The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1785: When the civil war broke out

Seeing the unlucky ghost spurting frothing stars, Yu Duxiu suddenly felt that the unlucky ghost was pitiful. Just for this reason, everyone secretly considered the unlucky ghost. The unlucky ghost was really sad enough to raise a group of white-eyed wolves.

"It hasn't been seen for a million years, and your cultivation level has risen a lot. Today, I will take a look at how my cultivation has been without the influence of my seat."

Murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of Jade, the next moment a young fist shattered into the void, and struck towards the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao.

"Fate is like weaving."

Taiyi teaches the ancestors of the long river of fate to be twisted and twisted, and instantly weaves into a giant net, heading towards the unlucky ghost: "Dao Zun, this is the foundation you created back then, this is the race you guarded back then, it was turbulent back then. In ancient times, you were the one who overcame thorns and thorns and walked out of the road of the human race. Now the wild monster race is making a comeback again. The Dragon Race of the Four Seas is eagerly watching, and the Yinsi Difu is eager to try. Do you still want to fight?".

"Hmph, this human race is no longer the human race I want. This seat has detached from the racial **** and the blessing of air luck. What is the purpose of this human race? Since you like it, I will give it to you. When I am an idiot, I will be a thug for you. No matter what you say today, I will tell you to taste the real bad luck." The old jade ancestor was so angry, his pink face turned black, that was too easy to teach his ancestors. He was punched through by the Jade Ancestor in an instant, and then headed towards the body of Tai Yi Jiao Ancestor without any reduction.

"Even though I have been suppressed for millions of years, this cultivation level has not stopped, but has advanced by leaps and bounds." Looking at the jade ancestor's palm, Tai Yi taught his ancestors that the fate of the river in front of him turned long, and the tortoise shell in his hand was constantly fluctuating: "Fate, set".

"What a **** fate, I broke it with a punch" The obscure Qi flow on the jade ancestor's fist instantly broke the fate of Taiyi Jiaozu and fell on the turtle shell of Taiyi Jiaozu.


Seeing the bad luck in his turtle's shell, Tai Yi Jiaozu's face instantly darkened.




At this time, the world constructed by the ancestor of Taiyi taught itself to collapse under the influence of bad luck. It was originally not a perfect world. It is normal to have flaws and negligence, but it fell into the hands of the jade ancestors, but it became abnormal. .

"Bring me to stand it up" Tai Yi Jiaozu didn't care about the jade ancestor, so he hurriedly operated the fixed number, and constantly fixed his own world.

"The plum blossoms open."

The Taiyi ancestor on one side made a move and began to break the horoscope of the jade ancestor: "The ancestor should stop here today, stop doing it."

"Bastard stuff".

The old jade ancestor flew out with a punch, and the monstrous bad luck followed. The white plum blossoms were stained with endless bad luck, and in an instant, they were crushed by various calamities between heaven and earth.

While watching the battle, Yu Duxiu found that the bad luck of the jade ancestor was somewhat similar to his own magical powers, but it was the bad luck of the jade ancestor that caused calamity after the release, as to what it is. Calamity cannot be predicted, but Yu Duxiu’s calamity power is different. It is directly blessed by the calamity to you, and you can control the calamity at any time. Although the two sides are similar, Yu Duxiu’s magical powers are more domineering.

"Ancestor, I'm sorry, the battle between the human race and the wild wilderness is now in sight, why don't the ancestors think about the hundreds of millions of living beings of that human race" Tai Dou teaches the ancestor, Zhou Tianxing fights ups and downs, instantly facing that unlucky The ghost strikes away.

The old jade ancestor smiled: "Ridiculous, ridiculous, this constellation called you this star world to collapse today."

While speaking, the jade ancestor let go of the Taiyi ancestor, and voluntarily crashed into the starry sky of the Taidou ancestor.

"Don't!" Tai Yi Jiaozu on one side stopped it.


The air of bad luck spread endlessly in an instant, and in an instant it was already permeating the entire universe, and the power of calamity was everywhere in the void. In this endless starry sky, the power of bad luck continued to interweave.

"Suppression" Taidou taught the ancestors unmoved, Zhou Tianxingdou intertwined, constantly responding to the brilliance of the ancient stars, and went toward the unlucky ghost suppression.

The unlucky ghost smiled coldly, tearing the void in an instant, and jumping out of the circle of Taidoujiaozu.

The endless star field converged and turned into a human form, but Tai Dou Jiaozu looked gloomy at the opposite Jade Ancestor.

"Your body is full of endless bad luck right now. Maybe you will be unlucky at some point. This time I will see how unlucky you died." After finishing speaking, the old jade ancestor once again shot towards the Taiyi Jiaozu and Taiyi Jiaozu. The power of countless bad luck accompanied by the power of disaster and calamity, like a shadow, turning endlessly, and the eyelids of Yu Duxiu who looked at it jumped straight.

The Taiping ancestor on one side couldn't sit still at this time, and the emperor's picture was unfolded in an instant, and the overwhelming flow of Fu seal flooded toward the jade ancestor.


Facing the torrent of runes, the ancestor of Jade jumped away with a pair of eyes looking at Taiping: "That's right, I actually know that using remote attacks will not let me attack your true bodies, but you are on the emperor picture. One piece is missing, it seems that those who have been mixed up these years are not doing well."

The jade ancestor's pink jade carving is very cute, but the mouth is too tricky, hitting people, swearing, and swearing, the Taiping ancestor's face is gloomy: "Dear brothers, don't contact this old guy, let's Attacking him from a long distance, the power of bad luck is too evil, and whoever gets the bad luck, let's stay away from this old guy."

The heavens and myriad worlds have opened the pot at this time. Everyone looks at me and I see you, and their eyes are all surprised. I really didn’t expect that the first teaching ancestor was so powerful, and it crushed everyone within a few moves. Downwind.

"Bad luck Taotao".

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, the monstrous bad luck was accompanied by magical powers, and he rolled over to several ancestors.

"Transfer of Destiny", the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao didn't know what magical power he had, and actually tampered with his own fate, the moldy spirit in his body instantly separated and fell on a certain monster in the lower realm.

"This trick is powerful. It seems that you have already gotten the fate of it. It is worthy of my ancestor's attention." The jade ancestor finally put away his joking heart at this time and looked solemn.

"Plum blossoms are easy to fate."

The Taiyi ancestor on the other side also transferred the power of bad luck to the little demon not far away.

But seeing the little demon, who had always been alive and lively, in the battlefield, was instantly hacked to death by countless sharp knives.

"Between the stars and the vicissitudes of life" Tai Yi taught the ancestor of Tai Yi's body that countless stars burst into the body, thousands of stars were instantly annihilated, returned to Hunyuan, and in a flash, new stars were reorganized instantly.

"Dao Zun, you thought we were vegetarians these years. We had expected you to return sooner or later. In order to deal with your bad luck, I waited hard and kept thinking about how to break your supernatural powers for millions of years. The time I waited is not in vain" too easy to teach ancestors.

Seeing Tai Yi Jiao Zu, Tai Dou Jiao Zu, and Tai Yi Jiao Zu have eliminated the power of bad luck, the picture of the Taiping Jiao Zu instantly turned into a piece of talisman paper: "Transfer".

The power of bad luck was transferred to Yu Duxiu instantly.

"Taiping, do you dare to calculate me" Yu Duxiu's eyes were cold, looking at the talisman in the hand of the Taiping ancestor, which was actually similar to the supernatural powers such as a substitute, her face suddenly became gloomy, and she walked out of the void slowly.

" That’s great, it can actually resolve my ancestors and my bad luck. It really surprises my ancestors." After saying this, he said to Yu Duxiu, "You kid go aside first. Wait, after I resolve our grievances with these ungrateful guys, it's not too late for you to make a move."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade sneered coldly: "The methods that ancestors used with you before are only the means millions of years ago. You think that with my wisdom, you will not think of other magical powers in millions of years. ?".

"You overestimate yourself, look down on me too much, I am the first ancestor." The old ancestor of Jade had a hint of irony in his eyes, and took a deep breath in the next moment, only to see the thousands of laws in his hands circulating, and a world faintly formed. The endless laws of bad luck flowed out in that world.

"You have just touched the realm of transcendence, far from the ancestors and me. Today I will ask you to see the true power of transcendence." The ancestor of Jade had a sneer in his eyes, his palm stretched out, and the universe turned upside down. , The Law of the Great Thousand World is changed in an instant, and the Law of Three Thousand Resonates.


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