The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1758: ********

"One branch is so unique." In Lingshan Pure Land World, Wukong opened a pair of fiery eyes and looked at that Jade Duxiu against the three quasi-superior powers. He did not lose the wind at all. On the contrary, the suppressed crowd raised their heads. Yu Duxiu solved it with a single blow. The snake **** didn't know the reason, his true body always burst, only the insect **** was constantly struggling to support it.

"My cheap master is really amazing. This is really a thigh." Wukong grabbed his ears, took out the golden cudgel in his hand, and went to help out, but was stopped by Amitabha on one side: "Don't move, your master's strength , Far beyond your imagination."

   "Oh?" Wukong was taken aback.

   Amitabha nodded: "Just watch the changes."

Outside of Middle-earth, Bingqin and Bai Suzhen's team just left Middle-earth, the battle has begun, and Xiaoqing's face paled: "Is this the real strength of Na Hongjun? We fought with our sisters before, how can you? Isn't it just to coax children to play?".

   "This?" Bai Suzhen didn't know what to say when she heard the words. With such a powerful force, she could completely suppress herself with a single blow.

   Guanshiyin said with a light smile: "Don't compare with Na Hongjun, Hongjun is extraordinary!".

   "This kind of battle is a rare opportunity. It is always good to observe it." After Bingqin finished speaking, the group stopped and quietly watched the battle in the void.

The golden blood spilled all over the chaos, Yu Duxiu looked at the white elephant being split, still unwilling to give up. At this time, the fierce light in his eyes flowed: "Dare to calculate me, today this seat will suppress you and the snake god" .

"Miaoxiu, your wolfish ambition, you actually conspired with me before and wanted to create a profound school and fight against Buddhism. This seat just didn't promise you. Why did you take this evil hand?" The split giant instantly turned into a golden light. , And then took the Law of the Great Thousand World and jumped out of the chaos. After that insect **** was blessed by the Law of the Great Thousand World, the light that had been slightly dim began to improve at this time.

   "What nonsense are you talking about?" Yu Duxiu scolded angrily.

   "What nonsense? You said at the time that you had united with the Bodhi and Prime Minister Tortoise. The real name of the Bodhi was changed to Yuanshi Tianzun. Did you say these words?" The insect **** said angrily.


   Yu Duxiu's Pangu banner rolled out in an instant, and cut it towards the true body of the insect god: "I'm asking you to talk nonsense. Today, this seat must suppress you and the snake god."

"Hmph, I became angry. You said this to me personally. You said that you are dissatisfied with Buddhism's use of you to complete the road to heaven and gather endless luck. You want to establish the Xuanmen authentic school and fight against Buddhism. Is it you? That said, you want to invite me to join." The insect god's brilliance flickered and instantly turned into an innate **** beast boar spirit. No matter the chaotic flag is brushed, it is thick and thick, flies out, and pats the **** in an instant. Nothing.

   "A school of nonsense" Yu Duxiu scolded angrily.

   "You dare to say that this sentence is not what you said, do you dare to swear to the sky?" The insect **** said angrily.

   After listening to the insect god's words, Yu Duxiu became more and more furious, but at this time the eyes of countless experts in the heavens and the realms lit up.

   Bodhi and Amitabha have always been a hurdle that everyone can't overcome, but I didn't expect that the two sides actually became dirty. This time it was really fun.

Human race, all the ancestors, look at me, I see you, that Tai Yi Jiaozu suddenly constricted the tortoise shell in his hand, with a smile in his eyes: “It’s really fun, I didn’t expect that Bodhi is no no, it’s Yuanshi Tianzun actually and Amida Dirty happened during that time, and more importantly, Miaoxiu actually feuded with Buddhism. This time it was fun. It seems that Buddhism is also full of internal contradictions. Fortunately, I have always regarded Buddhism as a great enemy and kept calculating. Go, I knew what I was still thinking about, waiting for the two sides to fight, and both lose and lose."

   After listening to Tai Yi Jiaozu's words, everyone's eyes lit up instantly. You look at me, I see you, their eyes are full of weird lights.

  In the wild, the demon gods, look at me and I look at you, the rabbit **** said weakly: "Is what the insect **** said is true or false?".

   "I'm afraid it can't be faked, it's true" Wolf God said.

   Fox God heard a flash of wisdom in his eyes: "Is it true or not?"

   "Whether it is true or false, after both sides have such a quarrel, there must be lumps and grudges in my heart," Tiger God said unhurriedly.

You look at me and I see you, both of them have divine light in their eyes. A pair of eyes looked at the people in the confrontation, and the bull said: "I was surprised that Miaoxiu's combat power was so fierce. He violently repelled the ghost master, and the suppressed insect gods and snake gods couldn't lift their heads."

   "Miaoxiu's potential is terrible" Chicken Shinto.

At this time, Yu Duxiu and the insect **** had already hit the real fire. Yu Duxiu was one enemy and two. Seeing the wild boar spirit that was blown out, the Pangu banner in his hand suddenly shook, and instantly moved towards the snake god. , The snake **** who was about to recover his golden body was bombarded by Yu Duxiu again.

   "Heaven and Earth Return to Yuan".

   Pangu banners crossed the void, heaven and earth, and the laws of the world once again returned to Hunyuan. The Pangu banners in Yu Duxiu's hands blessed God's will like a sword: "Heaven's will is like a sword to cut the common people."


   The wild boar spirit's head was split instantly, and the insect **** once again revealed its prototype, transforming into an ever-changing light group: "Golden Silkworm".


   Insect transformed into thousands of golden silkworms, and rushed towards Yu Duxiu.


   The sound shook the world, and in the emptiness of chaos, it became more and more cold.

   "Division of Yin and Yang".

   Yu Duxiu’s Pangu banner passed by, and the yin and yang flowed around. In an instant, countless golden silkworms were gathered by the Pangu banner, forming the shape of yin and yang Tai Chi, which was suppressed at the poles by the Tai Chi diagram.

   "Training" Yu Duxiu's innate sacred fire flew out of his hand, flew toward the golden silkworm, and landed on the Tai Chi diagram.


   Tai Chi picture collapsed, although thousands of golden silkworms were all red like a soldering iron, they did not mean death.

   "What a ruthless innate fire."

   Countless golden silkworms gathered in an instant, turning into a worm god. At this time, the skin all over his body was red and it seemed to be a big steamed lobster.

   "Today, this seat suppressed your two beasts."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Duxiu's pangu banner flashed: "The heavens are mighty, my way is prosperous."

Countless calamities gathered, the insect **** turned around and disappeared, and instantly came to the snake god, wanting to roll up the snake **** to escape, Yu Duxiu's Pangu flag is too difficult to entangle, so entangled. , I can't take the slightest advantage.

   "A thousand catastrophes are inevitable, where are you going".

The Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hand, ignoring the space distance, appeared directly on top of the insect gods and snake gods, and was severely suppressed.

   Before the flags and flags arrive, the heaven and the earth will be mixed, and the law will disappear instantly.

   "Hongjun, you really want to die, you will never kill you." Looking at the flag banners that were suppressed, covering the sky and covering the sky, the insect **** suddenly roared angrily.

  "Cut the grass and remove the Yu Duxiu's eyes are filled with murderous intent.

"The gods of insects and snakes can be forced to this level, and the heavens and all realms can do this." Taiyi taught the ancestors and sighed slightly: "In today's world, there are only Amitabha, Fox God, and Tai Dou. In addition to this seat, Yuanshi Tianzun, and the ghost master, perhaps Qitian Buddha can also be used. I didn't expect Yu Duxiu to reach this state, but he already has the power of this state."

   "Wrong, too easy, you old thing is wrong this time" Taiyuan taught the ancestor.

   "Oh?" Tai Yi taught the ancestors for a moment.

   "The snake **** didn't know how to win Miaoxiu's calculations, so he couldn't show his strength at all. It can only be said that Miaoxiu suppressed the insect god, and it is so difficult to talk about victory," Taiyuan taught the ancestor.

Tai Yi Jiaozu was silent for a while, and then said: "That is also terrifying. After all, Miao Xiu has not reached the supreme realm. This cannot be hidden from our eyes. The supreme aura is inferior to the quasi-absolute aura. Too far".

   "Yes, no one would have thought that Miaoxiu could achieve this point. I already knew that Miaoxiu was talented, but I never thought that in just five thousand years, he would soon catch up with us."

   "The younger generation is terrible" Dafengzhou, Fufeng sighed.

   He rubbed his teeth in the sky: "The key is still on the treasure in Miaoxiu's hand. How can this treasure be so against the sky?".


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