The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1786: Calculate

As soon as the Jade Ancestor punched out, the mildew on the ground that day turned into a rule, and it was not too easy to teach the ancestors to resist. The Jade Ancestor punched directly through all the defenses and fell into the tortoise shell.

"Hey, let you know the ancestor's methods, kid, give me bad luck" Jade ancestor shot down and sneered again and again.

Looking at the ancestors of Taidou, Taiping, and Taiyi, the unlucky ghost sneered again and again: "Isn't I looking down on my ancestor with my supernatural powers? I will tell you to know how powerful it is today."




After the three shots fell, the three ancestors flew upside down in an instant. Although they didn't suffer much damage, they looked gloomy at the same time, knowing that the matter was in trouble, this time the matter was serious.

Looking at the power of the law of bad luck that is entangled in your own body, the power of this law can be worn away in a short time, no matter how you spend it.

If you can't get rid of this bad luck law, just wait for bad luck in the future.

That Taidoujiao ancestor's star Dou divine light lingered, obliterated time and time again, and all things in the world returned to chaos, but there was no effect at all. The law was like a tarsus maggot, it was indelible at all.

"A powerful blow, worthy of being the first ancestor." All the supreme powerhouses of the heavens and ten thousand realms cast their eyes sideways.

Seeing that everyone was hit by himself, the old ancestor of Jade patted his hands: "This Zhongzhou will do whatever you want, ancestor I am not rare, Hongjun, let's go."

"Go? It's not indecent to come and go. Wherever the ancestors go, why not try our attack?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at his turtle shell with a gloomy expression, the original chaotic color of the turtle shell. In Tai Yi Jiaozu’s perception of the gray line, he seemed to be able to produce bad things at any time.

"Oh, still thinking about fighting back?" Old Jade Ancestor nodded: "It's okay, just do it."

The teaching ancestors are the supreme powerhouses, and wanting to suppress it seems unrealistic for the jade ancestors. Now they have turned their own rules into tarsus maggots and let the other party know how powerful they are.

"The fate is repeated, the ancestor's physical body is destined to be incomplete, and it falls short." The tortoise shell in the hands of Taiyi taught the ancestors, and the ominous power is constantly flickering.

"Huh?" The jade ancestor's movements stagnated, only feeling that his own smelted flesh, Tai Sui, seemed to be at work again at this time, and wanted to split from his body.

"Asshole, since it has been integrated, how can there be a chance for you to resist, you and I are one, how can you and me?" But seeing a world projection in the body of the jade ancestor, all hidden dangers disappeared instantly.

Tai Yi Jiaozu's complexion changed: "The realm of the old ancestor has reached such a point, the law is completely derived, but I don't know whether it is a small thousand world or a middle thousand world."

Seeing the projection of the world inside Tai Yi Jiaozu's body, Tai Yi Jiaozu's complexion suddenly changed, and he put away the turtle shell, not making any moves.

After listening to the words of Tai Yi Jiaozu, the other three people who were willing to make a move stopped abruptly at this time, and looked at the jade ancestor in amazement.

Now that everyone has made breakthroughs in their cultivation and opened up the world in their bodies, of course they know how difficult it is to derive a complete world. Which kind of difficulty is not one plus one equals two, but it is rare to your imagination.

"Why? Don't do it anymore? I will leave if I don't do it." Old Ancestor Jade gave a weird look at everyone with a smile on his face.

Yu Duxiu on one side walked out slowly: "What anxious ancestor, your grievances have been temporarily resolved, but your grievances have not been resolved yet."

While speaking, Yu Duxiu came to Taiping Jiaozu with a pair of eyes looking at Taiping Jiazuo with a complex expression, but he sighed to the sky.

"Unexpectedly, the unlucky ghost actually reached this state." In Han Gang's bedroom, there was a little cold light in Han's eyes: "Unlucky ghost is worthy of unlucky ghost, I am afraid that it will be inevitable to come to find trouble in the future."

"Brother, things are a bit unexpected," Nanhai Longjun said with a frustration.

In the Crystal Palace, the glittering light circulates, and the entire Crystal Palace is magnificent and magnificent, but you can see the precious treasures in the Crystal Palace. All the decorations are rare treasures in the world. At this time, the four seas of dragons in the main hall are gathered, counted. Jinlin's five dragons sat together, with a pair of eyes looking at the battle in the void.

"This servant is about to condense into a complete world, whether it is a small world, a small thousand world, or a medium thousand world, the understanding of the power of the law must be everyone’s imagination. We are not his opponents at all. Unexpectedly, after a million years, this old thing is still the first person in the heavens and the world." Donghai Longjun grabbed the wine glass in his hand, his face was full of depression.

The wine glass was carved with dragons and phoenixes, and the wine was as red as blood.

"This old thing's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth may not be the first in the world. Miaoxiu is the first person to understand the real laws of the world. If we quickly understand the laws of the world, we should actually start from Miaoxiu." Jin Lin said .

"Brother Xian has any ideas, just come one by one" Donghai Longjundao.

"Miaoxiu is in the heavens and worlds. The reason why the battle is against the sky is because of the flag banner. If we can suppress that Miaoxiu with a thunder and thunder, and then **** it back to the Crystal Palace, search I'm so soul-stirring that I have captured the insights about the power of the laws of the world. I don't know how much our understanding of the power of the laws will be at that time. Even if we can't catch up with the unlucky ghost, it must be similar, and it can overcome the cold.缡" Jinlin said.

After hearing Jinlin's words, Sihai Longjun's eyes flickered, and Xihai Longjun said: "Miaoxiu is already immortal, and the means are elusive. I am afraid that this matter is not easy to start."

"Anyway, we have torn our skins with Miaoxiu, even if this thing fails, what can we do? The hatred can no longer be resolved, and sooner or later, we will never die, and we are still cautious about doing so much," Jin Lin bewitched.

After hearing Jinlin's words, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas nodded their heads. Jinlin's words are reasonable. Anyway, they are already immortal. Doing so much. The cause and effect has already been established. Sooner or later, it will be over. It's better than now. It's refreshing.

In the wild, the atmosphere in the wild was stagnant at this time, and the demon gods were silent.

"After a million years of waiting, I wanted to conquer the human race in one fell swoop. I never thought that such a big change would happen. I don't know if this unlucky ghost will help those **** to keep the middle domain. After all, the middle domain was the unlucky ghost back then. Efforts" Fox God looked blurred.

"What I am worried about now is whether the unlucky ghost will come directly to Lixuan to make trouble!" God E raised his head, his eyes flashing murderously: "This old thing was in the chaos of the ancient times, but it was a well-known generation who must report it. I don’t know how this old thing retaliates against us."

"We have so many monsters and gods, even if the unlucky ghosts are fools, they dare not really come here alone. With so many monsters and gods together, even if they are piled up, they can be piled to death, not to mention that the ancestors are still aside. Looking at it," Xiangshen said boringly, with a touch of sadness on his face. It sounds good, but I really face the unlucky ghosts, and ensure that except for those who shot back then, the demon gods that were born later are watching the excitement.

"What should I do now? Do the race wars continue."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Dafengzhou, leaning against the sky, You look at me, I look at you, eating the cakes in front of you, while Tai Su Jiaozu quietly poured wine for the two of them.

Chaotian said: "Finally saw that the old guy Tai Yi was slumped. This time the bad luck is so terrible. If we provoke him in the past, we promise to hang him."

"Hey, we are not the kind of people who fall into trouble and take advantage of others. If you want to provoke, you have to provoke the four guys together." Fu Yao's face was righteous.

"I was thinking that after the toss of the unlucky ghost, the human race has worsened the situation, but it has suffered the human race" Tai Su teaches judo on the side.

Hearing what Tai Su taught ancestor said, Chaotian disapproved: "On the basis of the unlucky ghost, if this old guy does not nod his head, the demon gods can conquer Kyushu, but that dare to conquer the Central Territory? In this turmoil of the ancient times, the sole authority Ancient times are not unreasonable, that is, after the chaos of ancient times, they were calculated and suppressed. Only in the ancient times did Taiyi wait for others to come forward, otherwise,,,,,, tut tut."


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