The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1764: Treasures metamorphose and descend on Yin Division

Seeing the insect gods go away, the ghost master looked towards the black and white impermanence again: "You don’t understand, the origin of this reincarnation is me, and I am the origin of reincarnation. The origin of reincarnation is integrated into the million-dimensional dimension of the insect god. Ten thousand worlds, the wheel-track master of the million worlds, is naturally still this seat, which is equivalent to saying that the insect nest belongs to the two of us, but the insect **** is the first controller, and I am the second controller." .

"Your Majesty is still clever, it is so easy to have a million world power, and your Majesty's power should be greatly increased." Black and white impermanence swears.

The ghost master sighed softly after hearing the words: "In fact, the insect **** may not be clear about the doorway, but he has no choice. Millions of dimensions want to evolve, and the power of reincarnation is the best choice."

In the territory of the worm god, looking at the worm nest in his hand, the snake **** sighed softly: "No matter what, now the general trend is coming, and there is no choice. Among these million dimensions, all the laws are in my control, it's just that The power of reincarnation is only controlled by the ghost master, and the ghost master is still suppressed by me, but in this way, it can be regarded as binding the ghost master to a chariot."

In the void, Yu Duxiu was sitting opposite Yuanshi Tianzun at this time. I don’t know how long it took. I saw that the red and purple qi began to turn around, and fell into Yu Duxiu’s eyebrows again. Yu Duxiu looked at it with a pair of eyes. Facing the Pangu flag and the chaotic clock in front of him, he stretched out his palm and held the Pangu flag in his hand. A knowing smile appeared in Yu Duxiu's eyes: "As I expected, the quality of this Pangu flag and the chaotic clock , It has improved more than ever."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and the Pangu banner was once again submerged in the original spirit. At this time, the Pangu banner had turned into a real substance, rather than the illusory magical power array.

Yuanshi Tianzun dragged the chaos clock in his hands, but smiled, smiled at Yu Duxiu, turned and left, no trace.

With Pangu banners in hand, no matter what dangers Yu Duxiu faces, his life will not be in danger.

"Old tortoise, your innate spiritual treasure is really against the sky. People have bred an innate spiritual treasure for a lifetime, but when you are good, it is actually a complete combination. It is really unfair." Yu Duxiu looked at the old tortoise. .

The void in front of me was distorted, and there was a projection of the old tortoise in front of him. The old tortoise still looks so old and old. He looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, but he cried and laughed: "The Lord does not know, my old turtle How miserable it was before, and he clearly had the qualifications to become the supreme powerhouse, but he was suppressed by the Dragon King of the East Sea. He couldn't find the opportunity, and the old turtle couldn’t help it. When I was idle, I sacrificed the 36 turtle beads in my body and turned them into indestructible things, and then I was idle for millions of years to complete the tortoise shell. Who I know that it was a blessing in disguise, and when I was proving the Dao, I turned into innate spiritual things with me."

The old tortoise’s face looked like a smile but not a smile, like a cry but not a cry. Thinking about it and knowing that this old thing, under the oppression of Donghai Longjun, has endured humiliation for millions of loads, how difficult life is, but the only advantage of the turtle family is Long life, this old guy actually lived a million years ago to today, and finally got the chance to prove the Dao.

"The edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold." Yu Duxiu slowly stood up, and stepped out of the void: "You can practice well here. There are still some trivial things that need to be dealt with. This is not a disadvantage. The Lord, Yin Division dare to embarrass me in every possible way. Today, I will come to Yin Division and take a few tricks with that ghost master.”

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stepped out slowly and disappeared into the void instantly.

Above the sea of ​​blood, a black figure emerged out of thin air, but saw Yu Duxiu strolling in the sea of ​​blood. Although the creatures in the blood sea were vicious, after seeing Yu Duxiu, they all detoured and did not dare to stop.

Yu Duxiu's mouth smiled slightly: "Blood Demon, I didn't expect your life to be moisturized now."

The words fell, and did not get a response from the blood demon, Yu Duxiu was not angry, just smiled slightly: "Pretend that you didn't hear it, right? Don't think that you don't know, you have already refined the blood sea to the blood **** son, this Every drop of blood in the sea of ​​blood is your clone, and you have to force me to fail."

"You kid, don't wait for a good life, run into my blood sea what do you do?" The blood demon's figure slowly emerged, looking like a bitter enemy, but Yu Duxiu smiled: "But I'm just idle and bored, and I look at you specially."

"You are not afraid of the erosion of this sea of ​​blood?" Seeing Yu Duxiu standing in the sky above the sea of ​​blood, the blood demon was stunned for a while, seeing the erosion power of the sea of ​​blood as if nothing.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "You guys, still don't understand my skills."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the feet of the blood demon: "Where is the Karma Red Lotus in this seat?".

"What kind of red lotus? I have never seen my ancestor." The blood demon immediately shook his head.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "I will lend you this kind of red lotus for the time being. I am here to trouble the ghost master. I also came here to see you. I didn't expect you to have a good time."

"Although the sea of ​​blood is dead, it is always immortal. When I completely refine the sea of ​​blood, I will be able to break free from the **** of the sea of ​​blood, and return to the world. The flower world of the world looks intoxicating." Scratching his head.

This sea of ​​blood really didn't look good, Yu Duxiu said goodbye to the gorefiend, turned to the highest peak of Yinsi, "Ghost Lord!"

The sound is not loud, but it shakes the entire Yin Division.

"Jade Duxiu!" The ghost master who was meditating to resolve the calamity in his body heard this shout, and instantly opened his eyes: "There is a way in the heavens, you don't go, and there is no way to hell. You cast yourself, originally thinking about how to find your kid's bad luck, but Considering that you are in the Yang world, it is hard to trouble you. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it to the door."

The figure of the ghost lord was erratic in an instant, and together with the other four supreme powerhouses, all the quasi-superior powerhouses of the Yin Division showed their bodies.

"Really? Ghost Lord, I have something to ask you when I come over today. I have never had any grievances with you. Why have you taken the initiative to embarrass me so many times?" Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered coldly.

The ghost master sneered when he heard the words: "This is also interesting. This world is weak and strong. You are weak in cultivation. If you want to trouble you, I will find trouble with you. Could it be that you think your cultivation base is greatly increased, and you are in the world of the sun. A supreme powerhouse can go wild among the Yin Division."

After hearing the ghost master's words, Yu Duxiu suddenly smiled: "Although my cultivation base has grown and I am about to repel you in the sun world, you still never saw me in your eyes."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and instantly Pangu banner held it in his hand. The chaos around his body was vigorous, and the world was in chaos, and the law was unified, even if the power of the law of Yin Si was instantly blocked.

"Here is my home court" The five innate ghosts in the hands of the ghost master roared to the sky, and saw that the five innate qi of the ghost master's innate five cold attributes suddenly burst out, and instantly overwhelmingly killed the chaos where Yu Duxiu was. Come.

Facing the palm of the ghost master, Yu Duxiu did not dodge or dodge, only to see where the ghost master's innate five ghosts passed, the chaos was transformed in an instant, and the Yin Judiciary began to develop.

"The place inside is chaos," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"The place you are visiting is Yinsi" The ghost master grabbed the chaos with a palm, and moved towards Yu Duxiu's chest.

"The Will of God is like a knife."

Yu Duxiu pointed out that the universe was reversed in an instant, yin and yang changed, and the silk cocoon of the purple energy at the center of the eyebrows instantly evoked the power of thousands of laws in the gathered into the will of heaven and earth, blessing Yudu In the show of a finger, the power of this finger was instantly changed by a secret method, as if it were a sword light.


The five congenital ghosts face each other, and they are instantly slashed by God's will, turning them into powder.

Yu Duxiu still tapped out her finger unhurriedly and looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes.

"It's a powerful attack. Even the five innate ghosts of this seat can be killed with one finger. It's really amazing. No wonder I have the courage to come and play wild in my yin." The ghost master's complexion slowly returned to tranquility, and his eyes turned into two. When the lantern was lit, it was shining with green light: "Take the light of the lead, and the souls return."

"Huh?" The place illuminated by the green light broke through the chaos instantly and came towards Yu Duxiu's true body.


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