in the world. jump".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his right hand, but saw the void distorted, and a chaotic flag streamer appeared in Yu Duxiu's hand instantly.

"Snake God, do you think you can escape the suppression of this seat? Today, this seat is in the presence of the mighty power of the heavens and all realms, suppressing you again, making you completely dead, this seat tells you, the insect **** I can’t save you, and the ghost master can’t save you.” As he said, the flag banner in Yu Duxiu’s hand instantly filled with chaos, and rolled towards the ghost master, the chaotic sword aura burst out across the flag banner, thousands of laws. Instantly disappeared, the world instantly returned to chaos, the twisted space supported by the ghost master with supernatural powers was instantly broken, and the world was shrouded in the light of law.

The ghost master didn't dare to stay longer, and before the law of the great world could be reflected, the ghost infiltrated the Yin Division.


Yu Duxiu's flag and streamers danced, ignoring space and distance, and appeared directly in front of the snake god, instantly exploding the real body of the snake **** again.

"Miaoxiu, don't want to be rampant, want to suppress the snake god, and pass this level of this seat first" The insect **** has a sword in his hand, with sword aura, penetrating towards Yu Duxiu.


Jade Duxiu’s chaotic flags were deployed instantly, shattering everything, and the void was stirred into chaos, and thousands of laws were instantly returned to the market. After the collision between the insect god’s sword and the jade’s chaotic flags, it was actually shattered. The magic power of the insect god, the magic sword of the insect **** collapsed instantly, turned into countless groups of insects, was involved in the chaos, instantly annihilated, turned into powder, and became the nourishment of the flag banner.

"What a powerful Jade Duxiu, such a powerful treasure, is this the fruit of Jade Duxiu?" In the Taiping Dao, Zhang Jiao's eyes flashed with fiery color.

"I remember, isn't that Miaoxiu Dao fruit a green lotus? How did it turn into a flag banner?" Taiping Jiaozu was taken aback.

The insect **** was unexpectedly blown away by the flag, and then the flag was rolled and came toward the snake god.

"Miaoxiu, I don't agree with you. You are just relying on external forces. I want to announce your secret to the public. Everyone has been fooled by you." At this time, the snake god's real body was reorganized and instantly transformed into A huge snake, with the head and body of the snake god, the head and the tail of the snake raised high, colliding with the pangu flag, instantly repelled by an unparalleled force, the words of the snake **** were interrupted, and he was instantly Yu Duxiu went back three or five steps with one blow.

"Snake God, you are looking for death, forcing me to kill you." A divine light flashed in Yu Duxiu's eyes, and the chaotic flag was raised: "Doomed to escape."


The law between heaven and earth was in chaos, and the entire Suzhou city was shaking endlessly at this time. I don't know how many people and animals were instantly destroyed by the aftermath of the fight. At this time, Yu Duxiu did not care about the people of Suzhou City. It was the right way to suppress the snake god.


The golden lotus of God’s will within the snake god’s body exploded again, and the jade duxiu chaotic flag streamer took the opportunity to roll over. Everything returned to the original and returned to the chaos. The snake god’s golden body was too late to reorganize, and was instantly turned into several parts by the chaotic flag flag. Torn apart.

"Snake God! You still can't escape the situation of being killed by my town today. No one can save you today. You must die." The cold light in Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed endlessly, and the chaotic flag in his hand kept shattering the truth of the snake god. The body, chaos attacked horizontally, and the golden body of the snake **** was just floating in the chaos.

"Miaoxiu, you are too much." The golden light in the insect god's eyes flashed at this time, and the insects overwhelming in the sky and the earth continued to gather together to form a pyramid, shrouded in the snake god, and wanted to give the snake **** time to regain his true body. .

To be honest, if it were not for Yu Duxiu to set up a back hand in advance, at this time Wanwan would not have made the snake **** lose the power to resist so easily.

"Don't think about it."

Jade Duxiu's body was full of calamities, and he was instantly blessed on the chaotic flag banner, only to see that the pyramid turned into powder in one face, collapsed, and shot in all directions.

"What a great flag banner, the insect **** is almost completely restrained by Miaoxiu at this time" the wolf **** said with a long look Don't say nonsense, the insect god's real body is not revealed, it is not the insect **** at this time In the strongest state, there is God in the open sky, and God and Tao are the same." Fox God has long eyes.

"Miaoxiu! You forced me" the anger rose in the eyes of the insect god, his body distorted in an instant, and it turned into a ball of light. The light seemed to contain thousands of beasts and insects. I saw that the glory continued. Flashing, then turned into a huge scorpion in the next moment, stinging towards Yu Duxiu instantly.


The chaotic flag was raised, and Yu Duxiu's blow collided with the barb of the scorpion, and the flag danced instantly, knocking the scorpion out.

"There is God in the open sky, and God and Tao are the same! Now that the world is mixed, there is no law of heaven and earth, but we have to see how the innate beasts use their own laws of the gods." Yu Duxiu smiled coldly. For chaos.

"Hmph, your chaos is in the Great Thousand World, it's just the little Hunyuan inside the Great Thousand World. The law and power of the Great Thousand World is beyond your imagination, and it's not something your little Hunyuan can block at all." The insect **** smiled coldly. , And then turned into a white elephant.

"Mother, what is the original law of the insect god, how can you use the power of the other beasts in the world" Yu Duxiu was a little depressed, watching the white elephant roar and shake the chaos, so that Yu Duxiu hurriedly shot, in his hands The Pangu banners rose up: "A blow to the sky."


Yu Duxiu blessed her own perception of the power of the law. God's will was like a knife, and across this little chaos, I saw the power of water, wind and fire rolled up in the little chaos, and the clear and turbid air separated. This blow engulfed Unparalleled mighty force, unexpectedly forced the white elephant into two halves, and instantly the golden blood spilled over the chaos, extremely miserable. u

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