The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1763: Hongmeng Refining Treasure, the 100,000-Dimensional Worm God


Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the chains of countless heavenly demons on the snake **** instantly decomposed, transformed into countless heavenly demons, and sank into the realm of heavenly demons.

At this time, the snake **** looked pale. The previous blow ignited his own body and sent a stream of information. It can be seen that the snake **** has also suffered trauma, and it is an indelible trauma.

For Yu Duxiu's interrogation, the snake **** was just limp on the ground, smiling haha, but never spoke.

Looking at the snake god, Yu Duxiu's expression turned gloomy, her eyes were full of murderous intent, and she sighed slightly after a while. In fact, this black lotus is a bit like a puppet technique and can only control others' bodies, but Can't control the will of others.

"You stay here, I'm out of here." Yu Duxiu stood up unhurriedly and glanced at Yuanshi Tianzun: "The chaotic clock and the Pangu flag must be re-made, and the key is completely passed. One step is to turn the emptiness into reality, and then the strength can be raised to a higher level and a qualitative change will occur."

Yu Duxiu knew that when his cultivation level reached his level, it would be difficult to improve it. He is now a ninth-rank Huakai, and it is really not easy to want a 10-level Huakai. It is not only not easy, but very Difficult.

Yu Duxiu and Yuanshi Tianzun came out of the gourd, put the gourd away, and stretched out their hands, only to see that Pangu banner was held in their hands, and Yuanshi Tianzun on one side also summoned the chaos clock.

At this time, the forty-nine purple qi in the center of Yuduxiu's eyebrows continued to circulate, rapidly evolving and changing according to a certain mysterious law, but the next moment I saw those forty-nine purple qi in the center of Yuduxiu's eyebrows. Intertwined everywhere and turned into a cocoon, and then the cocoon derives a new grand purple qi, which is also the next level of the purple qi, falling into the Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hands.

"Not enough." Yu Duxiu carelessly continued to push the Harmony Purple Qi. After a long time, he saw that Yu Duxiu's eyebrows projected three Harmony Purple Qi again, and fell into the Pangu banner. The four Hongmeng Purple Qi was in the Pangu banner. Slowly swimming in the middle, this magnificent purple aura seems to have a mysterious power that outsiders may not be able to discover, but as the owner of the Pangu flag, Yu Duxiu’s perception is clear, and the void is mysterious, immortal, and eternal. The substance slowly derives out, is smelted by the Na Hongmeng Purple Qi, then turns into nutrients, and is absorbed by the Pangu banner.


The chaotic clock in Yuanshi Tianzun’s hand was let go, and instantly fell in front of Yu Duxiu. The Hongmeng and Purple Qi was constantly swimming between the two treasures, spinning back and forth, constantly refining the void from which I didn’t know where it came from. Immortal matter.

"What a mysterious power, what a powerful force, if it bursts out, my old tortoise must be blown to death." The old tortoise felt the earth-shaking power bred behind his own, and muttered in his heart, constantly swallowing the starry sky. The vitality of heaven and earth in the middle is used to condense his own innate spirit treasure: "I don't know what Hongjun is doing. The whole person is covered by a layer of mysterious light. It's really terrible. Old tortoise, I can't see the slightest clue. ".

The old tortoise trembled, muttered, his eyes turned around, for fear that Yu Duxiu could not control it well, that terrifying force exploded and turned himself into powder.

"This old tortoise is too courageous." Yu Duxiu shook her head, knowing everything about the old tortoise.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master was full of ghostly spirits, sitting on the seat, with green lights in his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was thinking.

"My lord" black and white impermanence leaned forward.

"How are you preparing?" Ghost Lord said.

"My lord, the two races of shemales have made two lists and locked the souls of the monsters of the monks, and they can't get them. What should be done?" Black and white impermanence said.

"Asshole, this Hongjun is really an asshole. He actually created the Conferred God List and the Demon Banner. It's really an asshole. This forced my Yin Division to explode." The ghost master gritted his teeth, and the black and white impermanence was silent and dare not speak.

After a while, I heard the ghost master say: "What did the insect **** say?"

As he was talking, the void was twisted, and the insect **** had arrived, and saw a mighty divine light descending on the Yinsi Difu.

"Insect God, what do you say now?" The ghost master unhurriedly looked at the approaching light.

When the insect **** heard the words, his face was solemn: "The snake **** is afraid that he will suffer a disaster."

"Isn't the snake **** already suffering?" The ghost master was taken aback, wasn't the snake **** already suppressed? .

"It's not like this, let's look at the message that this seat sends you." After finishing speaking, the insect **** pointed out, and the message from the snake **** instantly sank into the ghost master's body.

The ghost master closed his eyes, his relaxed face gradually became solemn, and after a while he said: "What makes the snake **** so desperate? There is no hope at all?".

"I just want to know what exactly Miaoxiu has to make the snake **** desperate," the insect **** said with a pause.

The ghost master looked solemn when he heard the words, looked at the void with a pair of eyes, and said after a while: "This matter, except for the snake god, only Yu Duxiu himself knows. What a terrible Yu Duxiu, I didn't expect Yu Duxiu to be. The greatest calamity among the heavens, the snake gods have all suffered calamity."

"Find a way to save the snake god?" The ghost master looked at the insect god.

Chong Shen heard this and shook his head: "Yu Duxiu is not a fool and will never give us a second chance."

"What are you going to do now?" Ghost Lord said.

The insect **** looked at the ghost master: "In fact, this seat has already touched the next realm after Dacheng, and our innate beasts are naturally sensitive to the laws and control proficiency, which you can’t compare. You can already open up the dimension."

As he spoke, a mini-worm nest appeared in the palm of the insect god’s hand. This worm nest took on an oval shape: "See if there are countless holes above my worm nest. In every hole, there are In a dimension".

The ghost master changed his color when he heard the words: "I am afraid that there are not thousands of holes in your Worm Nest. Did you create millions of dimensions?".

This is simply too terrifying. Even if the power of the dimension is not in the world, the quantity of something is a qualitative change, and sometimes the quantity is enough to crush the quality.

A killing intent flashed in the eyes of Chongshen: "The unlucky ghost is about to return from the world, and this seat has sensed the unlucky ghost's aura. That Miaoxiu is also a terrifying powerhouse in the heavens and all realms, and Yuanshi Tianzun, The world of great controversy between Amitabha, Taiyi, Taidou, and Fox God is coming to an end, but the world of great controversy belonging to the immortals has just begun."

"What are you going to say?" The ghost master's complexion returned to calm.

"This seat requires taking part of the origin of the six laws of reincarnation" Chongshindao.

"The six realms of reincarnation are related to the operation of the entire world. Unruly actions will inevitably lead to disasters, suffer backlash, and the power of this seat will decay" Ghost Lord said.

"As long as you give me a trace of the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, for the entire six realms of reincarnation, it is nothing but a drop. It is not worth mentioning. With this power of the origin of the six realms of reincarnation, my one million dimensions will be complete, and it will be derived into millions. The world, when the time comes, this seat will be in charge of the power of the millions of worlds, and whoever is the opponent of this seat in the heavens and the world," the **** of insects has a frenzied face.

"What benefits can I get?" The ghost master stared at the insect god.

"Among the millions of worlds in this seat, three thousand worlds are separated, allowing you to trust the origin brand. In this way, even if you are killed or sealed by others, you can also be reborn with this brand. This insect nest has escaped the unlucky ghost for several life and death pursuits. "The **** of insects stared at the ghost master with a pair of eyes: "Moreover, as long as you give me the six roots of reincarnation, you can put forward all the conditions."

The ghost master took a deep breath after hearing the words: " The origin of the six reincarnations is for you, but you need to owe me three conditions, any three conditions for no reason."

"Deal" the insect **** smiled.

"Your Majesty, the origin of the six reincarnations is big, no, it must never be done." The black and white impermanence on one side was frightened and stopped.

Ignoring the black and white impermanence, the ghost master stretched out his palm, and the six traces of reincarnation in the void condensed, and was instantly swallowed by the insect's nest.

"Thank you ghost master".

The insect **** smiled, the origin of the six reincarnations entered his own million-dimensional, and the insect **** had already felt that the insect's nest began to transform in an instant.


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