The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1765: Rogue supernatural powers, undefeated ghost master

"Invert Yin and Yang."

Yu Duxiu's whole body was reversed, and the green light was transformed by the power of the law the moment it approached Yu Duxiu.

"Today, this seat is going to make a big fuss about the Yin Division, and let you know that the Yin Division is powerful, and I can't provoke anyone."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's Pangu banner rolled up, the chaotic air instantly filled, and everything returned to Hunyuan.


Yu Duxiu held the Pangu banner in his hand, collided with the ghost master, and fought together.


The five ghosts of the innate ghosts of the ghost master were cut off and could not be derived in a short time. The ghost master smiled coldly, and the power of reincarnation in his hand began to brew in the next moment.

"Eternal Reincarnation".

"Open the world".

At this time, Jade Duxiu's Pangu banners had already turned into entities, which were different from those at the time, and their power had more than doubled.


The eternal reincarnation of the ghost master was actually split by the sharp aura emitted by the Pangu flag, and then the Pangu flag rolled and continued to kill towards the ghost owner.

"It's a bit interesting." The ghost master smiled lightly, his palms gleaming: "Thousands of ghosts eat the gods".

Thousands of ghosts roared in the palm of the ghost master, and the chaos was torn and penetrated by the countless ghosts, avoiding the chaotic flags, and coming towards Yu Duxiu's body.

The old guy, the ghost master, is shrewd. After fighting with Yu Duxiu for a few rounds, he knew that this ancient flag was powerful against the sky. If he resisted hard, it would be unwise. He should directly attack Yu Duxiu's body.


The banner rolled back and rolled towards the chairman of the ghost in an instant. The green brilliance of the ghost master's whole body flickered, turning into a ten thousand feet tall, wearing a black robe, eyes like big lanterns. If you don’t see the chaos, continue. Coming toward Yu Duxiu's suppression.

"Come on to me" Yu Duxiu roared coldly, the divine light flowing in the Pangu banner in her hand, instantly countless chaotic sword energy slashed out.


The supreme real body of the ghost master instantly collided with the Chaos Sword, but it was just a face-to-face, and it was already like a worn-out rag doll, pierced in an instant, and countless holes flowed with green brilliance.

The ghost master's movements were stagnant, and a pair of eyes stared at the flag banner: "What a powerful Chaos Sword Qi, actually broke the golden body of this seat directly."

"Eternal Reincarnation".

This trick was not performed on Yu Duxiu, but on himself. It was just three or two breaths. The ghost master seemed to have experienced countless reincarnations. All the scars in his body were instantly wiped out, and there was no bit of it. Restored to the peak state.

"Can this be done?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he looked at the ghost master, "How can I fight this?".

Mastering this trick, the ghost master is always at its peak, with no damage or decline, and has been invincible first.

"I don't believe it anymore. Your eternal reincarnation can continue to use the supernatural powers." The Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hand waved out again, splitting the void, ignoring time and space, and instantly descended in front of the ghost master.

"My lord reincarnation" the ghost lord said faintly, but the next moment he saw the reincarnation vortex spinning in front of the ghost lord, wanting to swallow the innate spirit treasure in Yu Duxiu's hand.

"Split for me" Yu Duxiu's hair was ruthless, and the Pangu banner in his hand slashed towards the reincarnation vortex without hesitation.

"No" The blood demon's roar came from the sea of ​​blood.

"Huh?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback, but it was too late, and the whirlpool of reincarnation had been split.

"Do you know why the unlucky ghost can't help me?" The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked startled and suspicious when he heard the words, the ghost master said: "Hahaha, you will know soon, in the Yin Division, I will not be defeated."

"Run" the blood demon's voice came.


The Yin Judiciary shook, and then I saw that thousands of laws seemed to be irritated, coming back toward Yu Duxiu with a rolling wave.

"You attacked the reincarnation vortex, it is equivalent to directly attacking the law of reincarnation, and you will suffer the backlash of the law." The blood demon's voice came from afar.

"Damn, then you didn't say it earlier, you said you could die earlier" Yu Duxiu suddenly yelled, trying to tear the void and escape back to the sun, but at this time the storm in the Yin Division was rolled up, and the void was already in chaos. Yu Duxiu couldn't tear apart at all.

"Open the world".

"Everything is mixed."

"Heaven and Earth are two instruments."

"The Will of God is like a knife."

The Pangu banners in Jade Duxiu's hand danced instantly, temporarily creating a small chaos, but it still couldn't stop the wave of calamity rolling on that day and the earth. The origin of Jade Duxiu's calamity was dancing with the wind in this wave, and it couldn't stand it at all. The power of this calamity.


There is no doubt that even if Yu Duxiu is the best, facing the backlash of the Great Thousand World Law, she is powerless and instantly turned into powder by the Great Thousand World Law.

Although Pangu banners are powerful, they are the main attack, and they are really bad for defense. If the chaotic clock is here, it may be able to suppress the turbulence of the law between heaven and earth.

"Hahaha, how? If it is an ordinary monk, in this wave of law, you will either be turned into powder or be transformed by the wave of law, but you are not either of these two. I know you are not dead. Come out quickly." The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a smug smile on his face.

"This trick is really a jerk." The fate of the void gathered, Yu Duxiu's body was reorganized in an instant, and her eyes looked at the ghost master with gloomy expressions.

"So, as long as you are in this Yin Division, this seat is already invincible, because no one can beat the laws of heaven and earth." The ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with a thoughtful look on his face. Smile.

"Count you cruel" Yu Duxiu glanced at the ghost lord, instantly converged on the Pangu banner, and suddenly pierced the void with a punch, and went towards the ghost lord: "It is impossible to escape."

"Thousand ghosts swallow the sky."

The ghost master did not show weakness in the slightest, and did not shy away from Yu Duxiu's blow.


Yu Duxiu was knocked into the air by a single blow, and then with the help of this force, tore through the passage between Yin and Yang and returned to the Yang world.

The ghost master took three steps backwards, with a smile on his mouth, and the black and white impermanence said: "This kid is really overwhelming. After the ghosts of your majesty eat the gods, you must be guilty and suffer, and this kid dares to act with your majesty. ".

"That's it, this kid is too ignorant that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and he doesn't pee and look in the mirror."

The words hadn't fallen yet, but when they heard the sound of "Kacha" and "Kacha", the ghost master instantly turned into an ice sculpture, and the black and white impermanence words stopped abruptly, and there was silence in the field.


The ice shattered, and the ghost master said helplessly: "This kid's supernatural powers are too weird. Although it can't hurt this seat, the disgusting person is real."

After the words fell, there was ice again, and then he was instantly broken by the ghost master.

The black-and-white impermanence stared at the ghost master in a daze. The ghost master in front of him was not the one he was back then. Back then, the black-and-white impermanence was hit by this trick. There was no other way but to freeze himself, but the ghost master had little effect, except for the occasional ice In addition, there is not much impact.

It's like a mosquito, you can't kill him, but it always sways around you, you say you are annoying.

"It's not a big deal, it won't be long before this seat can be wiped out." After the ghost master finished speaking, the whole body flickered and walked towards his own hall.

"What is this? I can't see the slightest trace of it." The ghost master sits in the hall of his At this time, a thick layer of ice has accumulated around the ghost master, but Seeing the ice on the ghost master's body continued to shatter, but the ghost master didn't know where the magical power was hidden. He had no choice but to watch the ice form.

"The power of reincarnation can wipe out this power, but if such an interesting power is not studied and studied, it will be wiped out like this. Isn't it an idiot, knowing the enemy and confidant, can only survive a hundred battles" as the ghost master said, looking for the source of the ice Place.

Outside, Yu Duxiu wore a black robe and stood in the void. At this time, Yu Duxiu's body was crying and howling ghosts, and countless evil spirits roared in his body, biting his supreme body madly, seemingly unable to If I swallow it myself, I will not let it go.

"This ghost is not a real ghost, but a kind of law power of the ghost master." Yu Duxiu suppressed the law with the power of calamity, constantly feeling the power nature of this blow, and then suddenly the whole body was surging. Countless ghosts were instantly wiped out by the calamity, and the silence was restored in an instant.


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