The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1775: Sasuga Ginza

"Cloud Forbidden Flowing Stone". ?

Yu Duxiu spoke, a flash of contemplation flashed in his eyes, the Kaitian bronze that Taiyi taught ancestors gave him was enough to refine the lock demon tower, not to mention more than enough, but also enough.

All the materials for refining this lock demon tower are already available, and the Kaitian bronze has been collected, plus the innate gourd vine and mixed yuan gourd, as well as some other heavenly materials, and Yu Duxiu took the opportunity to looting a lot. Treasure house, this treasure is not lacking for Yu Duxiu, so get together, and also make up another key treasure, which is called Cloud Forbidden Flowing Stone.

"Brother Chaotian has ever heard of Yun forbidden flowing stones." Yu Duxiu walked slowly into Chaotian's bedroom. No surprise, Chaotian was drinking with Fuyao. Watching you come and go, push the cup and change the cup. I drank a lot.

The supreme power is immortal, and it’s just like drunken life and dreaming of death.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's arrival, the drunken eyes said: "It turns out that you are here, so hurry up and drink this wine with me. Now you are also one of the few strong men in the heavens and ten thousand realms. I don't dare to bump into you, why make myself so tired."

"This is the life of Zui Shengmengde, when can I relax myself and live this dream life" Seeing Zui Shengmeng's death to the sky and rising, Yu Duxiu gave a wry smile. Her family knows her own affairs, and now she spends time. Open the 9th rank, that is, the quasi-superior level powerhouse, with the help of Pangu flags to fight the supreme powerhouse, the Huakai tenth rank is the supreme powerhouse level.

Yu Duxiu took over the fine wine in Chaotian's hands. Yes, it is indeed fine wine. If the wine that has been stored for millions of years is not fine wine, then Yu Duxiu really can't think of any other wine that can be called fine wine.

Back then Chaotian brewed a lot of fine wines in Taisu Road, but unfortunately, before he had time to drink, he was calculated and suppressed for a million years, and almost killed the death of Chaotian and the blood demons. If it were not for Yu Duxiu's refining innate The yin and yang divine jade, I am afraid that Chaotian and the blood demons will be sealed under the restriction.

"I don't know if you have ever heard of Yunban Liushi," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere" Chaotian scratched his head, and Fu Yao said: "I did hear about it in the ancient times. It is said that this cloud forbidden flow stone evil gate is very, ignoring any magical powers, let your magical powers It’s monstrous, I don’t even want to shake that cloud forbidden flow stone, but if you rely on the power of your body, you can turn the cloud forbidden flow stone into powder with just one hand. It seems that people have said that this thing seems to be hidden in that little Qian. In the secret world of the world".

"That little thousand world?" Yu Duxiu looked at Fuyao.

Fuyao frowned upon hearing this: "After a million years, there are some things that I can't remember."

Speaking of this, I looked towards the sky: "Do you remember who was the one who discovered the forbidden flow stone?".

Frowning toward the sky: "The cloud forbidden flowing stones, this thing is very rare, but it is almost useless, what do you look for this thing?".

"Refining the Locking Demon Tower" Yu Duxiu did not hide it either.

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, he said to the sky: "Don't worry, I think about it, I think about it, who actually said the secret of this cloud forbidden flow stone back then".

Millions of years, even if it is a powerful person like Chaotian, it will take a certain amount of time to recall it completely.

After a while, Chaotian said in doubt: "It seems that the blood demon said this."

"Blood demon? Yes, it is the blood demon!" Fu Yao patted his thigh: "The blood demon was chased and killed by that unlucky demon, and he strayed into a certain Fang Xiaoqian world, and then managed to escape. Bold, he dared to swallow the blood of the unlucky ghost. The blood of the unlucky ghost contained the power of bad luck, but it caused the blood demon to suffer a lot. If it weren't for the blood demon's bad luck at the time, I and him During the fight, if you are contaminated with bad luck and ignorant of the spirit, you will not be calculated and suppressed."

"Blood Demon" Yu Duxiu smiled and turned to the blood sea: "This servant is really a wonderful person."

"Blood demon, old friend is coming to see you again" Yu Duxiu descended into the blood.

I saw that the blood demon seemed to look like a thief, his eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: "What are you doing?"

Looking at the blood demon, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Blood demon, I ask you something. Have you ever seen the Yunban flow stone back then?".

"What are you asking about this?" The blood demon looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, showing a look of worry: "I told you that the cloud forbidden flow stone is too evil, the ancestor I broke into that little thousand world, almost I haven't been burned to death. If it weren't for me, I'm afraid I'm already dead in it. What are you looking for?"

Yu Duxiu didn't answer, but just said: "Don't ink, tell me the location of the cloud forbidden flow stone."

The blood demon hesitated and said: "No, that place is too dangerous. If you go, I'm afraid you can get in and out."

"I am immortal now, is there anything else that can kill me?".

"There is really nothing in it that can kill you, but it can trap you and never get out," the blood demon said cautiously.

"Blood demon, that ninth-rank black lotus in this seat,,,,,,".

"Here you! Here you are! Isn't it the coordinates of the small world? Just give it to you. The ancestor has never met any black lotus, never before. You have it and leave quickly." The demon waved impatiently.

Looking at the appearance of the blood demon, Yu Duxiu's mouth was filled with a smile.

"You kid, be careful," the blood demon said when he saw this.

"Okay, I know, you continue to sacrifice your blood sea here" Yu Duxiu turned around and left.

The blood demon said loudly: "You come back."

"What else?" Yu Duxiu said.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the blood demon hesitated for a while, and then he said: "I tell you the way my ancestors escaped from that little thousand world. Although it is a bit shameful, it did not prevent your kid from being trapped. I can only sacrifice myself where I die.

After speaking, the blood demon ancestor whispered in Yu Duxiu's ear, but he bluffed Yu Duxiu for a moment, and then he snorted and laughed: "This way? You can't figure it out."

"Hmph, I told you not to laugh, you still dare to laugh at the ancestors" The blood demon suddenly became dissatisfied, and then he turned away without hesitation.

Seeing the blood demon walking away in anger, Yu Duxiu's smile gradually faded, her eyes silent, and after a while she sighed softly: "Blood demon, I have written down this favor."

"Go! Go! Go!" The Gorefiend roared.

Yu Duxiu turned around and left There was no smile on her face, but a touch of emotion. This guy actually told himself such a shameful thing, obviously he really regarded himself as a friend.

Locking the coordinates left by the blood demon, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, walked out of the blood sea, followed the Naihe Bridge out of Yinsi, and turned to Dafengzhou.

The servant Wang Daoling was cleaning the fallen leaves. After seeing Yu Duxiu, he respectfully gave a respect. Looking at this Wang Daoling, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt that if this servant and the pig would become good friends, it was the same wretched and treacherous.

"Brother!" Wangchen came to Yu Duxiu's side.

"What's wrong?" Yu Duxiu said.

Wangchen looked at Yu Duxiu, and his eyes flowed: "It's nothing, just watching the brother is too busy, now the brother is immortal, so busy doing what."

Yu Duxiu clasped her stupid cuteness in her hands, and slowly walked into the hall. The banquet that was soaring to the sky had not finished the banquet: "Naturally it is a rainy day. The future will be reckless. If we don’t prepare early, I’m afraid we will Bullied by a wild monk".

"Brother, hasn't the master's soul fallen yet?" Wangchen said.

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath after hearing the words: "Don't worry, the master's soul must have not been reincarnated. It should have been hidden by the Yin Division. When I finish the layout, I will divide the Yin Division. You and my brothers and sisters are looking for the master. Soul".

After speaking, she saw that Yu Duxiu's face was solemn, she was already a ninth-level flower, but she couldn't sense the whereabouts of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang map for a long time, and a faint haze rose in Yu Duxiu's heart. With his current cultivation base, he could already sense the void and find the reincarnation of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram, but now there is no movement at all.

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! The whole family is happy and everything goes well, a lot of cute girls, hugs from left to right, cough cough cough, in short, everything goes well, family is healthy, congratulations on wealth, congratulations on promotion. 8

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