The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1776: Unlucky guy for help

But just as Yu Duxiu was filled with emotion, suddenly a stream of light flickered in the sky and fell into Yu Duxiu's hands. Looking at the jade talisman in his hand, Yu Duxiu smiled: "After all, this old thing like jade can't sit still. , Come over and beg me, Xiaoye."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu instantly turned into a streamer and disappeared, leaving Wangchen stunned.

The old jade ancestors have had some bad things recently. It is not only bad, it is simply very bad. If you say that you are good at cultivating in the wild, you have provoke someone, but you have revealed a little bit of bad luck. , And then the jade ancestor turned into a battlefield. Every day, people were constantly fighting, which disturbed the jade ancestor's desperation. The fusion of his own family was delayed and was interrupted time and time again.

"Your kid is here at last, and I'll be crazy if I don't come again." Seeing Yu Duxiu walk in, the ancestor of Jade groaned in pain.

Looking at Jade Duxiu, the ancestors of jade finally merged with most of them. The entire cave was densely packed with bad luck. Seeing Yu Duxiu entered the crypt, countless bad luck went crazy towards the jade. Duxiu eroded, but seeing a Ninth-Rank lotus on Yu Duxiu's forehead, all the power of bad luck was instantly dispersed by Yu Duxiu, not within three feet.

"I'm a good boy" At this time, half of the jade ancestors are jade, and the other half are meat Tai Sui.

"Why has it been five thousand years, why haven't you finished the fusion? I saw you help me back then, I thought you had already finished the fusion, I never thought it was still like this" Yu Duxiu came with her hands on her back. In front of the jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor grinned: "You don’t have a backache, ancestors are easy to me. Every time the fusion is about to be completed, I don’t know that Wang Ba Lao is causing trouble, fighting with others, causing aftermath, and ruining my ancestors. Because, I'm really angry with my ancestors." The jade ancestor looked up to the sky and roared, wishing to tear the living.

Yu Duxiu sat opposite the Jade Ancestor: "Old Ancestor, Taiyin Fairy met you back then, do you know how to find the reincarnation body of Taiyin Fairy?".

The old jade ancestor frowned upon hearing this: "More than five thousand years have passed. The Taiyin fairy is a congenital god, and it should have been reincarnated long ago. You haven't found the reincarnated body of the Taiyin fairy?".

"If I can find the reincarnation of Fairy Taiyin, I still need to ask my ancestor." Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes silently.

After hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, the jade ancestor turned into two big eyes, showing a pensive color: "Weird! Weird! Impossible, the fairy of Taiyin suppressed the eternal age, how could it be so casual, shouldn't be in reincarnation Something went wrong".

In the Yin Division, the ghost master's eyes looked towards the void, saw Yu Duxiu walking away, and then said to the Yin Division Prince on one side: "So many years have passed, have you found the trace of the Tai Yin Fairy?"

"If you can find a fairy of Taiyin and extradited him to the Yin Division, why don't you worry that Miaoxiu will not yield, why worry that my Yin Division will not thrive" Good and evil said.

At this time, the prince of Yinsi was full of light, and the sentient beings were ups and downs in his eyes, and he had actually proved the true body of Yan Luo and turned into the supreme power.

"Father, the Taiyin Fairy is an innate god, not bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and does not leave a name on the book of life and death. It is so difficult to find the Taiyin Fairy." Prince Yinsi sighed helplessly: "We can only rely on the ghosts. Secretly investigating, the world is vast, and the chance of finding a fairy is too low."

"After the Taiyin Fairy matter has been suppressed for the time being, how has the matter of enshrining the gods list and recruiting the demon flags been handled?" Guizhu said.

"Father, these two treasures are really against the heavens, and they are actually against the heavens. They are actually against the heavens. They need to think of a way to destroy them." The ghost master tapped his fingers unhurriedly: "This Things are inevitable, let's see for my father whether there is a chance to destroy the sacred list and the beckoning banners during the race war." Guizhudao.

"The list of gods is better, but the demon banners are a bit against the sky. Whether it is the big demon, the little demon, the demon king, or the demon saint, all the demon races have entered the list of demon gods, and they will not be under my reincarnation jurisdiction after death. Cut off our lives" said the strong punishment.

After hearing the words of the strong punishment, the ghost master was silent for a while, and then said: "This matter, it is easy to deal with, you can just send the soul polluted by the blood in the Yinsi to reincarnate, call Na Mang. Huang knows that we are great. It does not take thousands of years to see the effect. A fault will inevitably appear in the wild, and the strong in the wild will be unable to sit still and can't help but come to the Yinsi to find us Trouble, when the time comes, I will talk about this trick of the demon flag."

"Does the Human Race do the same thing?" Prince Yin Si said.

"Nonsense" The ghost master glared at Prince Yinsi.

The prince of Yinsi cautiously responded and turned around to prepare.

"Your Majesty, now the prince's certificate is the golden body of Yama, and the power in my Yin Division can finally be used, and the Yin Division will be prosperous in the hands of the Prince." The true king of good and evil flattered.

The ghost master chuckled: "We have to rely more on your support. With Yama's true body, even the life span of a quasi-immortal will be cut off, and the five decay of heaven and man will come. This is my Yin Department's method to shock the world."

"Prince, now that I have proved Yan Luo's true body, I don't know what I want to do?" Black and white impermanence followed the Yinsi Prince.

"Naturally, I want to shake the power and prestige, and muddy the Tan Shui in the sun. If the water is not turbid, how can I fish in the muddy water" Prince Yin Si smiled coldly: "After arranging the reincarnation of the soul, follow me to the sun. , This prince will find Miaoxiu to try, and see how powerful this prince Yan Luo is."

As he was talking, the prince of Yinsi saw the sea of ​​blood and saw the dojo of the Ksitigarbha king, and the corner of his mouth was slightly cocked: "It is better to hit the sun if you choose a day. Today, go find the little Ksitigarbha monk trouble, this little monk means Very powerful, in the entire Yin Division, only the Father God can restrain him, I am about to take action now, to learn about the power of this little monk of the Tibetan king."

"Ksitigarbha king, this prince is here, and he won't come out to greet him." Prince Yin Si stood in front of the Ksitigarbha's dojo gate and shouted.

"Amitabha Buddha, I don't know why the prince came to my dojo" but saw the Ksitigarbha king walk out of the scene unhurriedly.

Seeing that this is only eleven or twelve years old, like a boy-like little monk, with red lips and white teeth, the prince of Yin Si said: "This prince is supernatural, come over and learn about your methods today."

After finishing talking, the prince of Yin Si was not long-winded, but he actually grabbed it and grabbed it lightly to the Ksitigarbha Yan Luo told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch."

The little monk "Amitabha" was surrounded by Buddha's light, and thousands of Buddhas dynasty, countless Buddha's lights burst out of his body, and the powerful phantom of Taoism and Taoism wandered in it.

The palm of the yin prince passed, the universe was calm, wherever he passed, all beings were instantly turned into powder, and the life span was deprived by the yin prince.

At this time, the prince of Yin Si should not be called the prince of Yin Si, but it is more appropriate to call it Yan Luo.

With the palm of his hand, all sentient beings were killed, and the little monk was shocked when he saw this: "What a great magical power, no wonder you dare to come here to find fault."

When the words fell, he saw the rosary in the little monk's hand, and the robes flew out in an instant, towards the prince of Yinsi.

"Yan Luo, Luofu, everywhere, everything exists" The prince of Yin Si did not hurry, stretched out his palms slowly, and moved lightly, avoiding the robes, and in a flash came to the little monk of the Ksitigarbha.

"The time and space are not that time and space, and that time and space are all going to time and space." The little monk said the mantra, traveling through time and space, and instantly came to the past time and space.

"Yan Luo told you to die for the third watch, who dares to keep you for the fifth watch".

The prince of Yinsi once again yelled angrily, this catch actually broke through time and space, shrouded in the time and space where the little monk was, and wanted to grab the little monk out of time and space.

"Hell is not empty, and you will not become a Buddha."


The infinite Buddha light burst, the will of heaven fell, and the prince of the Yin Si was bounced off in an instant, landing in front of the black and white impermanence.

"God favors, the law guards." The Yin Si prince looked a little ugly: "Forget it, you little monk has some ways. I will trouble you in a few days. There are still things today. I don't care about you."

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! Happy family! Official Yun Changlong! Wealth prosperous! Academic success! Hug left and right! Mengmei has it every day! Congratulations to Choi, your career is going well. 8

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