The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1774: Too easy to donate copper

Seeing Yu Duxiu, Tai Yi taught ancestors hesitated, and after a while he said: "This lock demon tower is real? Can it really lock the demon god?". ?

After hearing the words of Too Yi, Yu Duxiu sneered: "I, Yu Duxiu, has never lied before since I was born?".

Tai Yi Jiaozu was silent when he heard that, Yu Duxiu turned his head. He didn't believe that this old thing had Kaitian bronze. Even if it did, he would definitely not take it out. Kaitian bronze is such a precious thing. Since the opening of the world, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed since the opening of the sky has long been gone.

"How much does it need?" Tai Yi taught the ancestor to be silent for a while before speaking.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when she heard the words, and turned her eyes to look at Tai Yi Jiaozu: "Naturally the more the more."

After hearing the words of Taiyi Jiaozu, he stretched his palm and grabbed it against the void. Only a black hole was exposed. A piece of bronze the size of a ball was scattered with the weather. The mysterious imprints of Tao and Tao circulated in it. The place where it was, the law between heaven and earth continued resonance.

"Kaitian Bronze" Yu Duxiu was stunned, and Fuyao on one side was also stunned.

Looking at the open sky bronze, Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a look of reluctance. After a while, he said: "This open sky bronze was taken from the mouths of the demons and gods during the rampage of this seat. I gave it to you today, I hope you can really refine the lock demon tower that suppressed the demon god."

Seeing the Kaitian bronze in Taiyi Jiaozu's hand, Yu Duxiu was stunned: "Why? Is it worth it?".

"You have never experienced the recklessness of the ancients, and you have never seen the days of blowing hair and drinking blood. You have never seen the dark ages of my human race during the chaos of the ancient world. Naturally, you don't know the importance of the middle domain to my human race, let alone I know why the demon clan looks at my human clan." Tai Yi Jiaozu lightly sighed: "Central Territory can't hold it anymore, it depends on your lock demon tower."

After speaking, Tai Yi taught Zu turned and left.

Seeing the Kaitian bronze in her hand, Yu Duxiu was stunned for a long time.

"Zhongyu is very important to the human race?" Yu Duxiu put away the open sky bronze.

"The Middle Territory is the ancestral land of my human race. Back then, the first religious ancestor rose in the Middle Territory and divided the center of heaven and earth. Only then did my human race bid farewell to the ravages of the monster race. "Fight against the Yaozu" Fu Yao sighed slightly.

Yu Duxiu was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said: "I don't care. I only need to make a demon lock tower. I can't take care of the rest. Even if the middle domain is the ancestral land of the human race, but nine The Great Sect has enjoyed the luck of Zhongyu for millions of years and should guard Zhongyu. What does it have to do with me?.

Yu Duxiu will never forget the oppression of the ancestors, how desperate and helpless he was back then, and his own methods are superior, and he has survived, and the fate of Chaotian and Fuyao has also survived, and the rest People? What about the rest of the people buried in the years? .

Yu Duxiu asked herself silently, and asked herself closely. After a long time, Yu Duxiu smiled freely: "Human nature is greedy, and this man would rather save beasts than others. It is a sin to save others, and it is merit to save beasts. thing".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and let the mountain wind blow her clothes, silently deducing the prohibition of the lock demon tower.

At this moment, the border between Human Race and Central Territory was surging, and both sides were constantly garrisoning troops, and the secret contest had begun.

From time to time, there are masters who come to stir up a fight. The two sides are in the border land, secretly spying Tianjiao began to compete.

Lunar Star, Zhang Jiao strolled through the starry sky, and slowly came to Lunar Star, looking at the old woman in the Lunar Star with his eyes.

"Yue Lao" Zhang Jiao said slowly.

"The moon is not of your human race" The old woman didn't look up, still playing with the red line on her own.

"Although the moon is not of my human race, the **** of your body belongs to my human race. If you are a wild animal, what right do you have to enjoy the **** of my human race" Zhang Jiao stood ten feet away from Yuelao .

"This **** was granted by Hongjun. If you have the ability, just go to Hongjun's theory." Yue Lao fiddled with the red line in his hand indifferently.

If he could talk to Yu Duxiu, Zhang Jiao would not come to the matchmaker himself at this time.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, hand over the position of God, forgive you for not dying, otherwise your Dharmakaya will fall here today" A talisman seal appeared in Zhang Jiao's hand.

"I'm about to learn about the supernatural powers of the outstanding human race" The little fox smiled lightly, the next moment countless red lines in his hand came towards Zhang Jiao.

"Invert Yin and Yang."

A talisman in Zhang Jiao's hand subconsciously used it.

In Dafengzhou, the red line on Yu Duxiu's eyebrows flickered: "It's not a long lesson, how can you see the power of this seat".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu gently stretched out a palm, and instantly the power of mystery spread in his hand.


Zhang Jiao flew upside down, with a sullen face. There is no doubt that Yu Duxiu's calculation is bad.

"It's really stingy, isn't it just borrowing your magical powers? What's the big deal" Zhang Jiao's eyes flashed with a flash of fire, watching the thousands of red threads entangled toward him, Zhang Jiao coldly smiled: "Fate is intertwined."

This blow is the power of Tai Yi Jiao Zu. At a critical moment like the Human Race, Tai Yi Jiao Zu will never mind Zhang Jiao using his own power to subdue demons and demons.

"This **** supernatural power".

Seeing that his own red line was disturbed by Zhang Jiao's magical powers, intertwining in the void, he suddenly cursed, this magical power is too rascal.

"Look at me using thousands of karma to kill you."

The countless marriages turned into a red hydrangea in the hands of the little fox, and instantly smashed towards the horn. Zhang Jiao did not evade this. The talisman in his hand instantly turned into a real sun fire, one of the real fire. Only the golden crow was constantly flying, and everything that passed by was burnt to dust.

This is the power of the Taiyi ancestor. Looking at the three-legged golden crow, the little fox smiled coldly: "After all, the magical powers are not your own, and they are very mechanical."

After speaking, the red Ryukyu ball exploded in an instant, and then I saw countless karma threads turning into a sharp blade at this time, cutting away instantly towards the open angle.

"What a vicious animal" Zhang Jiao screamed, and the talisman in his hand was changing instantly, and it turned into the power of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. The talisman turned into the power of the four elephants in an instant, suppressing the little fox's red hydrangea. Away.

"Asshole, this is bullying." The little fox yelled angrily, and disappeared into the void with his own karma.

"It's never too late to leave the position of God."

The sword spirit in the void is bright and upright, but I see Mo Xie holding a long sword and standing proudly in the You, a monk who has never accomplished anything, come to stop me? "Looking at that Moxie, the little fox uttered angrily.

"One sword breaks ten thousand laws."

Mo Xie's face was expressionless, and with a sword swung out, the magic was cut off instantly, and the line of marriage was broken instantly.

"What a great swordsmanship" Little Fox's expression changed.

Then Moxie chuckled: "Although I am not as good as you, but even if I am a quasi-superpower, I still have to retreat. I have already touched the realm of one sword and all kinds of magic. I would like to ask you to taste it." .

After speaking, I saw that Moxie took the initiative to cut out with a sword. People who have never seen this sword would never think of how wonderful this sword is, and thousands of magical evidence have evolved in this sword.


The law body shattered, the little fox exploded, and the incense gas instantly collapsed.

In the wild, in the territory of the Fox God, the little fox who was meditating in retreat suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the starry sky with a pair of eyes: "Moxie! This seat remembers you."

After speaking, the little fox stood up and walked out, only to see the red line in his hand flowing continuously: "If I fix Moxie's marriage line with someone, I have to make it difficult for me."

"It's really chaotic, the human race has completely cleared the field. All the power belonging to the foreign races in Kyushu has been cleaned up. Even with the power of the dragon race, countless dragon descendants and grandchildren have been cramped and turned into medicines or magical weapons. This time the Terran came to be ruthless," Yu Duxiu said.

"Oh, all parties on the border of the wild and wild have been assembled, just waiting to warm up, the real race war is about to explode." The sky looked at the boundary of the wild and wild.

In the Yin Division, the ghost master's eyes flickered, rubbing his hands, hehe sneered: "Fight, fight, the worse you fight, the happier you are."

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Family is happy, everything goes well, cute girls have it every day, and the peach blossoms are always fortune. 8

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